Homeseer HS-WS200+ Scenes/multi-tap/hold not working (scene events not firing?)

  • Platform information:

    • Hardware: VMWare VM: Settings: 2 core CPU (Ryzen 7)/8GB RAM/20GB SSD/GoControl HUSBZB-1
    • OS: Ubuntu Server 20.04 x64 LTS guest
    • Java Runtime Environment:
      openjdk version “11.0.7” 2020-04-14
      OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.7+10-post-Ubuntu-3ubuntu1)
      OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.7+10-post-Ubuntu-3ubuntu1, mixed mode, sharing)
  • openHAB version: 2.5.6-2

  • Issue of the topic: please be detailed explaining your issue
    HS-WS200+ switch works for on/off (binary) states. Does not appear to fire events for multi-tap/hold states. See my event log entries below. You can see from the event log that OpenHab thinks that I toggled the switch ON, OFF, ON, OFF, ON. However, what I actually did was:

  • Toggle switch on, then off (single tap each)
  • Double tap up (registered as a single ON)
  • Double tap down (registered as single OFF)
  • Held up (registered as ON, but only after I released the switch paddle)

Also, my rules are not triggered for anything having to do with scenes.

  • Please post configurations (if applicable):
    • Items configuration related to the issue
      Since the forum will only allow me to upload one image and I’m using Paper UI, see:

    • Rules code related to the issue
      The rule is really just to test log the value so I can do something more advanced later, but nothing gets logged from the rule…

        Item BandRoomSwitchHSWS200_SceneNumber received update or
        Item BandRoomSwitchHSWS200_SceneNumber received command
        logInfo("bandroom.rules", "Band Room Switch changed scene number to " + BandRoomSwitchHSWS200_SceneNumber.state)

    rule "Band Room Scene Automation2"
        Item BandRoomSwitchHSWS200_SceneControl received update or
        Item BandRoomSwitchHSWS200_SceneControl received command 
        logInfo("bandroom.rules", "Band Room Switch changed scene number to " + 
  • If logs where generated please post these here using code fences:

From events.log:

    2020-07-06 22:57:21.826 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - BandRoomSwitchHSWS200_Switch changed from OFF to ON
    2020-07-06 22:57:23.295 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - BandRoomSwitchHSWS200_Switch changed from ON to OFF
    2020-07-06 22:57:25.007 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - BandRoomSwitchHSWS200_Switch changed from OFF to ON
    2020-07-06 22:57:26.733 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - BandRoomSwitchHSWS200_Switch changed from ON to OFF
    2020-07-06 22:57:29.498 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - BandRoomSwitchHSWS200_Switch changed from OFF to ON

My installation is about 2 days old, which is about as much experience as I have with OpenHAB, so if I’m missing something that would help solve this more quickly, please let me know!
