Iḿ make progress with small steps on Ubuntu.
I thought I had everything working and could move Openhab from Synology to Ubuntu but one thing I can´t get working
I can access the folder from Ubuntu after I select Networking and login with the special created user and password connected to the shared folder on the Synology.
But when I reboot Ubuntu it is not working anymore.
What did I do to get this work.
sudo mkdir /nfs/backup_nuc
The name backup_nuc is the same as I created on the Synoloy
Added the line below to /etc/fstab /nfs/backup_nuc nfs auto,noatime,nfsvers=4
What I can´t find is where to add the username and password?
And also why I need to create a folder in nfs
I hope again somebody can help.
I got it running the same way on my machine where I mounted a Synology shared folder.
I see just a few differences:
In NFS permission settings change Squash to none
Allow non-privileged ports
However, I habe no experience with docker. Maybe something is blocking full communication with Synology? Maybe also add both IP addresses to your Synology (in case your container has a different IP address than your NUC).
When you mount -a your folder, are there any error messages inmthe log? journalctl -r
What is your maximum nfs protocol version and did you enable Standard Unix Permissions under advanced settings on your Synology?
This is on both sites not running in a docker. Only Openhab is running in a docker and files are outside the docker
Below the response.
mount -a /nfs/backup_nuc doesn´t generate a entry
feb 13 11:24:57 mynuc-desktop polkitd[684]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:3977:49367 (system bus name :1.104, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/Aut>
feb 13 11:24:56 mynuc-desktop systemd[1]: Reloading finished in 832 ms.
feb 13 11:24:56 mynuc-desktop systemd[1]: Reloading...
feb 13 11:24:56 mynuc-desktop systemd[1]: Reloading requested from client PID 3977 ('systemctl') (unit user@1000.service)...
feb 13 11:24:56 mynuc-desktop polkitd[684]: Operator of unix-session:1 successfully authenticated as unix-user:mynuc to gain TEMPORARY authorization for action org.freedeskto>
feb 13 11:24:48 mynuc-desktop polkitd[684]: Identity `unix-group:admin' is not valid, ignoring: No UNIX group with name admin: Success
feb 13 11:24:48 mynuc-desktop polkitd[684]: Registered Authentication Agent for unix-process:3977:49367 (system bus name :1.104 [/usr/bin/pkttyagent --notify-fd 5 --fallback]>
What very strange is that touch delete.me is still working but get errors when I run the script. This was working before.
Thanks for your support. I will try another time a different implementation.