I have about a dozen Tasmota “Things” in my network, half of them Sonoff switches, the other half environment sensors based on Wemos Mini D1 and BME280 chips.
The standard way to get that data into openHAB seems to be to bind the appropiate topics to a MQTT Thing and then use JSONpath transformations to fetch the items from there. But, given that the messages look like:
.../STATUS10 = {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2018-12-09T10:15:59","BME280":{"Temperature":28.2,"Humidity":26.7,"Pressure":942.1},"TempUnit":"C"}}
.../STATUS11 = {"StatusSTS":{"Time":"2018-12-09T10:19:25","Uptime":"0T10:30:35","Vcc":3.229,"POWER":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"secret-wont-tell-you","BSSId":"80:2A:A8:D1:9F:16","Channel":1,"RSSI":100}}}
it seems like I would need four jsonpath transformations every five minutes for each of the things. Five minutes is the standard configuration how often the tasmotas push their data into the MQTT topics.
So the question is, would be be four instances of the mapper build and configured every time I get new data? And if so, how expensive is this in terms of CPU? Would a small Rasperry Pi cope with 10 calls per minute (12 Tasmotas sending four data points converted into Items every five minutes makes 48 mappers, so on average 10 parsing per minute)…