How to parse this JSON correctly

I have created a script that contacts my solarlog device and returns a json formated string:
{“801”:{“170”:{“100”:“25.11.15 16:59:45”,“101”:0,“102”:20,“103”:232,“104”:138,“105”:16098,“106”:2261,“107”:291949,“108”:8751601,“109”:35466782,“110”:0,“111”:0,“112”:0,“113”:0,“114”:0,“115”:0,“116”:8640}}}

I have defined an item to retrieve value 100 (update time) of the json as follows:
String Update “Update [%s]” { exec="<[/bin/sh@@-c@@//]" }

transform getSL100.js has following content

However, this does not seem to be correct. What would be the correct syntax in the getSL100.js
file to retrieve the value corresponding with title “100”?

When using a number to index in Javascript, it has to be in the form myobj['100']. Here is a Stackoverflow answer about it.

Could you clarify this a little bit?
How does the content in my getSL100.js look like?
I cannot change the json output.

Maybe this would work:

(function(i) {
    var json = JSON.parse(i);
    return json['801']['170']['100'];

I think it will return 25.11.15 16:59:45. If you further massaged that string into 2015-11-25T16:59:45 using Javascript, you ought to be able to use it as the state of a DateTime item.

Thanks a lot Watou, this indeed works!

Great! Also, an alternative could be to use the JSONPATH transformation service so that you don’t need a separate .js file for each bit you want to pick out of the JSON string.

I’ve tried this but it did not work.
I installed 1.7.1 using debian apt-get and the JSONPATH jar files do not seam to be integrated or installed.
It have errors.

I looked through the source code that provides the JSONPATH transformation service and I can’t see a reason why the code would not be available to you. If you could provide more specific details about the errors you received, I could give you my opinion of what might make this work correctly.

Below the error:

2015-11-27 12:47:24.582 [WARN ] [transform.TransformationHelper] - Cannot get service reference for transformation service of type JASONPATH
2015-11-27 12:47:24.584 [WARN ] [.o.b.exec.internal.ExecBinding] - couldn’t transform response because transformationService of type ‘JASONPATH’ is unavailable

the item is defined as
String SolarLog_Test “Updated [%s]” { exec="<[/bin/sh@@-c@@//etc/openhab/configurations/$.801.170.100)]" }
which proved to be correct in an online JSONPATH validator

The issue is spelling. It’s JSONPATH, not JASONPATH.

Typo from my side but with the correct spelling I have exactly the above error