what is the behaviour of a thing going permanently offline?
What I am trying to solve is, if a binding has a weak connection to his physical device, like a weak wifi signal, how often is the scheduler trying to reconnect to the thing before it remains offline forever?
I see that my binding goes sometimes offline after several days, assuming network issue. If I then just disable and enable it again it comes online again.
How do I increase the reconnection timeout?
You could also use a rule and the API to disable and enable Item after some offline time for a reconnect. But thats a dirty hack. Better would be to get a more stable wifi connection…
This is going to be handled and controlled on a binding by binding basis. The amount of time to wait and what conditions indicate a service is offline is going to suffer from one technology to the next so it doesn’t make sense for OH to define and enforce a standard.
For example, MQTT with a LWT and QOS 2 might time out in a second whereas a battery powered Zwave device may take weeks if it ever times out.
But OH does not have a concept of “permanently offline” . Either it’s offline or it’s not and if it’s offline that’s no indication that it will never become online later.
The problem is, that in the OH UI it does not come online anymore. It remains Offline. Only if I disable and enable it again it works again.
What do I do wrong here?
I don’t do binding development so I can’t say. I usually see Things cycle through INITIALIZING before it goes online for a lot of bindings. Maybe you can’t jump straight to ONLINE?
Thx. You go normaly to Unknown and then Online. Initializing is forbidden to call. It will be called by the UI by first initializing.
I will figure it out.
It looked like a caching issue or build issue coming from the actual problems of OH5.0 mentioned here .
It works now as expected. My code was indeed correct. Thanks for helping.