How to run Zigbee Console Application

Hi @chris,

I successfully import your workspace into Eclipse IDE without any errors.

I just followed below steps:

  1. Go to file and select import option and select Maven Project.

  2. Select Existing Maven Projects and browse your workspace and click finish.

  3. Worksapce build successfully without any errors.

but here i have one doubt, how to start console application.

Above steps are perfect?.

Anything have i left in workspace to import.

Best Regards,

The command line arguments and an example command line are shown in the documentation -:

I hope this helps…

I understood those commands.

But i am unable to run the console application in Eclipse IDE. Below screen shot is my eclipse ide.

I don’t know how to run the console application. Where i have to run the console application in

eclipse ide. Please help me.

In the taskbar there is a run and debug dropdown where you can configure the start configurations.


If you are not familiar with using Eclipse, then it might be worth looking at an online tutorial to get your self familiar with the environment.

I got those options. I select the Debug Configuration. I created java application.

In that configuration, which package I have to browse. Which class i have to select to run the

console application.

Thanks chris… I configured zigbee console application.

But when I debug the console application.I a got below error.

Parsing command line failed. Reason: Missing required options: d, p

As the error says - it is missing the required options d and p - you need to add these options to the command line.

I tried adding the option d and p in eclipse ide console. it’s not taking input values.

Is there any method to add d and p options .

Just write them on the command line arguments input area in the IDE.

Please consider looking for a tutorial on using Eclipse IDE if you are not familiar with the environment (as seems to be the case). It will make things easier for everyone - especially you.

Now i understood how to give command line inputs in eclipse ide. I tried in that. I have given input dp in program argument area.But still getting the same error.

Just I gone through com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.console.main.ZigBeeConsoleMain javaclass.

But here Command Line Arguments expects below arguments.

 dongleName = cmdline.getOptionValue("dongle");
 serialPortName = cmdline.getOptionValue("port");
 serialBaud = parseDecimalOrHexInt(cmdline.getOptionValue("baud"));

So I have to give input dongle and port and baud rate.

I tried like this Error: Could not find or load main class CC2531,COM6,9600

Can you please tell correct format of command line arguments.

Thanks and Regards,

Please see the second message above -:

Or see the readme file in the documentation that I have posted the link to!


Thanks @chris console is worked for me in eclipse ide.

I just follow below steps.

  1. This is my console command-dongle CC2531 -port COM7 -baud 115200 -flow software -channel 11 -pan 0x2000 -epan 987654321 -nwkkey AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA -reset.

  2. I have connected one device as a Coordinator(CC2538) to my pc.

  3. Another device connected to my pc as a Router. I have been used Z-Tool for device set up(Coordinator and Router) .

  4. Is it right device setup(Coordinator anfd Router)?.

  5. log files below shown.

