Home Connect binding

I still got the same issue. Has anyone got a workaround?
@jb4711 did you have time to Look into the logs?

Thanks in advance!

Thanks for your Feedback. I will do some more testing

For me UOM did still not work using the binding. I chosed the solution with a javascript transformation. This is even more comfortable because it shows hours and minutes at once. ā€œ1h 25 minā€ is nicer than ā€œ85 minā€

(function(i) {
//if (i == 'NULL') { return i; }
//if (i == '-') { return 'Undefined'; }
var val = parseInt(i); // The value sent by OH is a string so we parse into an integer
var days = 0; // Initialise variables
var hours = 0;
var minutes = 0;
if (val >= 86400) { // 86400 seconds in a days
    days = Math.floor(val / 86400); // Number of days
    val = val - (days * 86400); // Remove days from val
if (val >= 3600) { // 3600 seconds in an hour
   hours = Math.floor(val / 3600); // Number of hours
    val = val - (hours * 3600); // Remove hours from val
minutes = Math.floor(val / 60); // Number of minutes

var stringDays = ''; // Initialse string variables
var stringHours = '';
var stringMinutes = '';
if (days > 0) {
    stringDays = days + ' T '; // More than 1 day so 's'
} // If days = 0 then stringDays remains ''

if (hours > 0) {
    stringHours = hours + ' h '; // More than 1 hour so 's'
} // If hours = 0 then stringHours remains ''

if (minutes > 0) {
    stringMinutes = minutes + ' min'; // More than 1 minute so 's'
} // If minutes = 0 then stringMinutes remains ''

var returnString =  stringDays + stringHours + stringMinutes
return returnString.trim(); // Removes the extraneous space at the end


I can reproduce the error. Iā€™m on it. It seems like the connection to the Home Connect backend is not working. After a while there are noKEEP-ALIVE packages. --> something is broken

Youā€™ve started the event listener connection at 8:20 am and around 1:41 pm youā€™ve received the last KEEP-ALIVE

Thank you for providing the log.



could you try a new version for me?

Iā€™ve added a monitor, which restarts the connection if no event was received within 5 minutes. Iā€™ve tested it in my setup and it worked.

If it helps you too, Iā€™ll prepare a new release.

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Thanks for providing that potential patch!
I will test it and report back in roughly one day.

If I got that correctly there could be up to 5 minutes dead time of Channel updates in Openhab?

< If I got that correctly there could be up to 5 minutes dead time of Channel updates in Openhab?

Yes, but for the sse client the connection looks alive. Iā€™ve added a check. If no new event arrives within a certain time slot the connection is reestablished.

After 1 Day, Binding seems to be still working :+1:t2:

I am considering a new coffee maker. I returned the Jura S8 since it has proprietary bluetooth.
Does the Siemens EQ9 communicate locally or are you at the mercy of the Home Connect cloud service? Is the ā€œbridgeā€ the cloud service or do I need another hub / bridge device?

I think the official Home Connect mobile app can communicate partly locally with the Siemens EQ9.
The openHAB binding needs to go via cloud. You would need to add a bridge and then the Coffee Machine.

Youā€˜ll need a bridge to the cloud service (itā€˜s so much fun to see the amount of coffee in opƶenHAB :wink: )

Is it still working? If yes, I will change the download link on top of this converstation.

I have to admit that I had several restarts of openhab due to Z-Wave testing.
Longest consecutive time without restart I tested is roughly 2 days. I did not observe the binding losing connection. :+1:

I do not recommend the coffee machine. The API of homeconnect just doesnā€™t offer much value. hot water? nope. (so there will not be ā€œearl grey, hotā€). 2 coffee at once? nope. and other things. Unfortunately, I cannot find any other better machines yet.
You can use the simulator (you must be registered with a developer account anyway for this binding) to see youself what you can get out of it.
in my case (bosh), remote start and remote stop is also not possible as the remote start rinse the water (so nothing can be placed under it) and remote stop will ask if the milk is still in there (therefore, does not turn off).

Iā€˜m pretty sure this is normal behavior for most machines, as you really donā€˜t want a coffee from a dirty machine, do you?
So, the benefit is, to switch on in time automatically, then when entering the kitchen, the only thing to do is to place the cup under the machine and start brewing.
And of course you can get information about amount of coffee - same as room temperatureā€¦ why drawing graphs of temperature? There is no real benefit other than a nice graphā€¦

I agree with the graphs, nobody needs thoseā€¦
but no. The machine cleans itself when shut down, so it ā€œisā€ clean. Remote-Start is quite useless when it only turns on power (which takes 3 sec).
If you only want to have smarts in form of ā€œturn on in timeā€, you are reaching this with a dump machine and a smart power plug for waaay less money (that could be invested in better quality coffee).

I have this dream of 3d printing a big motorized turntable for cups to place next to the Siemens EQ9, that would enable you to do a lot more fun stuff with it. Imagine loading it up with empty cups, creating a coffee playlist and automatically switching cups after each one is brewed :smiley:

It would also solve the problem with the automatic flushing when the coffee maker turns on and off, since you could have an idle position with a hole straight through to the drip tray.

Now that thereā€™s an excellent openHAB binding maybe itā€™s time to try making it realā€¦

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Hi Jonas,

Not trying to rush you but have you taken a look at this? :upside_down_face:

Hi. I really like your binding and I appreciate the time you put in it. Iā€™ve been using the binding now for a while on OH2 and I still had 2-4 issues showing up in the logs. Unfortunately I didnā€™t save the details before upgrading to OH3 M1 today and I see that your binding is not yet OH3 compatible.
Do you have work in progress for making the binding compatible with OH3?
Would be ready to test it on OH3 with a Dishwasher, Oven, Microoven, Washer, Dryer and Coffee Machine.
Also looking forward to see the binding in the official repo.