Homematic-IP already under development?

It’s now working with Homematic classic and IP devices. I can receive and set the temperature, set the manual / auto mode etc. Use min. version 1.8.2 of OpenHab.
Thanks to Gerhard who provided an updated version.

Here is the version i’ve sent to Rainer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw7zjCgsXYnHeFR2NVl0aTRua1E/view?usp=sharing
My HMIP-PSM fully works. I am going to create a PR in the next days.

Can you post the items definitions for the HMIP-PSM to switch the socket and read the power measurements? I own one and use it via programs on the CCU2 - but this is only a workaround.

Thank you,

You can switch the binding into TRACE mode, then you will see all possible channels and datapoints. To switch the socket, use channel 3 and STATE. All available DP’s for HMIP-PSM:

    <channel number='0'>
      <datapoint name='CONFIG_PENDING' value='' valueType='2' writeable='false' />
      <datapoint name='DUTY_CYCLE' value='false' valueType='2' writeable='false' />
      <datapoint name='OPERATING_VOLTAGE' value='0.000000' valueType='4' min='0.000000' max='25.200000' writeable='false' />
      <datapoint name='UNREACH' value='false' valueType='2' writeable='false' />
    <channel number='1'>
      <datapoint name='PRESS_LONG' value='' valueType='2' writeable='false' />
      <datapoint name='PRESS_SHORT' value='' valueType='2' writeable='false' />
    <channel number='2'>
      <datapoint name='PROCESS' value='0' valueType='16' subType='29' valueList='STABLE;NOT_STABLE' min='STABLE' max='NOT_STABLE' writeable='false' />
      <datapoint name='SECTION' value='0' valueType='16' subType='0' valueList='' min='0' max='15' writeable='false' />
      <datapoint name='STATE' value='false' valueType='2' writeable='false' />
    <channel number='3'>
      <datapoint name='ON_TIME' value='' valueType='4' min='0.000000' max='8580000.000000' writeable='true' />
      <datapoint name='PROCESS' value='0' valueType='16' subType='29' valueList='STABLE;NOT_STABLE' min='STABLE' max='NOT_STABLE' writeable='false' />
      <datapoint name='SECTION' value='0' valueType='16' subType='0' valueList='' min='0' max='15' writeable='false' />
      <datapoint name='STATE' value='false' valueType='2' writeable='true' />
    <channel number='4'>
      <datapoint name='ON_TIME' value='' valueType='4' min='0.000000' max='8580000.000000' writeable='true' />
      <datapoint name='PROCESS' value='0' valueType='16' subType='29' valueList='STABLE;NOT_STABLE' min='STABLE' max='NOT_STABLE' writeable='false' />
      <datapoint name='SECTION' value='0' valueType='16' subType='0' valueList='' min='0' max='15' writeable='false' />
      <datapoint name='STATE' value='false' valueType='2' writeable='true' />
    <channel number='5'>
      <datapoint name='ON_TIME' value='' valueType='4' min='0.000000' max='8580000.000000' writeable='true' />
      <datapoint name='PROCESS' value='0' valueType='16' subType='29' valueList='STABLE;NOT_STABLE' min='STABLE' max='NOT_STABLE' writeable='false' />
      <datapoint name='SECTION' value='0' valueType='16' subType='0' valueList='' min='0' max='15' writeable='false' />
      <datapoint name='STATE' value='false' valueType='2' writeable='true' />
    <channel number='6'>
      <datapoint name='CURRENT' value='0.000000' valueType='4' min='0.000000' max='65535.000000' writeable='false' />
      <datapoint name='ENERGY_COUNTER' value='0.000000' valueType='4' min='0.000000' max='838859.100000' writeable='false' />
      <datapoint name='ENERGY_COUNTER_OVERFLOW' value='false' valueType='2' writeable='false' />
      <datapoint name='FREQUENCY' value='50.030000' valueType='4' min='29.520000' max='70.470000' writeable='false' />
      <datapoint name='POWER' value='0.000000' valueType='4' min='0.000000' max='163830.000000' writeable='false' />
      <datapoint name='VOLTAGE' value='236.600000' valueType='4' min='0.000000' max='409.500000' writeable='false' />

Thank you, now I can use the power switch on channel 3 from openhab and have a feedback when the button on the device pressed!
I get Voltage, and the Energy Counter via channel 6.

Group energy_Chart_1
Number IP_Socket_1_Current 		"Strom [%.2f A]"		<energy>	(Heating,Energy)					{homematic="address=0001D3C990BCF2, channel=6, parameter=CURRENT"}
Number IP_Socket_1_Voltage 		"Spannung [%.1f V]"		<energy>	(Heating,Energy)					{homematic="address=0001D3C990BCF2, channel=6, parameter=VOLTAGE"}
Number IP_Socket_1_EnergyCounter 	"E Zähler [%.2f Wh]"		<energy>	(Heating,Energy,energy_Chart_1)				{homematic="address=0001D3C990BCF2, channel=6, parameter=ENERGY_COUNTER"}
Number IP_Socket_1_EnergyCounter_over 	"E Zähler Over [%.2f Wh]"	<energy>	(Heating,Energy)					{homematic="address=0001D3C990BCF2, channel=6, parameter=ENERGY_COUNTER_OVERFLOW"}
Number IP_Socket_1_Energy 		"Leistung [%.2f W]"		<energy> 	(Heating,Energy,energy_Chart_1)				{homematic="address=0001D3C990BCF2, channel=6, parameter=POWER"}
Switch IP_Socket_1_Switch		"Heizung"			<heating>	(Switches,myopenhab)					{homematic="address=0001D3C990BCF2, channel=3, parameter=STATE"}
Number	Chart_Energy_Period		"Ausschnitt"			<clock>

I do not get the current and power updated on the UI. Is there a certain frequency how often these values are sent to openHAB?
EDIT: Sorry, all works as expected!

