Home Connect binding

Aha indeed, when the light is on I can also get the AmbientLightBrightness

“data”: {
“key”: “BSH.Common.Setting.AmbientLightBrightness”,
“constraints”: {
“min”: 10,
“max”: 100,
“access”: “readWrite”
“unit”: “%”,
“type”: “Double”,
“value”: 100

The hood does not need to be on. Only when checking the brightness or color, the light needs to be on.

Hi @stevendp, hi @aradoorolesen,

can you please test my current dev version https://jb-bucket-34324.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/test/org.openhab.binding.homeconnect-2.5.9-hood-light-test-1.jar

Can you please test the following scenarios:

  1. turn functional and ambient light off and on
  2. try to set brightness
  3. if the light is off, can you set the light brightness


Hi Jonas,

It works like a charm!

  1. Works perfectly
  2. Works perfectly
  3. Yes, and the light immediately turns on to the set brightness.

Thanks! You are one fast developer! :wink:



Nice. Can you test one more thing please.
Send the following commands while the ambient and functional light are turned off.

GET /api/homeappliances/{haid}/settings/BSH.Common.Setting.AmbientLightColor
GET /api/homeappliances/{haid}/settings/BSH.Common.Setting.AmbientLightCustomColor


Hi Jonas,

When the ambientlight is off, you get an error:

“readyState”: 4,
“responseText”: “\n\n<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>\nError 500 Communication error! response code: 409, message: Conflict, body: {\n "error": {\n "key": "SDK.Error.InvalidSettingState",\n "description": "Setting currently not available or readable"\n }\n} (Tried at Wed Nov 11 17:19:04 CET 2020)\n\n



Problem accessing /homeconnect/appliances. Reason:\n

    Communication error! response code: 409, message: Conflict, body: {\n  "error": {\n    "key": "SDK.Error.InvalidSettingState",\n    "description": "Setting currently not available or readable"\n  }\n} (Tried at Wed Nov 11 17:19:04 CET 2020)

<a href="http://eclipse.org/jetty\”>Powered by Jetty:// 9.4.20.v20190813
“status”: 500,
“statusText”: “Communication error! response code: 409, message: Conflict, body: {? "error": {? "key": "SDK.Error.InvalidSettingState",? "description": "Setting currently not available or readable"? }?} (Tried at Wed Nov 11 17:19:04 CET 2020)”

Hi Jonas,

after a reboot of my raspi 4 4gb last night i lost the connection to bridge.
now i get an error message in the home connect console "The rate limit “1000 calls in 1 day”
i did not use it, because it was not connected after the reboot.

do you have an idea?

Which version of the binding are you using?

Just want to let you know: i’m running the new binding almost for 2 weeks, works like a charm! Thanks!!!

:+1: :+1: :+1:


I installed the binding last week and all works well.
I’m running it with a SIEMENS-TI957FX1DE (EQ.9 S700 PLUS CONNECT) Coffee maker.

There is still quite some functionality missing (grinder select, temperature, amount of coffee or milk,…) compared to the Home Connect iOS app but I can understand that a coffee maker is not the most interesting device to make remote controllable as you have to be in front of the machine anyway.

Only extended system status would be nice for automated shopping lists p.e. for ordering water filters etc. and calculating the amount of coffee used (need coffee strength readout to calculate grams used) :joy:

If you want me to test some things, let me know😉

Hi Martijn,

thanks for your feedback. The coffee maker appliance is very important for me, as I only own a coffee maker (Siemens EQ.9 plus connect S500) and a dishwasher with Home Connect functionality :slight_smile:.

Unfortunately, the Home Connect API is very limited.



You’re welcome!
Just been digging into it a bit and got this in return😉

So it’s there though😁

Sadly I’m a PLC programmer, not java :joy::joy::joy:

No I understand what you meant. Yes I do not expose these options. Will put it on my list. You can send that JSON string via Rule to the machine to start the desired program.

Cool! Thanks

Hi Jonas
currently i’m using org.openhab.binding.homeconnect-

Can you please try again with the current version:
Download: org.openhab.binding.homeconnect- 19

If it won’t work, please send me a request log export.

1 Like

i’ll try and gif you feedback

i replaced the jar and reboot the RPi4, after that the bridge was offline and i got this message
“readyState”: 4,
“responseText”: “\n\n<meta http-equiv=“Content-Type” content=“text/html;charset=utf-8”/>\nError 500 Communication error! response code: 429, message: Too Many Requests, body: {\n “error”: {\n “key”: “429”,\n “description”: “The rate limit \“1000 calls in 1 day\” was reached. Requests are blocked during the remaining period of 64963 seconds.”\n }\n} (Tried at Mon Nov 16 19:32:07 CET 2020)\n\n



Problem accessing /homeconnect/appliances. Reason:\n

    Communication error! response code: 429, message: Too Many Requests, body: {\n  “error”: {\n    “key”: “429”,\n    “description”: “The rate limit \“1000 calls in 1 day\” was reached. Requests are blocked during the remaining period of 64963 seconds.”\n  }\n} (Tried at Mon Nov 16 19:32:07 CET 2020)

<a href=“http://eclipse.org/jetty”>Powered by Jetty:// 9.4.20.v20190813
“status”: 500,
“statusText”: “Communication error! response code: 429, message: Too Many Requests, body: {? “error”: {? “key”: “429”,? “description”: “The rate limit \“1000 calls in 1 day\” was reached. Requests are blocked during the remaining period of 64963 seconds.”? }?} (Tried at Mon Nov 16 19:32:07 CET 2020)”

Can you please stop the binding and wait 18h. Please don’t keep the binding enabled as the binding tries to refresh its status.

Please send me your re

quest log if the problem persists. http(s)://IP:PORT/homeconnect/log/requests

Hi Jonas, do you have any progress for the OH3 compatible version? I’m not too much in the development of these bindings, but just for my understanding, to make it compatible is it just the matter of renaming the namespaces from eclipse to openhab?

Hi Jonas,

I noticed you checked in the Functional and Ambient Light functionality for the Hood.

I only just now had a chance to verify your changes, and they work just fine.
A very small comment. I noticed that the casing on the labels for the Hood channels are inconsistent in thing-types.xml. For example “Functional Light State” and “Functional light brightness”. Very minor problem, but it just catches the eye when configuring the binding.

Thanks for the good work.