     Initialising ZigBee console...
     10:46:37.776  DEBUG  Adding supported cluster 1280
     10:46:37.786  DEBUG  ClusterMatcher starting
     10:46:37.957  DEBUG  ClusterMatcher adding cluster IAS_ZONE
     10:46:37.958  DEBUG  Adding supported cluster 25
     10:46:37.960  DEBUG  ClusterMatcher adding cluster OTA_UPGRADE
     10:46:38.074  DEBUG  CC2531 transport initialize
     ZigBee network state updated to UNINITIALISED
     10:46:38.080  DEBUG  Opening port COM7 at 115200 baud with FLOWCONTROL_OUT_XONOFF.
     10:46:38.110  DEBUG  ->  SYS_RESET (Packet: subsystem=null, length=1, apiId=41 00, data=FE 01 41 00 01 41, checksum=41, error=false) 
     10:46:38.570  DEBUG  <-- SYS_RESET_RESPONSE (FE 06 41 80 00 02 00 02 07 00 C0)
     10:46:38.570  DEBUG  Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=6, apiId=41 80, data=FE 06 41 80 00 02 00 02 07 00 C0, checksum=C0, error=false
     10:46:38.578  DEBUG  ->  SYS_VERSION (Packet: subsystem=null, length=0, apiId=21 02, data=FE 00 21 02 23, checksum=23, error=false) 
     10:46:38.581  DEBUG  <-  SYS_VERSION_RESPONSE (FE 05 61 02 02 00 02 07 00 61)
     10:46:38.581  DEBUG  CC2531 version is Software=2.7 Product=0 Hardware=0 Transport=2
     ZigBee network state updated to INITIALISING
     10:46:38.586  INFO   Loading network state...
     10:46:39.178  DEBUG  063A490C00124B00: Node 0 added to the network
     10:46:39.182  INFO   Loading network state complete.
     10:46:39.182  DEBUG  Network discovery task starting
     10:46:39.182  DEBUG  ->  ZB_GET_DEVICE_INFO (Packet: subsystem=null, length=1, apiId=26 06, data=FE 01 26 06 06 27, checksum=27, error=false) 
     10:46:39.184  DEBUG  <-  ZB_GET_DEVICE_INFO_RSP (FE 09 66 06 06 FE FF 00 9C 01 FF FF 10 E3)
     PAN ID          = -2
     10:46:39.186  DEBUG  ->  ZB_GET_DEVICE_INFO (Packet: subsystem=null, length=1, apiId=26 06, data=FE 01 26 06 07 26, checksum=26, error=false) 
     10:46:39.188  DEBUG  <-  ZB_GET_DEVICE_INFO_RSP (FE 09 66 06 07 21 43 65 87 09 00 00 00 E7)
     Extended PAN ID = 0000000987654321
     10:46:39.191  DEBUG  ->  ZB_GET_DEVICE_INFO (Packet: subsystem=null, length=1, apiId=26 06, data=FE 01 26 06 05 24, checksum=24, error=false) 
     10:46:39.191  DEBUG  <-  ZB_GET_DEVICE_INFO_RSP (FE 09 66 06 05 00 43 65 87 09 00 00 00 C4)
     Channel         = CHANNEL_00
     *** Resetting network
       * Channel                = 11
       * PAN ID                 = 8192
       * Extended PAN ID        = 0000000987654321
       * Link Key               = 5A6967426565416C6C69616E63653039
     10:46:39.201  DEBUG  ->  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION (Packet: subsystem=null, length=6, apiId=26 05, data=FE 06 26 05 84 04 00 08 00 00 AD, checksum=AD, error=false) 
     10:46:39.201  DEBUG  <-  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION_RSP (FE 01 66 05 00 62)
     10:46:39.206  DEBUG  ->  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION (Packet: subsystem=null, length=4, apiId=26 05, data=FE 04 26 05 83 02 00 20 86, checksum=86, error=false) 
     10:46:39.208  DEBUG  <-  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION_RSP (FE 01 66 05 00 62)
     10:46:39.208  DEBUG  ->  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION (Packet: subsystem=null, length=10, apiId=26 05, data=FE 0A 26 05 2D 08 21 43 65 87 09 00 00 00 85, checksum=85, error=false) 
     10:46:39.208  DEBUG  <-  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION_RSP (FE 01 66 05 00 62)
     10:46:39.215  DEBUG  ->  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION (Packet: subsystem=null, length=18, apiId=26 05, data=FE 12 26 05 62 10 AA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E9, checksum=E9, error=false) 
     10:46:39.219  DEBUG  <-  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION_RSP (FE 01 66 05 00 62)
     10:46:39.219  DEBUG  Unsupported configuration option "TRUST_CENTRE_LINK_KEY" in Telegesis dongle
     10:46:39.219  DEBUG  CC2531 transport startup
