How to Put Tags to things for use in Google home?

O.k I understand that i have two options now, connect tags using RestDoc of making .itemfiles myself with a tag.
I guess i first have to figure out what works best for me :thinking:

In the documentation i also read something about “homebuilder UI” to generate itemfiles and sitemaps?? So that’s a third option? :grinning:

Thanks for now!! I’m sure i’ll be back quickly with other questions but now i’m going to play with RestDoc and VSC to see what suits me best…
Thanks again…you guys are the best!!

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You can use the Gets a Single Item section in the Rest APi documents to retrieve all the details of an item, in which will be the tags.

Like this, where the tag is Outlet

You can use this method to see what’s been loaded into the JSON DB, regardless of how your items were created.