I have installed OH4 on my RP4 and want to integrate an AOTEC Gen5 Controller.
I get the error BRIDGE_OFFLINE. Guess the port is not configured correct and I have no idea how to do that.
In a basic setup AFAIK the necessary dependences are added when you add-on the Zwave binding. I vaguely recall some issue with the permissions for dialout, if you didn’t start with openhabian (and use the set common permissions item). Also check that the port matches what you see when you run dmesg or into the files. With gen5 it could be /dev/ttyACM0, but maybe not.
Strange, the dmesg command did not reply ttyACM0 as a port.
It could be something different. Remove the zstick and put it back in. Check dmesg again for activity.
Also this could be an old problem. Don’t use the usb3 port and put the zstick on an usb2 hub anyway. Try that way.
edit The original Aeotec zstick 5 did not work with Rpi4. It was an aeotec issue, the hub was the only workaround (besides buying a newer zstick).
Hi Bob, thank.
I will buy a new stick. I saw Gen7 is the latest version of the stick. So it will work with this one?
It should. I did use an old 5 with a hub for a long time.
Note: Depending on the SDK the new stick comes with, there might need to be an adjustment as noted here