Homebuilder and HabPanel: how to find?

  • Platform information:

    • Hardware: Intel/16MB
    • OS: Ubuntu 16.04
    • Java Runtime Environment: Oracle Java 8.152
    • openHAB version: 2.2
  • Issue of the topic:
    I’m trying to use HabPanel, which asks for a Panel registry JSON and a Initial panel configuration which seems to be something acquired from using Homebuilder. However, when looking at the Homebuilder documentation, I can’t find where to access it. I have defined my first OH2 item and I’m trying to incrementally build an interface.

  • From my understanding, once I complete the Homebuilder sitemap, I will “copy the generated JSON structure and paste it in HABPanel settings page. The page is located in the following URL: http://{youropenHAB:8080}/habpanel/index.html#/settings/localconfig”

I have found the HabPanel Designer and am currently using that, though am not sure if I can transition that work to Homebuilder once I am able to access it.