How can I edit the style of a page?

Hello fellow users of OpenHAB.

I am trying to adjust the stylesheet of my Overview Page, however haven’t been able to get it done. I want to reduce the padding and get rid of the rounded corners of my objects, however I can’t get it to run. I know I should be overriding my Framework7 variables, but where should I put the style definition line if I want to adjust all objects of the class “Card”?

Even if i put the style property directly within the config of the object I want to change:
–f7-card-expandable-border-radius: 0px;
the rounded corners remain. It also didn’t work when I put it in the config at the top of the code of my overview page.

Does anyone of you know how this could be done?

For this I’d use the direct stylesheet property and not just the config style object. It goes right in the page config, and then takes a (multiline) string of standard css. For example, I want all the cell components on my overview page to expand more fully:

  stylesheet: |
    .oh-cell {
      --f7-card-expandable-tablet-width: 100%;
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Thank you, that was the tip I was looking for! :slight_smile: I was putting the property “style” instead of “stylesheet” for the page, which obviously didn’t work. Now it’s finally customizable ;] Thank you a 100 times :slight_smile: