How to mark an equipment or a temperature sensor as the main one for the badge of a location card?

Hey Forum,

I’m using openHAB version 4.3.0 on KVM running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and using Java 17.

I have a room (location) in the semantic model having three equipments with all having a temperature sensor. They differ much, due to the room layout. One of them is located under a roof top window with a windows shaft and usually shows a five degree lower temperature than the one at the rooms entry.

One of them is regarded the main temperature sensor and so I want to show this value as the badge temperature on the location card.

Currently the badge uses one of the three temperature sensors but it is not the one I want to use as the main temperature sensor.

Is it possible to tag one of the three temperature sensors as the one picked up by the badge of the location card?

If not how would you achieve this with other measures?

Kind regards,

The standard semantic model philosophy that no point can be in two different places in the model has just one or two built-in exceptions and this is one of them. If a location has a standalone temperature point as a direct child then that point will be used as the temperature for that location. That point can (and should) also still be a child of the proper equipment group in that location.

For example, I have a main sensor with temp in my master bedroom and a secondary sensor for the walk in closet, so both of those are equipment in my bedroom location with temperature points. The bedroom card only shows the main sensor temp in the badge because that temp point is also a direct member of the location group itself: