How do I operate a ZWave thing found in the DB, but no with channels (Remotec ZXT-310)?

So, I picked up this Remotec ZTX-310. It added to my OpenHAB (4) instance fine. Shows the correct model and parameters match what is listed in the DB for OpenHAB. However, I’m not sure how to operate this thing. It has no channels, and that seems to be correct according to this:

The manual for the device is also at the bottom of that page. The mismatch is between the manual and what I see in OpenHAB. Some of the basic parameters listed for setup in the device manual aren’t listed in OpenHAB, and I’m not sure what to do without channels. There’s probably some way to send ZWave commands or create items that link to manual parameters. I think I did things like that in the OpenHAB 2 days. Or maybe this ZWave device just doesn’t completely work with OpenHAB. I can’t seem to find anyone else using this model device. Any help or a point in the right direction would be appreciated. Thanks!

It may take up to 24hours before all features of a newly added device become available to the stick resp. To OH.

Thanks for responding, but I’m feeling I might be SOL with this one. I’m not missing any functionality (parameters or channels) that the OpenHAB website site lists for this device. It had also been a few days before I posted. The problem is that it doesn’t seem very functional. The OpenHAB website page for it shows that this device has just two writable ZWave parameters: 1 and 22. And no channels. I’m not sure the problem is me or the ZWave database. Seems like the latter. For the two writable parameters that it gives me, OpenHAB says values in the range 0 to 0 may be set. I also have a bunch of other ZWave devices, but they all have channels. I’ll look deeper when the kids go to sleep.

This device started at $80. It’s $20 now, but I wouldn’t be surprised if not one person tried at the old price. I’d donate one to the database maintainer if it would help.

I don’t use this device, I use a broadlink RM4+ to send RF signals but if you got this unit at the smatesthouse, they are very good at getting back with answers to questions. I would try contacting them and see if they can explain how to use it.

Saw this post in morning. Reviewed the ZW DB entry and noticed many missing parameters and could not understand from the manual how this was supposed to work. Also noticed a couple of two-star reviews on amazon from 2016, so figured this was an inventory dump of an unsuccessful product. Went on to other things.

I would look at the XML in the userdata/zwave (var/lib/openhab/zwave) folder (for the sake of science) to see if there are any hints of channels, but can’t promise anything.

Thanks for the information and suggestions. I emailed The Smartest House just now. I’m hopeful that they can somehow help, since they list OpenHAB support right on the purchasing page. I’d like to keep my purchase if there’s any hope. I also checked my XML file, but I wasn’t able to see any hints. My guess is that whatever script was used to add this to the ZWave OpenHAB database stopped checking for parameters after hitting two empty ones. The device manual has descriptions for paramaters 1 through 38, but 23-24, 30, 32-35, and 37 are reserved (for internal reference only, whatever that means). OpenHAB is only aware of parameters 1 through 22.

This was just a whim purchase for me while I was picking up other things though. I already use LIRC, and an ESP32 IR solution that I built into a rarely used window fan. I was just trying to get out of running a couple more IR blaster wires, and I don’t consider 2.4Ghz options. So, there’s not a lot of urgency. But having a cheap zwave option for infrared seemed like a good idea.

The ZW DB doesn’t quite work that way. When an XML is pasted into the new device screen, only the command classes and endpoints are created. Everything else depends on manual entry by the person adding the device. If you decide to keep the device you can open ticket to request write access and add the parameters yourself.

What I wanted to see in the XML was the Configuration Command class information to see if there was a hint of a channels advertised by the device. In my experience configuration channels also are manually added (not picked up during the upload).

Ohh, thanks! Can I just modify the XML file and restart services to try things? I didn’t think it would be that simple. I obviously still don’t know what I’m doing with that, but I’d be happy to figure it out. It does seem like there may be some hints though. It has six of these entries (where int is 1 through 6):

        <supportedCommandClasses class="concurrent-hash-map">
              <endpoint reference="../../../.."/>
              <endpoint reference="../../../.."/>

endpointID 0 has this configuration command class, but maybe I can/should try adding to it? (those set values were just me messing around in the paper UI):


It is not. The XML will be overwritten.