     10:46:39.219  DEBUG  Resetting network stack.
     10:46:39.219  DEBUG  ->  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION (Packet: subsystem=null, length=3, apiId=26 05, data=FE 03 26 05 03 01 03 21, checksum=21, error=false) 
     10:46:39.227  DEBUG  <-  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION_RSP (FE 01 66 05 00 62)
     10:46:39.229  DEBUG  Changing the Network Mode to Coordinator.
     10:46:39.229  DEBUG  ->  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION (Packet: subsystem=null, length=3, apiId=26 05, data=FE 03 26 05 87 01 00 A6, checksum=A6, error=false) 
     10:46:39.229  DEBUG  <-  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION_RSP (FE 01 66 05 00 62)
     10:46:39.229  DEBUG  Resetting CC2531 dongle.
     10:46:39.229  DEBUG  ->  SYS_RESET (Packet: subsystem=null, length=1, apiId=41 00, data=FE 01 41 00 01 41, checksum=41, error=false) 
     10:46:39.576  DEBUG  <-- SYS_RESET_RESPONSE (FE 06 41 80 00 02 00 02 07 00 C0)
     10:46:39.586  DEBUG  Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=6, apiId=41 80, data=FE 06 41 80 00 02 00 02 07 00 C0, checksum=C0, error=false
     10:46:39.586  DEBUG  Setting channel to 11.
     10:46:39.586  DEBUG  ->  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION (Packet: subsystem=null, length=6, apiId=26 05, data=FE 06 26 05 84 04 00 08 00 00 AD, checksum=AD, error=false) 
     10:46:39.590  DEBUG  Unhandled ZToolPacket type 0x4180
     10:46:39.590  DEBUG  <-  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION_RSP (FE 01 66 05 00 62)
     10:46:39.590  DEBUG  Setting PAN to 2000.
     10:46:39.590  DEBUG  ->  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION (Packet: subsystem=null, length=4, apiId=26 05, data=FE 04 26 05 83 02 00 20 86, checksum=86, error=false) 
     10:46:39.597  DEBUG  <-  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION_RSP (FE 01 66 05 00 62)
     10:46:39.600  DEBUG  Setting Extended PAN ID to 0000000987654321.
     10:46:39.600  DEBUG  ->  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION (Packet: subsystem=null, length=10, apiId=26 05, data=FE 0A 26 05 2D 08 21 43 65 87 09 00 00 00 85, checksum=85, error=false) 
     10:46:39.600  DEBUG  <-  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION_RSP (FE 01 66 05 00 62)
     10:46:39.600  DEBUG  Setting NETWORK_KEY.
     10:46:39.606  DEBUG  ->  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION (Packet: subsystem=null, length=18, apiId=26 05, data=FE 12 26 05 62 10 AA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E9, checksum=E9, error=false) 
     10:46:39.610  DEBUG  <-  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION_RSP (FE 01 66 05 00 62)
     10:46:39.610  DEBUG  Setting Distribute Network Key to true.
     10:46:39.610  DEBUG  ->  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION (Packet: subsystem=null, length=3, apiId=26 05, data=FE 03 26 05 63 01 00 42, checksum=42, error=false) 
     10:46:39.616  DEBUG  <-  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION_RSP (FE 01 66 05 00 62)
     10:46:39.616  DEBUG  Setting Security Mode to 1.
     10:46:39.616  DEBUG  ->  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION (Packet: subsystem=null, length=3, apiId=26 05, data=FE 03 26 05 64 01 01 44, checksum=44, error=false) 
     10:46:39.620  DEBUG  <-  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION_RSP (FE 01 66 05 00 62)
     10:46:39.620  DEBUG  Creating network as Coordinator
     10:46:39.620  DEBUG  ->  ZDO_MSG_CB_REGISTER (Packet: subsystem=null, length=2, apiId=25 3E, data=FE 02 25 3E FF FF 19, checksum=19, error=false) 
     10:46:39.620  DEBUG  <-  ZDO_MSG_CB_REGISTER_SRSP (FE 01 65 3E 00 5A)
     10:46:39.620  DEBUG  ->  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION (Packet: subsystem=null, length=3, apiId=26 05, data=FE 03 26 05 8F 01 01 AF, checksum=AF, error=false) 
     10:46:39.626  DEBUG  <-  ZB_WRITE_CONFIGURATION_RSP (FE 01 66 05 00 62)
