How to exclude a Z-Wave device with OpenHAB 3


I have the same issue that I can’t exclude nodes again since I migrated to openhab 3.2.
When I click on the “Exclude Devices” button on my Z-Wave controller thing configuration the following REST action is executed (all HTTP headers and the network key removed in the listing):

curl 'http://homeautomation.local:8080/rest/things/zwave:serial_zstick:primary-controller/config' \
  -X 'PUT' \
  --data-raw '{"controller_softreset":"false","security_inclusionmode":0,"controller_sisnode":1,"heal_enable":"true","controller_sync":true,"port":"/dev/ttyAMA0","controller_master":"true","inclusion_mode":"1","controller_wakeupperiod":3600,"heal_time":2,"controller_exclude":true,"controller_inclusiontimeout":30,"controller_hardreset":false}' \

As the response the following error message is returned:

{"message":"Cannot update Thing zwave:serial_zstick:primary-controller as it is not editable.","http-code":409}

Additionally, I put the z-wave binding into log level DEBUG. But there isn’t any message about this exclusion action.

What exactly means the the controller is not editable? How can I made the controller editable?

Thanks for your help!

First Welcome to OH community

Second, I don’t really understand. I have removed numerous devices by clicking on the “exclude Devices” on the controller UI page, then pressing the button on the device, per the manual, for exclusion. I don’t think anything needs to be edited and I did not think REST was involved, but I’m not an expert

What could be helpful is to set the zwave binding in Debug and click the “Exclude devices” and I could take a look. There is a debug log viewer here that is helpful as an overview. You should get something like this using the viewer (except the Controller_Exclude will be true). That kicks the controller into a remove node state for 30 seconds


Hi all

Thank you @apella12 for your message. I would love to see something going on in the z-wave binding after I put the controller into the exclusion mode, but even with log level DEBUG I can’t see any log messages.

This is the reason why I assume that the REST API already blocks the call:

{"message":"Cannot update Thing zwave:serial_zstick:primary-controller as it is not editable.","http-code":409}

Meanwhile a found the following note on the thing overview of my primary z-wave controller:
Note: this thing is not editable because it has been provisioned from a file.

This could be somewhat related to the error message I get when putting the controller into the exclusion mode.

I defined the z-wave controller with a things-file, which of course is kind of static.
What I really don’t understand is why I my configuration needs to be editable to put the controller into the exclusion mode.

What are your thoughts about that?

Thanks, Bruno

  1. I think you are right about why this is not working (Text configuration of controller). I have a few rules that are textual (and uneditable), but my zstick was setup using the UI. There are probably lots of reasons why this is that way (beyond any knowledge I possess). One option would be to delete this thing and create a controller using the Inbox ->Zwave-> bridge. I think this might work, but override the hex ID with primary-controller. Since you have so many nodes this seems risky, but you should be able to recover

  2. Also for a first time poster with 34 + zwave nodes you must be quite capable. Do you have the Silabs PC controller? It is free, but requires a PC. You can unplug from OH and use the PC controller to delete nodes. I found this in my files.
    Z-Wave Zombies.pdf (571.9 KB)
    It is for zombies, but if you unplug the power it will work the same.

  3. You could also file an issue on github, but it is not a Zwave issue, and I’m not sure if it is OH-Core (or what) to allow this specific item to be editable. That could take awhile. Basically everything textual is uneditable (in my experience)


It should work, indeed. There a caveat, though:
In case there were devices included “securely”, e.g. door locks, note down the “Network Security Key” beforehand so you can add it again after creating the thing via Inbox. Otherwise you risk access to those devices.

Thank you for your answers @apella12 and @stefan.oh

I will try to migrate the z-wave controller from the textual config to the implicit one.
But first I need to create a backup.

I was successful in migrating my z-wave controller.

It is very important to take over the identifier and also the network key to let the z-wave communicate with the controller again (as @apella12 @stefan.oh already pointet out).

Thanks a lot for your guidance!

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