Install the REST API Documentation from under the Misc tab in PaperUI. A new UI will show up on your landing page which includes the fully documented and interactive REST API calls that are possible.
To elaborate on Udo’s response. HTTP has a number of commands built into the protocol. When you put a URL in your address bar it is using a GET command. To command an Item you must use a POST and to update and Item you use a PUT.
There is an unofficial workaround I think that somehow uses URLs associated with ClassicUI to send commands to Items. I couldn’t find the discussion of them with a quick search. You might find them with more diligent searching. Note that this is not a supported nor suggested way to do it and do not be surprised if it stops working at some point.
Beyond that, it won’t work. you must use POST or PUT to command or update an Item. You would have to set up a server that can receive the GET commands and turn around and make the appropriate POST or PUT commands to OH which is no small task. Not impossible but not as easy as just writing a shell script.
I know this thread is old, but I too was in need of a http GET - way to change the state of an item. I didn’t want to accept having to install the classicUI to do that, so here is another approach that works well for me:
If you happen to use the nginx proxy, you can add rules there: