How to flash Wemos D1 Mini OTA

i m using the SenseoWifi from @ThomDietrich
now i want to flash the Wemos D1 Mini Ota with this Data.
Can someone tell me how to manage this? i have no glue how to do it :frowning:
Br Dave

Have you previously flashed the wemos and have it setup for OTA?

Yes. But only with USB cable

I use Atom with platformio and select the device address then send the info. What are you using?

I’m using vs code. Where do you select the address?

Not sure with the program posted above. I use tasmota and esp easy both have a web interface and option to update from there. I’ve never tried to change from one firmware to the other via OTA. Have you tried flashing the program above with using a usb cable?

You may need to add> upload_port = your_wemos_ip_here, to the platformio.ini file