I’m running openHAB 3.2.0.M3 on RaspberryPI with rrd4j persistence
Beginning with OH2 I had a lot of items defined by item files. In the meantime these items are no longer used and they are no longer in any item file on my system.
But I detected a lot of rrd-files belonging to these old items. So I decided to throw them away.
But how shall I do it ?
I thought the REST API has a solution : “Delete item data from a specific persistence service”
The problem might be the start and endtime string…
I tried startime string “2020-10-27’T’20:10:00.000Z” endtime string “2021-10-27’T’20:10:00.000Z”
The resulting URL shows me this:
But Server response is:
Error : Bad Request
Response body
"error": {
"message": "Persistence service not modifiable: rrd4j",
"http-code": 400
I did not find any hint to fill in the start and endtime fields in any other, the correct way.
So I need some help