I don’t understand, have you modified what you posted?

Edit: If you want to play here is the current file in the binding
zxt310_0_0.xml (3.2 KB)
. You can make changes and add it to the binding following this procedure. Update ZWave binding with new/updated device xml - Tutorials & Examples - openHAB Community

Thanks Bob! Looks like that’s what I need to do.

I just tried to set some values for the two parameters that OpenHAB lets me modify (1 and 21). That didn’t help me though, and I don’t have enough functionality yet to verify those changes. I didn’t modify the file or what I posted.

I’ll post once I get something working.

I finally updated all of the parameters in the database. That seemed fairly straightforward. It looks like I need to add two channels to COMMAND_CLASS_SIMPLE_AV_CONTROL. It seems that I need to pass that a couple of numbers. I set the name to basic_number on those channels so I could keep trying things. I’ll try it soon anyway if I don’t hear back, but I though I might as well wait for the review that I requested on the DB website.

For basic operation, perhaps I set the avCommand to some number, then send a ‘1’ to keyAttribute to press the key down. The channels I added were based on this:

Command Class SimpleAVControl (0x94/148)

Version 4, Supported and Controlled

Allows to control A/V devices.
Data holders:

  • bitmask: Bit mask with supported keys. Refer to Expert UI pyzw_zwave.js or Silicon Labs documentation for description of buttons.
  • bitmasks: Internal
  • sequenceNumber: Internal
  • reportsNumber: Internal

Command SimpleAVControl Set

Syntax: Set(keyAttribute, avCommand, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)

C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_simple_av_control_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE keyAttribute, unsigned int avCommand, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)

Description: Send SimpleAVControl Set

Parameter keyAttribute: 0 for key Down, 1 for key Up, 2 for key Alive (repeated every 100…200 ms)

Parameter avCommand: Command to be sent. One of 465 predefined in Z-Wave protocol

Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed

Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Nice work !

Not an official review, but I see a couple of potential problems (and maybe the reason there were no channels from the uploaded XML). There is no support for that command class COMMAND_CLASS_SIMPLE_AV_CONTROL(0x94, null), in the binding. Also if that doesn’t cause a problem, the OH channel checker doesn’t like two channels with the same name within the same endpoint.

One thing that might be worth testing is that there are 6 endpoints all with the configuration CC. You could use the config_decimal channel (links to parameters) and map to the parameters 1-20. Just a thought.


      <channel id="config_decimal_param5" typeId="config_decimal">
        <label>Alarm Sound Indexes 1-10</label>
          <property name="binding:*:DecimalType">COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION;parameter=5</property>

Thanks again Bob! I’m confused about the parameter range part, but I seem to get some action from it now and one channel. First, I tried adding a channel parm 1 on each endpoint after 0. The xml looked weird to me (I saw no reference to which endpoint each parm 1 based channel belonged to), and OpenHAB wouldn’t let me add the thing. I removed all my channels and added one only to endpoint 0. That seems to work. I can’t validate codes yet, but the light flashes on it. I have to leave it for now, but I’ll report back after some proper testing.

Perhaps I just need to pick a parm from 1-20 for each endpoint’s CC?

I can turn my LG TVs off and on now with this zwave device.

I couldn’t get the parameter 1-20 UIRD formatted raw data channels to do anything, but I’m probably not sending the correct data anyway. I don’t see any infrared light with any of the numbers I’ve tried. However, I haven’t tried every possible number.

I noticed this in the guide this morning though:

− BASIC Set Value 0x00 will map to Simple AV key ID (Power
Off)  0x00F7.
− BASIC set Value 0xFF will map to Simple AV key ID (Power)  

I set basic_number channels on some of the basic CC endpoints, and that seems to work when I send value 255. It sends the LG power toggle button. I haven’t tried much else yet, but I’ll post when I figure anything else out. The main thing I wanted was power-toggle. I’m not sure if these old TVs have specific on and off infrared commands. Sending 0, or any other number I’ve tried, seems to do nothing on that channel ATM.