A (final) question. Is it possible that sending a state command (i.e. ON) is send to the device even is it is already in this state (i.e. ON). This can eat up the duty cicle, So a rule switching thins on or off has to do something like:

`if (item.state==ON) {
} else {

I expected that either openHAB, the binding or the CCU take care to keep on air time low as possible, but I ran into timeouts and only changing my rules like the code above made it working agin.


I think you mean forceUpdate

Hello Gerhard,

at first thanks you for your work adding Homematic IP to OpenHAB :slight_smile: as I started with Homematic I only bought Homematic IP devices as i think this will be the future from Homematic.

I also saw there is a pull request for the homematic binding for version 1.9 to add that to the official version. As my knowledge with source code pull requests is very limited, can you give us an overview when it might be released? Is there something we could do to help you to get that added?


is it possible to use it with Homematic IP Access Point or is a CCU still needed when using HM IP devices only?

You need a CCU, a Homematic IP Access Point has no RPC service.

mhh ok
I thought there might be a chance … because when I read the documentation about “Homematic IP” the CCU seems only Optional…

So I thought maybe the IP Access Point can directly trigger the devices and I can setup all local without cloud

would have been a second good solution besides zwave for me :-/

The “IP Access Point” is only cloud based. But you can dump it to the trash and start using a CCU2. As an assembly set (here in Germany) you got it for around 80 Euro. There is no soldering is required you need to put the pieces together and use some screw. Sometimes if you an ELV customer you got a magazine which offered a 10 Euro voucher, so you could get the whole construct for 70 Euro. BUT that would be offtopic now :wink:

@gerrieg Any idea when we could merge the pull request?


I’m using the 1.9 binding as published above (OpenHAB 1.8.3). Everything was working “good” with my Homematic IP Devices (2x HMIP-PSM). Sometimes I had to restart the ccu and/or unplug the socket because it stopped responding. I think this was not openHAB related. Today I updated the ccu2 firmware trying to solve the problem, because a electric heater is connected to one of the sockets and it is cold outside ;). Now I’m using firmware 2.25.15. I had to do several restarts, but now the devices are working inside the ccu2 web ui. But I get the following Warning

2016-12-17 13:41:28.113 [WARN ] [.b.h.i.c.HomematicCommunicator] - Can’t find DatapointConfig[address=0001D3C990BCF2,channel=0,parameter=RSSI_DEVICE], value is not published to openHAB!

anything I have to be worried? The sockets seam to be working as usual. (Sending ON/OFF commands to the sockets and reading power values)

Thanks for the modified snapshot. It works perfectly. One important thing to mention for the people that also try it:
In your openhab.cfg you need to insert:


(Taken from the official 1.x binding docs)

Hi Gerhard @gerrieg ,

i was surprised when i found out that the Acces point API is already in reverse engineering.

Do you have any plans to integrate that in the HM (or a new) binding? Even a “read only” binding would already enable users to use the AP Heating scenario + to swithch the blinds based on the window sensors…


It’s not possible with this API. The homematic binding loads and generates all the device metadata needed from the gateway. I can’t see any device metadata in this rest api wrapper.
For this you need a extra homematic-ip-cloud binding. But it’s much simpler to buy a CCU2.

Exactly. And if you don’t enjoy the speed of the CCU2, you can always use RaspberryMatic.

I have yet to see any advantages of HomematicIP vs. Homematic products. Do any exist?
If you use openHAB you already enjoy a replacement of WebUI programs.

@gerrieg , @job

Well, regarding light switches etc, i could agree. CCU2 and thats it.

Regarding a Heating Scenario (Thermostat, Vents, Window Sensor), i expierienced the HMIP Access Point Solution to be FAR advanced and more usable than the ugly way to setup all the channel links in CCU2 and then put it into OpenHab.

With HMIP i can steer Heating and Heating profiles easy and straight forward with the APP. Any mapping I produced with OH over CCU2 is just a cheap knock off.

Therfor I want to move the heatings back to its native habitat.

However, i still would want to see the reading of the Window sensor (to open blinds) and temp readings (logging) in my OH. For that Usecase a integration would be cool…

I got the point that its not going to come soon. Is my assesment for the heating unreasonable?



I was just talking about the devices, not the whole system. For sure the Homematic IP line is superior at that part.
I don’t even use the CCU2 currently, I switched to Homegear some weeks ago.

I the set up the direct links (wall/radiator thermostats, door/window contacts) via the Homematic Konfigurator, but set the heating profiles by scripting in Homegear. Nobody wants to set heating profiles for 15 radiators and 8 wall thermostats manually. :wink:

From that, i just use a few simple switches in openHAB to adjust the modes according to special occasions.

So my use case is different from yours, i don’t want have an app for heating, I want automated heating.

@job I want automated heating as well. And switch it off on travel, which I tend to always forget…

Thanks for the hint with Homegear. I’ll try that :slight_smile:

Just ordered the CUL, which, after all, is more expensive than the ccu (head –> table). We will see.

I’m using Hm-mod-rpi-pcb which is 20 euros. Requires a bit of soldering.
The pi is running openhab & homegear (openhabian), when i finished all configuring.