For those who struggle with the description. I did the following
- Install z-wave binding via paper ui
- go to karaf console and uninstall the binding via console
ssh openhab@localhost -p 8081
password is 'habopen’
list the installed bundles:
184 | Active | 80 | 2.0.0.b4 | openHAB Dashboard UI
185 | Resolved | 80 | 2.0.0.b4 | openHAB Paper UI Theme Fragment, Hosts: 180
186 | Active | 80 | 0.9.10.v20160429-1435 | reflections (wrap)
187 | Active | 80 | 1.5.8.v20160511-1038 | swagger-jersey2-jaxrs (wrap)
190 | Active | 80 | 0.9.0.b4 | HABmin User Interface
191 | Active | 80 | 2.0.0.b4 | HomeKit Integration
198 | Active | 80 | 2.0.0.b4 | ZWave Binding
199 | Active | 80 | 2.0.0.b4 | openHAB Serial Transport Bundle
search for the zwave binding. In my case it had id 198
uninstall the binding using this id
bundle:uninstall 198
exit the karat console with
- Install newest snapshot
got to ‘/usr/share/openhab2/addons’ (if you installed with apt-get)
Download the bundle here. e.g.
cd /usr/share/openhab2/addons
sudo wget
Hope this helps someone.