     10:46:39.626  DEBUG  ->  ZDO_STARTUP_FROM_APP (Packet: subsystem=null, length=2, apiId=25 40, data=FE 02 25 40 00 00 67, checksum=67, error=false) 
     10:46:39.776  DEBUG  <-  ZDO_STARTUP_FROM_APP_SRSP (FE 01 65 40 01 25)
     10:46:39.776  INFO   Initialized ZigBee network with new or reset network state.
     10:46:40.047  DEBUG  <-- ZDO_STATE_CHANGE_IND (FE 01 45 C0 08 8C)
     10:46:40.047  DEBUG  Received Async Cmd: ZDO_STATE_CHANGE_IND{State=DEV_COORD_STARTING}
     10:46:40.047  DEBUG  Unhandled ZToolPacket type 0x45c0
     10:46:40.308  DEBUG  <-- ZDO_STATE_CHANGE_IND (FE 01 45 C0 08 8C)
     10:46:40.308  DEBUG  Received Async Cmd: ZDO_STATE_CHANGE_IND{State=DEV_COORD_STARTING}
     10:46:40.311  DEBUG  Unhandled ZToolPacket type 0x45c0
     10:46:40.567  DEBUG  <-- ZDO_STATE_CHANGE_IND (FE 01 45 C0 08 8C)
     10:46:40.567  DEBUG  Received Async Cmd: ZDO_STATE_CHANGE_IND{State=DEV_COORD_STARTING}
     10:46:40.567  DEBUG  Unhandled ZToolPacket type 0x45c0
     10:46:40.826  DEBUG  <-- ZDO_STATE_CHANGE_IND (FE 01 45 C0 08 8C)
     10:46:40.826  DEBUG  Received Async Cmd: ZDO_STATE_CHANGE_IND{State=DEV_COORD_STARTING}
     10:46:40.826  DEBUG  Unhandled ZToolPacket type 0x45c0
     10:46:41.357  DEBUG  <-- ZDO_STATE_CHANGE_IND (FE 01 45 C0 09 8D)
     10:46:41.357  DEBUG  Received Async Cmd: ZDO_STATE_CHANGE_IND{State=DEV_COORD_STARTED}
     10:46:41.360  DEBUG  Started as ZigBee Coordinator
     10:46:41.360  DEBUG  Unhandled ZToolPacket type 0x45c0
     10:46:41.387  DEBUG  ->  AF_REGISTER (Packet: subsystem=null, length=9, apiId=24 00, data=FE 09 24 00 01 04 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 29, checksum=29, error=false) 
     10:46:41.387  DEBUG  <-  AF_REGISTER_SRSP (FE 01 64 00 00 65)
     10:46:41.387  DEBUG  Registered endpoint 1 with profile: 260
     ZigBee network state updated to ONLINE
     10:46:41.392  DEBUG  0: NWK Discovery scheduling node discovery
     Node Added ZigBeeNode [IEEE=063A490C00124B00, NWK=0000, Type=UNKNOWN]
     10:46:41.400  DEBUG  063A490C00124B00: Node SVC Discovery scheduled [NEIGHBORS, NODE_DESCRIPTOR, POWER_DESCRIPTOR, NWK_ADDRESS]
     ZigBee console starting up ... [OK]
     10:46:41.420  DEBUG  0: NWK Discovery starting node discovery
     10:46:41.420  DEBUG  Starting mesh update task with interval of 60 seconds
     10:46:41.425  DEBUG  Adding supported cluster 1280
     10:46:41.425  DEBUG  ClusterMatcher adding cluster IAS_ZONE
     ZigBee API starting up...
     ZigBee console ready.
     10:46:41.425  DEBUG  ->  ZB_GET_DEVICE_INFO (Packet: subsystem=null, length=1, apiId=26 06, data=FE 01 26 06 06 27, checksum=27, error=false) 
     10:46:41.429  DEBUG  <-  ZB_GET_DEVICE_INFO_RSP (FE 09 66 06 06 00 20 00 02 00 FF 20 D1 43)
     PAN ID          = 8192
     10:46:41.433  DEBUG  ->  ZB_GET_DEVICE_INFO (Packet: subsystem=null, length=1, apiId=26 06, data=FE 01 26 06 07 26, checksum=26, error=false) 
     10:46:41.437  DEBUG  063A490C00124B00: Node SVC Discovery already scheduled or running
     10:46:41.445  DEBUG  TX CMD: IeeeAddressRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0001, TID=00, nwkAddrOfInterest=0, requestType=1, startIndex=0]
     10:46:41.466  DEBUG  TX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=1, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=31, apsSecurity=false, apsCounter=0, payload=00 00 00 01 00]
     10:46:42.437  DEBUG  ZB_GET_DEVICE_INFO executed and timed out while waiting for response.
     10:46:42.439  DEBUG  Failed to send ZB_GET_DEVICE_INFO [attempt 1]
     10:46:43.442  DEBUG  ->  AF_DATA_REQUEST (Packet: subsystem=null, length=15, apiId=24 01, data=FE 0F 24 01 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 30 1F 05 00 00 00 01 00 00, checksum=00, error=false) 
     10:46:43.442  DEBUG  ->  ZB_GET_DEVICE_INFO (Packet: subsystem=null, length=1, apiId=26 06, data=FE 01 26 06 07 26, checksum=26, error=false) 
     10:46:43.445  DEBUG  <-  ZB_GET_DEVICE_INFO_RSP (FE 09 66 06 07 00 4B 12 00 0C 49 3A 06 4E)
