How can I retrieve data from a not well formed html webpage with the http-binding?

I just entered the line in the designer.

It’s error free

You have to load the whole file, even better your entire config. A syntax error earlier in the file can show up later in the file as some other error.

I have open the complete config folder within the designer.
No errors are shown.

The only errors I have are in the rules file telling me that I’am working with the final variable.

Everything is working fine in there.

But I’am trying now to go on further and I noticed a an error log entry

2017-09-18 17:29:18.841 [ERROR] [    ] - Fatal transport error: Read timed out

I supose it has to do with a new item I created

String TL300A00A02  "Sommerbetrieb [%s]"                        (gLueftungTemp) { http="<[AC40CacheRaw:30000:JS(AC40_TL300A00A02_GetVal.js)] >[*:POST:;nv=%2$s]"}

I supose the post never returns. Is it possible to send a post without waiting for an response?

I will change the item in the next stept to a switch item and will see what happens then.
But first I have to get the input mapping.

My problem is: The text value of the webpage is “EIN1” or “AUS” the Post Command should have “ON1” and “OFF”

I saw a lot example during this mornig but my first step was to get the setpoints running.

Now I can change them manualy via Setpoint the only problem is that I have to wait a very long time to see the feedback. Obviously this is due to the fact, that my cached Item only updates once in a minute. It would be nice to have an option to recache the item imediatly after sending an command, to become the setpoint visible updated.
An other problem I encountered with openHAB Remote Win10 APP. There the Setpoint Value keeps 0 so every change of the setpoint starts there. In the basicUI this does not occur. Here the problem is the not immeadiatly updated value.

Actually, that is a real error. You cannot assign new values to a val. Your rule is not working as expected, if it is running at all.

That’s a good question I don’t know the answer to. The way the HTTP protocol works you should always get a response (e.g. 200 OK if all went as it should) so I suspect the answer is no.

I don’t think this is possible.

If you need this behavior I think you will need to switch from using the cache config and implement that part in rules.

What do I have to do instead?

If I print the contence with log info I can see that every step does the desired replace.
So what do I have to change to get rid of that error?

I supose because of the timeout error and because, when I send the post in my browser it does also not finsh to load the page, that my plc does not respond with an ‘200’. My PLC is from a time realy from the beginning of the internet. So I have to live with that error.

Review the Rules section of the Docs and use “var” instead of “val”.

This was a realy good advice. Thank you.

Magically the errors have gone :grinning:

But on time starting my rule there was no documentation at all. I even didn’t know that the syntax is based on xbase. (I realy never heard that before).

This small hints make this forum so valuable.