How to install and start paper ui

I dont seem to find any link on how to install paper ui … i just started with openhab and paper ui fits my needs. i am using my sensor nodes with another controller and openhab’s my personal fav so can anyone pls explain or give a link explaining in detail the procedure.

In your addons.cfg, set the following options:

# A comma-separated list of UIs to install (e.g. "basic,paper")
ui = paper,basic

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oh, thanks a lot… i’ll get started with it…

paper ui feels much better for handling mysensors which are automatically detected than the classic ui…

hey and whats the difference between the offline and online distros…

If you had followed the link I provided you had already known it:

You also do not have to get hold of the jar file yourself as the openHAB
 distribution either includes it already locally (offline distro) or 
knows from where to download it (online distro).

I have paperUI installed (via habmin), but can’t figure out how to launch it. The Github link above has gone stale, and the current PaperUI readme ( doesn’t mention how to launch it.

I launch habmin via: /habmin/index.html
and classicUI via: /classicui/app?sitemap=home

I’ve tried


with no success so far.

http://my-ip:8080/paperui/index.html works for me…

Or try http://my-ip:8080/start/index and choose it from there.

Hmm, I get a 500 error on /start/index. At least that gives me something else to run down. I’m running the Docker distro, I’ll check to see if there’s a newer release.

I uninstalled PaperUI via Habmin. It appeared to hang while uninstalling. After serveral minutes, I restarted Openhab and re-installed it, and it now works.