Lamps usually have a Power point/child with a switch widget I can toggle. On the Lamp equipment parent group, I can have a power on/off switch by setting the following:
Metadata > Default Standalone Widget > oh-toggle-card > Power child
Now I have this one “INNR” branded lamp that does not have a “power” toggle.
In my Model, this Lamp equipment group only has a Brightness point slider. The Brightness goes from 0 to 100, and setting it to 0 makes the lamp turn off.
What is a good way of getting a Switch toggle for this slider? I have tried the same as described above for the other lamp, but then the Switch only works for turning the lamp off. I cannot turn it on again using the same Switch.
I would create 2 items: One for the switch snd one to store the brightness level. Then create a rule and whenever the switch is turned off, save the current brightness level in the dummy item and send 0 to the brightness level. When the switch turns on, just send the last stored value to the brightness channel
That’s easier than I thought! Thank you for sharing. I appreciate the screenshot.
Interestingly, the method described in my question now also works. The problem described (quoted below) no longer occurs after linking a switch, even though that seems unrelated. I don’t know if it was a fluke or if there is a logical reason why it wouldn’t work before but now it does.
I have tried the same as described above for the other lamp, but then the Switch only works for turning the lamp off. I cannot turn it on again using the same Switch.
Either way, I like your method because it is cleaner. I can’t believe I didn’t try this myself. Perhaps I was too focused on the “create equipment from thing” defaults.