A few comments:
The hot fix message that keeps appearing is not created by C2 or this image, it is the openhabian tool creating the message in a popup style window. I believe it is to do with this as it looks the same from what I get when I load very old backup images on my PI…
Notice to all openHABian users: Please apply a fix asap!
Possibly the method the tool uses to detect if the hotfix is applied is broken on this image, or it may in fact be valid. -
Really the openhabian tool is missing 2 things. First, a nice way to check and create an “everyday user” and ensure the root account password gets changed. Second, the ability to install ZULU java, which my script can be used to grab the manual method that works under this image. See this guide on how I am doing it…
How To: Install Zulu Embedded Java on Odroid C2 (ARM64)
I could not get any package/repo to install ZULU despite methods being in manuals stating it could be done on azul’s website, only the manual method works as the repo complains it does not support arm64. -
Sure I am happy to release as opensource with any license you wish for someone else to pull apart and include whats needed. A lot of the script is from openhab’s documentation. I do not have the time as I have a new baby and am already trying to develop and improve 2 bindings to get my own setup working.