How to find "not found in ItemRegistry"?

I do get following error

[ERROR] [ule.handler.ItemCommandActionHandler] - Item with name KNX_Device_Storen_A6_Buro_Model not found in ItemRegistry.

I fully understand the error but HOW can I find in which rule in occurs? Is there a simple way to find the right place? I mean it is very difficult to find if you have for example 100 rules…


Use the developer sidebar (alt-shift-d) and search for that Item name. If it’s referenced by name inside a rule the search will find it.

If it’s not referenced by name in the text if the rule, you’ll need to try to use timing to find it. You probably can narrow down the potential rules. I doubt all 100 rules would potentially reference this Item.

Finally, you can enable logging off rule events in log4j2.xml or watch the event stream in the developer sidebar. You can narrow the error down based on timing.

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I didn’t know I could search inside the rules using the developer side bar. That is good to know. I was searching through the json files which wasn’t pretty. :grinning: That will make things easier now.

You can also find metadata in Items that way too. Search in the sidebar is quite comprehensive now.

I am not a developer so have not really looked at it in detail.

Off topic but:
I am using Firefox and lately and even right now this page takes over a minute to load:

But the one below works fine.

Anyone else having issues?

Works as expected for me using Brave. Maybe a forced reload of the page will do the trick.