Home Connect binding

@INT5749 same here. Siemens washer is offline when I switch it off. Siemens oven stays online.
It’s interesting because the washer supports “Remote Control Start Allowed”. But maybe Siemens wants us to explicitely switch the washer on for some security reasons?

It’s how it works. A washer can only be ONLINE or OFFLINE in openHAB.


Probably I explained bit wrong

Sure thing it only can be ON or OFF (same than dishwasher) but for dishwasher there is another channel => homeconnect:dishwasher:bridge:dishwasher1:power_state

For WashingMaschine this doesn’t exist.

Thing Dishwasher stays online even power_state is OFF

For WashingMaschine there is “only” homeconnect:washer:bridge:washer1:operation_state which btw also exist for Dishwasher

“Issue/Concern” when WashingMaschine is switched off, Thing goes offline :-/

This is same for both devices, you have to turn on and activate remote start. There is no other way to start a whitegod and I agree with your assumption: likely because of Security Reason. But this is not my concern :wink: It’s about thing which goes offline so all Items change to UNDEF :frowning:

No a washer can only be ON. There is no OFF state available. In general a Home Connect device can be in Off, On or Standby mode. Unfortunately, appliances of type washer or dryer only support the On state.

For the openHAB binding a washer can be ONLINE or OFFLINE. If the washer is not ONLINE, the binding doesn’t know in which state the machine is. It could be turned off or there might be some WiFi connection problems. While the machine is in this state, it does not receive any status updates etc. This is the reason why some items turn to UNDEF.

@INT5749 do you know if your device is connected to the WiFi network while it is turned off? I only own a dishwasher and a coffee machine. They stay registered while in Off or Standby mode.

No, it’s no longer connected to WiFi once switched off. IP get’s unused connection in Fritzbox. When switched on there is a WiFi Logo in Display showing that it’s connecting to network. Thing than goes online

Hello @jb4711,

sorry for my late response. My dryer is not running so often in this Corona times.
Looks better. At least the remaining seconds are now shown correctly in “RemainingProgrammTimeState”. ProgramProgressState is now showing up in % but fixed permanently to 100%. And there is still an issue with the enums in SelectedProgramState and ActiveProgrammState:

Last messages in log:

2021-03-13 14:33:03.335 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'HC_Dryer_ProgramProgressState' changed from 100.0 to 100 %
2021-03-13 14:33:03.343 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'HC_Dryer_RemainingProgramTimeState' changed from 60 s to 0 s

Again thanks for the addon and your support!

Hello @jb4711 - thanks a lot for all your effort to build this Binding :slight_smile:

I use the binding for Siemens Dryer and Washer.
The SpinSpeed for the Washer doesn’t show a speed but the complete “path”. Is this expected?
For some speeds I see additional to the state a displayState with the Speed value only.
However for the program I run currently only a state is available, but no displayState.
Is there any rule when state / displayState is used for SpinSpeed?

{ "state": "LaundryCare.Washer.EnumType.SpinSpeed.RPM800" }

Thanks - Stefan :slight_smile:

Just see the same for WashingProgramTemperature. Doesn’t show a real temperature.

{ "state": "LaundryCare.Washer.EnumType.Temperature.GC40" }

This is very probably because your program is not one officially supported by the API or your current speed is unsupported.
But this could be probably improved.

And sometimes it just require you force the refresh of your browser.
The list of values is dynamic and is updated when the washing program changes.

Thanks for your reply :slight_smile:
I’m using a new Siemenes IQ700 Washer from last year - I would assume that all the modes are supported as the machine is only from last year.

However, I see wrong parameter also in the original BSH iOS App.
Seems BSH HomeConnect is indeed not very reliable in general - this is not related to the Binding.

No because API does not support every washing program. No link with how old is your machine.
More your machine is high level, more you have chance to encounter this problem because your machine has more options.

Since today my devices are shown as offline. Yesterday I received an email that they have some trouble with homeconnect but I received as well an email last night that this should be fixed. Connection of my account is possible and the bridge is shown as online but not the devices. In the homeconnect itself I can see the devices as online.

Is there anybody else with this problem?

I had this issue too a few days ago. I just waited 1 or 2 days and the device was online again without any intervention from my side.

I have the same since the outage 2 days ago.
The Bridge is online again since yesterday, however the devices are still offline…
I see the same in the original App. Connection between device and Cloud is down.

However it is strange that the different channels are showing values. I would rather expect they are NULL or ERR etc. but operational state of my dryer is Run!?
I guess this is a error in the binding.

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Same here. I have some strange values for the devices, too.

@jb4711: Any Idea?

Edit: It is working again for me!

I had the same thing. After power cycling the appliances, they came online again…

Hi all,
this binding is working very nicely with OH3 - 1 siemens washer and 2 siemens ovens! Great job.
I have a question: I followed this advice and route my domain to the …/homeconnect like:

  • Redirect URIs: add your openHAB URL followed by /homeconnect
    for example: or **https://myhome.domain.com/homeconnect**

Do I have to keep this “open”? Currently everyone can reach the Home Connect Console … this is showing too many details to the public - which I do not like!
Or did I miss here anything?!? Can I hide anything or disable this forwarding


This binding works very nicely, flawless install on 2.5.12.

However, one question:
In the normal Android app provided by the vendor, I have the opportunity to activate some advanced “dishwaher functions” such as “ExtraDry”, “Silent Mode” or “Vario Speed”.

Especially “VarioSpeed” or “ExtraDry” features seems kind of interesting for home automation purposes to me, as you can accellerate the dishwasher (or do some extra drying), under the condition that there is enough solar energy produced on the roof during runtime.

Can someone comment if this is something that is possible with this binding as well, maybe using the advanced paylod API or something?

From first glance, these advanced features are not supported (yet) from what I can see on the PaperUI, but I might just be missing some details, having installed the binding only today for the first time.

Any comments or hints are highly appreciated.

Agree with @Lolodomo
I have no idea how to prevent this behavior.

Technically the Home Connect API is always responding with values like LaundryCare.Washer.EnumType.Temperature.GC40. The binding is “translating” them into 40°C.


usually you use your private IP address or your openHAB instance runs behind a firewall (router). Other people cannot reach the installation. You can quickly test it, by using your smartphone (not connected to WiFi) and try to reach your installation. This shouldn’t work.