HomeKit docker port proxy

Hello, i have read many questions on here dealing with similar problems.
Usually people want to know which ports to forward when using docker to allow HomeKit connectivity. In my case, i want to use lazytainer as a proxy to automatically start and stop openHAB to save on memory. For that, i have to run openHAB behind lazytainer, and use lazytainer to port forward- meaning i can’t use the fix usually suggested and set dockers net mode to host.
This seems to work with the web ui, but when using the proxy i loose the mDNS connection (can’t be seen by Discovery).
My best guess is that i need to change the broadcast ip / interface or similar, but i really don’t know.
Has anybody any idea what could fix this?

The problem is that broadcast packets only go to the local network. If you don’t use host networking, the local network for OH will be the Docker network, not your LAN.

I’m short, if you don’t use host networking, you give up the option to do mDNS, UPNP, and any other broadcast based network discovery protocol.

Given that OH is designed and intended to provide home automation, (i.e. do stuff without manual interaction) and it is expected to react to events immediately, I can’t imagine an OH configuration that would be usable with lazytainer. Either the container will always be running because it gets a steady stream of network traffic collecting sensor readings, or it will be paused meaning it will take a lot longer to react to commands and likely have no idea what’s going on in order to make meaningful automation decisions (e.g. if it pulls to get data it won’t know the latest state because it was paused and couldn’t pull).

tl;Dr, OH is a very poor candidate for lazytainer.

Usually i would agree but i just use it as a HomeKit bridge, meaning every time anything happens, i will have manually made it happen from (a) WebUI. Ofc, if there were any automations, that would obviously be a bad idea.
I already tried a mDNS reflector (Avahi) but since i have neither confidence in my implementation nor know if it even is what i need to make it work, i wanted to ask here if anybody could tell me exactly which protocol needs to be “reflected”/repeated.

And you are OK with up to seconds of latency betweenn when you issue the command that command making it to the device? Most wouldn’t be.

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