     10:46:43.445  DEBUG  <-  AF_DATA_SRSP (FE 01 64 01 00 64)
     Extended PAN ID = 063A490C00124B00
     10:46:43.477  DEBUG  <-- ZToolPacket (FE 0D 45 81 00 00 4B 12 00 0C 49 3A 06 00 00 FF 00 16)
     10:46:43.477  DEBUG  Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=13, apiId=45 81, data=FE 0D 45 81 00 00 4B 12 00 0C 49 3A 06 00 00 FF 00 16, checksum=16, error=false
     10:46:43.576  DEBUG  063A490C00124B00: Node SVC Discovery running
     10:46:43.576  DEBUG  TX CMD: ManagementLqiRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0031, TID=01, startIndex=0]
     10:46:43.576  DEBUG  TX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=49, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=31, apsSecurity=false, apsCounter=1, payload=00 00]
     10:46:43.599  DEBUG  RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=32769, addressMode=null, radius=0, apsSecurity=false, apsCounter=0, payload=00 00 00 4B 12 00 0C 49 3A 06 00 00 00 FF]
     10:46:43.610  DEBUG  RX CMD: IeeeAddressResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8001, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, ieeeAddrRemoteDev=063A490C00124B00, nwkAddrRemoteDev=0, startIndex=255, nwkAddrAssocDevList=[]]
     10:46:43.610  DEBUG  <-- ZToolPacket (FE 15 45 FF 00 00 00 01 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 4B 12 00 0C 49 3A 06 00 00 00 0E)
     10:46:43.616  DEBUG  Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=21, apiId=45 FF, data=FE 15 45 FF 00 00 00 01 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 4B 12 00 0C 49 3A 06 00 00 00 0E, checksum=0E, error=false
     10:46:43.620  DEBUG  RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=32769, addressMode=null, radius=0, apsSecurity=false, apsCounter=0, payload=00 00 00 4B 12 00 0C 49 3A 06 00 00 00]
     10:46:43.620  DEBUG  RX CMD: IeeeAddressResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8001, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, ieeeAddrRemoteDev=063A490C00124B00, nwkAddrRemoteDev=0, startIndex=null, nwkAddrAssocDevList=[]]
     10:46:43.620  DEBUG  <-  ZB_GET_DEVICE_INFO_RSP (FE 09 66 06 07 00 4B 12 00 0C 49 3A 06 4E)
     10:46:44.445  DEBUG  AF_DATA_REQUEST executed and timed out while waiting for response.
     10:46:44.445  DEBUG  Failed to send AF_DATA_REQUEST [attempt 1]
     10:46:44.446  DEBUG  ->  AF_DATA_REQUEST (Packet: subsystem=null, length=15, apiId=24 01, data=FE 0F 24 01 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 30 1F 05 00 00 00 01 00 00, checksum=00, error=false) 
     10:46:44.448  DEBUG  <-  AF_DATA_SRSP (FE 01 64 01 00 64)
     10:46:44.452  DEBUG  ->  AF_DATA_REQUEST (Packet: subsystem=null, length=12, apiId=24 01, data=FE 0C 24 01 00 00 00 00 31 00 01 30 1F 02 00 00 34, checksum=34, error=false) 
     10:46:44.452  DEBUG  Transaction complete: IeeeAddressRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0001, TID=00, nwkAddrOfInterest=0, requestType=1, startIndex=0]
     10:46:44.452  DEBUG  <-- ZToolPacket (FE 0D 45 81 00 00 4B 12 00 0C 49 3A 06 00 00 64 00 8D)
     10:46:44.452  DEBUG  Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=13, apiId=45 81, data=FE 0D 45 81 00 00 4B 12 00 0C 49 3A 06 00 00 64 00 8D, checksum=8D, error=false
     10:46:44.456  DEBUG  RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=32769, addressMode=null, radius=0, apsSecurity=false, apsCounter=0, payload=00 00 00 4B 12 00 0C 49 3A 06 00 00 00 64]
     10:46:44.460  DEBUG  RX CMD: IeeeAddressResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8001, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, ieeeAddrRemoteDev=063A490C00124B00, nwkAddrRemoteDev=0, startIndex=100, nwkAddrAssocDevList=[]]
     10:46:44.460  DEBUG  0: NWK Discovery IeeeAddressRequest returned IeeeAddressResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8001, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, ieeeAddrRemoteDev=063A490C00124B00, nwkAddrRemoteDev=0, startIndex=null, nwkAddrAssocDevList=[]]
     10:46:44.460  DEBUG  063A490C00124B00: Node 0 update
