Home Connect binding

Hi Stefan,

is there a verification url at all? Can you please post your application config at the Home Connect developer site (you can blur the access tokens etc.)?


Hi Jonas,

a verification url I don’t see. What I have now is:


Hi Stefan,

looks good so far. Could you please post your curl requests and responses (please remove or change the client id etc.)?


Hi @H311m4n,

washing machines are supported now. :smiley:

The simulators at the Home Connect developer site are great, but they don’t always behave like a real devices. I only have a dishwasher at home to test my plugin. Hope it works for you. I’m happy to here how it works for you.


Hi Jonas,

Awesome thanks, will have to wait a bit until a can test this out as i’m swamped at work and leave for holidays on saturday.

Will let you know!


Hi Jason


curl -X POST   https://api.home-connect.com/security/oauth/device_authorization   
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache'   -H 'Content-T-www-form-urlencoded'   
-d 'client_id=MyClientID&scope=IdentifyAppliance%20Monitor%20Settings'


  "expires_in": 300,
  "device_code": "12345678-ABCD-0123-0123-ABCDE1234567",
  "user_code": "XXXX-ZZZZ",
  "verification_uri": "https://verify.home-connect.com",
  "interval": 5,
  "verification_uri_complete": "https://verify.home-connect.com?user_code=XXXX-ZZZZ"

from my point this looks ok. and as described

Putting the verify link to browser opens the page with login mask where I have to provide email and password.
And always reports: Login to server failed - please try again later.

if i just continue with step 6 anyway. Response is:

  "error": "authorization_pending",
  "error_description": "The authorization request is still pending as the end-user hasn't yet completed the user interaction steps"

Which is not really surprising as something is missing here.


Hi @smhaller,

Strange just tested it with my account and it worked.

One thing I’ve noticed. In your posted screenshots openhab2-binding settings, the Home Connect user account for testing is not an email address. I had to use, like in the mobile app, an email address.


Hi Jonas

I’ve got it working! Earlier it was possible to login with a username that was not an email, meanwhile this seems to have changed. And as the opening form check for a valid email address (not a username) it failed to authenticate. So I changed the details accordingly.


Hi @shorty707,

I’ve added fridge/freezer support. Unfortunately the Home Connect fridge/freezer simulator behaves strange sometimes. I couldn’t test if temperature changes or turning on the super mode is propagated to the binding via Server Sent Events. After reading the documentation I think it should work, but I couldn’t test it.

It would help a lot if you could check it. Please change the temperature on your appliance and check if the new values are visible in the PaperUI.


Hi Jonas

I’ve added te Siemens Washer and so far all looks fine. I have no control functions yet, just displaying the status values. I will test control functions asap


Hi Jonas,
I have added a Bosch dishwasher and a washmachine. Dishwasher seems to be working and washmachine will be added tomorrow :slight_smile:
Would you please add dryer support to the binding?
Thank you in advance!

Hi Jonas,
short feedback from my side. The wash machine interface works great as well as the dishwasher. Thank you very much for your work. Great job :slight_smile:

+1 for this!

I can test for you if that is any help.


I’m also having issues with the uri verification. First was getting “Login to server failed - please try again later.”. In the application, I had defined the user name from my profile.

I then changed this to my e-mail address and now I get “Your login details are incorrect, please check the information you entered.” using my e-mail and the password I use to log on to the dev portal.

Not sure what I’m doing wrong…I know the password is correct.

Hi @jb4711,
first of all - thanks for this binding!

How is it related to @FanFan 's BSH Binding:

Is it based on it or a complete rewrite?
How about local connection from openHAB to the BSH appliances?
From reading the manual it seems, that the Bosch app can live without a permanent internet connection.

I asked similar to @FanFan one day, but did not get an answer yet:

Since I don’t have my BSH appliances (yet), I can’t test/verify the local operation myself.
Would be nice if you can try and shed some light on this :wink:

Thanks in advance.

Nevermind got it working!


@Saracen @Adrian_Rinnus: I will add dryer support next. Thanks for willing to test the thing once done.

@H311m4n: What was the problem? Should I extend the documentation?


Is it based on it or a complete rewrite?

It is a complete new binding. I first tried on a fork of @FanFan’s binding, but realized that it is better to create a new binding.

  • polling approach won’t work because of rate limits (https://developer.home-connect.com/docs/general/ratelimiting) 1000 requests per day is not enough to fetch the data frequently
  • I don’t like configuration files - now you just have to setup a api bridge
  • Server Sent Events wasn’t impl.
  • oAuth device flow was missing

How about local connection from openHAB to the BSH appliances ?

Haven’t done any research on this one. I’ve decompiled the original Home Connect app and had a brief look at the source code. Seems like the app is communicating with a different API. If I remember right it was using gRPC/Protobuffer (but I’m not sure).

Hi Jonas,

do you have any plans to merge the binding into master so that it will be available in the snapshot builds?

I was getting confused with the usernames/passwords. It wasn’t immediately obvious to me that I needed to use the username/password combination I use on my homeconnect app on my phone, and not the one I used on the dev portal. Maybe this was in the documentation and I missed it though.

That said, all works fine with the binding and my washer so thanks for your work!

Yes, I will create a PR once I have implemented all device types.