This is a common problem with downloads from GitHub - they often terminate early. Try again, or go to the GH site directly and click the raw button - it seems a bit hit and miss when downloading binaries from GH
Hey Chris,
I updated the habmin to Now after restart habmin states that openhab is offline in upper right corner.
I also tried to update z-wave binding to attached org.openhab.binding.zwave-1.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
z-wave is working but habmin still shows offline.
My java version is
java version “1.8.0”
Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0-b132)
Java HotSpot™ Client VM (build 25.0-b70, mixed mode)
If that may cause any issue.
regards, Martin
Firstly, it’s probably preferable to stick with your earlier version of the zwave binding as it will have a more up to date database, but that’s not the issue…
Are you sure that the HABmin JAR downloaded correctly (this is the most common problem)? If you look in the log, do you see a HABmin starting
entry (or something similar)?
yep loading the raw worked for me habmin now coming online
good news is i now have items in my persistance i never have before
…and persistance data!!!
Now if i can work out what syntax i have wrong now I rekon my rule might actually work
Error during the execution of rule ‘Lights off when Play Starts’
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
I’ve got to go out now, but if you still cant get it working in a few hours, post the rule and I’ll take a look this evening.
i redownloaded the raw file (didnt notice the small size first). Good news is habmin now connects fine to openhab.
bad news is still no items in persistence tab in habmin. (items in configuration tab load fine).
In openhab.log habmin is loaded properly:
Started HABmin REST API at /services/habmin
now I have plenty of messages in the log :
2015-10-11 13:46:57.865 [ERROR] [i.h.s.p.PersistenceModelHelper] - Can’t open model file ‘myopenhab’
i have mysql selected in habmin so i dont get it. does the myopenhab functionality need separate persistence config ?
i have created myopenhab.persist file to solve the reocurring error in the log (found this issue on this forum) :
Strategies {
everyMinute : “0 * * * * ?”
Items {
import org.openhab.core.library.types.DecimalType
import org.openhab.core.library.types.*
import org.openhab.model.script.actions.*
import java.lang.Math
import org.joda.time.*
var Timer timer1 = null
var AbstractInstant time_play_started
rule “Door_Motion_Change”
Item Door_Motion changed
var String MotionState = Door_Motion.state.toString()
sendCommand(MotionStatus, MotionState)
rule “Lights off when Play Starts”
Item xbmc_state_1 changed
var String state = xbmc_state_1.state.toString()
if (state.lowerCase == "play") {
// store the state when play was pressed
time_play_started = now
sendCommand(Lounge_Dimmer, OFF)
if (state.lowerCase == "pause"
|| state.lowerCase == "stop") {
var play_time = xbmc_state_1.lastUpdate
sendCommand(StartTimeMessage, "kk")
if(Lounge_Dimmer.historicState(play_time) == "ON") {
//if (state.lowerCase == "pause") {
//if (state.lowerCase == "stop") {
a couple of those imports are for the next rule down
Thanks in advance!
try db4o to see if you can get it going.
Did you change the default persistence service in openhab.cfg?
Hey Andrew,
I have default persistence service set up as mysql. I have tried do give db4o a go but it was broken somehow (generated tons of java error logs in openhab.log and broke the graph functionality i already had from mysql persistence) so i had to revert back. If i have some time i will try rrd4j.