Home Connect binding

Currently, the settings are read-only. I’m working on it. Please just follow this channel for updates.

It was at the start of that post you replied to. Afterwards i put it back to default level, do you need more logs?

Yes please.

Hi Alex,

I’ve created a new alpha version (org.openhab.binding.homeconnect- which supports setting the super mode. Is it possible for you to test it for me?

Another question, where you able to set the temperature with the old version of the binding?

If you have any log files, I would be glad to see them. Helps me to understand the devices.


Hi Jonas,

sure i can test this…

Short question, do i need to remove bridge and freezer thing and add them again with the new version of the binding installed?

Or is it enough to remove / readd the freezer thing?

Regarding your other question:

The 2 main temperatures, i already was able to modify with the old binding: Freezer and Fridge

There are some other options were no channels were available:

· Temperature Special Tray

· Vacation Mode

· Energy Saving Mode

· Sabbat Mode


I think you just need to install the new binding. No need to remove anything. I haven’t changed channel stuff.

Cool, thanks for the feedback. The Home-Connect fridge simulator only emits “door open / closed” events. Very limited.

I can’t find anything in the Home Connect documentation about it. A openhab log file would help.


Could someone please test Hood support? @iway @fjortisbart
Link: org.openhab.binding.homeconnect-


Hi Jonas,

so exchanged the jar file and restarted the server.

I’m still able to change the main temperatures for fridge and freezer, but still not able to change the SuperModes.

I will PN you my openhab.log file in a second…
Additional to the try to change it from OH,i also changed the SuperModes in the offical app. You can see this in the Log.

Additional i would suggest to focus at the moment on the SuperModes… If we get them running we may can have a look for the other settings mentionend which you haven’t seen in the documentation. But i can trigger them in the offical app… So should be there somehow…


Added some logging options to org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg so that all the homeconnect stuff is logged in a seperate file:

log4j2.logger.homeconnect.name = org.openhab.binding.homeconnect
log4j2.logger.homeconnect.level = DEBUG
log4j2.logger.homeconnect.additivity = false
log4j2.logger.homeconnect.appenderRefs = homeconnect
log4j2.logger.homeconnect.appenderRef.homeconnect.ref = homeconnect
log4j2.appender.homeconnect.name = homeconnect
log4j2.appender.homeconnect.type = RollingRandomAccessFile
log4j2.appender.homeconnect.fileName = ${openhab.logdir}/homeconnect.log
log4j2.appender.homeconnect.filePattern = ${openhab.logdir}/homeconnect.log.%i
log4j2.appender.homeconnect.immediateFlush = true
log4j2.appender.homeconnect.append = true
log4j2.appender.homeconnect.layout.type = PatternLayout
log4j2.appender.homeconnect.layout.pattern = %d{dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%-5.5p] [%-50.50c] - %m%n
log4j2.appender.homeconnect.policies.type = Policies
log4j2.appender.homeconnect.policies.size.type = SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy
log4j2.appender.homeconnect.policies.size.size = 1000MB
log4j2.appender.homeconnect.strategy.type = DefaultRolloverStrategy

Will report back in a couple of days if the log is big enough.

Just replacing the .JAR file did not work for me. I had to go through the account connection again with …/homeconnect.

I can confirm changing temperatures as well as enabling/disabling SuperFreeze works like a charm

Hi Jonas,

same here, after replacing .Jar and going through the whole account connection process it now works perfectly…

Will share the log again via PN.

Any idea if we can reach the other options mentioned before? I will trigger them via the official app, maybe you see something in the logs.


Ah, nice :wink: Yes, ill setup an testinstallation for this.

Stay tuned!

:smiley: great


just saw that hood devices aren’t discovered automatically. I fixed it.

New binding: org.openhab.binding.homeconnect-

I’ve also added very basic support for Hob appliances. @scootaash @Boris_Cnapelinckx @Others who own such a appliance: could you please test the new binding version.

Further, I added washer/dryer combination appliance. Can someone test it.


Unfortunately I don’t have any appliances yet - am considering what to purchase - so can’t really help. Loving the progress though. Thanks!

@jb4711 is it possible to add a request limitation in the binding? I think at Home Connect they are not willing to change their rate limit of 50 calls per minute. As I have a several devices, I quickly reach the limit of 50 calls per minute. If the binding could keep track of this threshold, that would be nice.

Hard to do, but I will put it on the TODO list. I tried to keep the amount of API request as low as possible. I think you only reach the limit if you add or remove a couple of appliances in a short interval. Or if you restart openHAB very often (eg. for testing).
The majority of appliances changes are consumed via Server Sent Events. --> no limit at all

@jb4711 I tried the add-on for the first time. Including my cooktop.
As you can see this works. Nice work!
I can finally start the cooker hood from a different brand automatically.

I wanted to look at the source in GitHub I can’t seem to find the current version in your repo?
Wanted to see if it was possible to somehow get the power level so I can change the cooker hood fan level accordingly :slight_smile:


The source code is on a different branch.

What type of appliance is it (Screenshot)?

Hi @jb4711

I’m super glad to see this thread.

I recently purchased a few Siemens Home Connect appliances. I am expecting to receive them in about 1-2 months and I would gladly help with testing the binding on them.

These are the device models I’m expecting (all Siemens):

  1. Integrated dishwasher SN658X06TE
  2. Built-in oven with microwave and steam HN678G4S6
  3. Washing machine WMH4W640IL
  4. Induction hob (cooktop) EX675JYW1E
  5. Hob temperature sensor HZ39050

Let me know if I can help with testing.