     10:46:44.464  DEBUG  <-- ZToolPacket (FE 15 45 FF 00 00 00 01 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 4B 12 00 0C 49 3A 06 00 00 00 0E)
     10:46:44.464  DEBUG  Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=21, apiId=45 FF, data=FE 15 45 FF 00 00 00 01 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 4B 12 00 0C 49 3A 06 00 00 00 0E, checksum=0E, error=false
     10:46:44.468  DEBUG  RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=32769, addressMode=null, radius=0, apsSecurity=false, apsCounter=0, payload=00 00 00 4B 12 00 0C 49 3A 06 00 00 00]
     10:46:44.472  DEBUG  RX CMD: IeeeAddressResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8001, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, ieeeAddrRemoteDev=063A490C00124B00, nwkAddrRemoteDev=0, startIndex=null, nwkAddrAssocDevList=[]]
     10:46:44.476  DEBUG  <-  AF_DATA_SRSP (FE 01 64 01 00 64)
     10:46:44.476  DEBUG  <-- ZToolPacket (FE 06 45 B1 00 00 00 00 00 00 F2)
     10:46:44.480  DEBUG  Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=6, apiId=45 B1, data=FE 06 45 B1 00 00 00 00 00 00 F2, checksum=F2, error=false
     10:46:44.484  DEBUG  RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=32817, addressMode=null, radius=0, apsSecurity=false, apsCounter=0, payload=00 00 00 00 00]
     10:46:44.484  DEBUG  RX CMD: ManagementLqiResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8031, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, neighborTableEntries=0, startIndex=0, neighborTableList=[]]
     10:46:44.488  DEBUG  <-- ZToolPacket (FE 0D 45 FF 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06)
     10:46:44.488  DEBUG  Received Async Cmd: Packet: subsystem=null, length=13, apiId=45 FF, data=FE 0D 45 FF 00 00 00 31 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06, checksum=06, error=false
     10:46:44.488  DEBUG  RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=32817, addressMode=null, radius=0, apsSecurity=false, apsCounter=0, payload=00 00 00 00 00]
     10:46:44.488  DEBUG  RX CMD: ManagementLqiResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8031, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS, neighborTableEntries=0, startIndex=0, neighborTableList=[]]
     10:46:44.460  DEBUG  Transaction complete: IeeeAddressRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0001, TID=00, nwkAddrOfInterest=0, requestType=1, startIndex=0]
     10:46:44.492  DEBUG  ->  ZB_GET_DEVICE_INFO (Packet: subsystem=null, length=1, apiId=26 06, data=FE 01 26 06 05 24, checksum=24, error=false) 
     10:46:44.492  DEBUG  <-  ZB_GET_DEVICE_INFO_RSP (FE 09 66 06 05 0B 00 00 00 00 FF AB FD CE)
     Channel         = CHANNEL_11
  6. What was the further steps.

Best Regards,

I don’t think this will work - I think that the 2531 can only be configured as a coordinator in the console

What are you wanting to do exactly?

I want to write data to router from coordinator.

In the console didn’t get end point info.

I have set pan id to both devices(my pan id 0x2000).

how can i get end point info.

You can’t configure the console as a router. If you want to use a router, then use a different device. It is not designed to do what you are trying to do - it is designed to act as a coordinator.

thanks @chris,

Your saying this library files only supported for CC2531 devices.

I will start with CC2531. I think in Z-Tool the devices are not yet join to the network.

When we bind the devices? After devices joining to the network.

No - I didn’t say that. I said that the CC2531 can only be configured as a coordinator. It works with a number of different dongles…

However, your original question is if the CC2536 works by using the CC2531 driver - this is what I understood you wanted to test. We said that this should work as the ZNP interface is the same.

Sorry @chris, I understood. Yes… the CC2531 driver had recognized CC2538 device.

Before we using console… we have to configure both devices in Z-Tool?