Yes, I have been looking at the documentation at http://:8080/#!/developer/api-explorer - without finding out how to do it.
What is expected in the field “topics”? When clicking on “Try it out” and “Execute”? I just get 400 and “Topic is empty or contains invalid characters”.
Also in the openhab 3.0 documentation I find:
# ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent - The status of a thing changed.
curl "http://{openHAB_IP}:8080/rest/events?topics=smarthome/things/{thingUID}/statuschanged"
# ChannelTriggeredEvent - A channel has been triggered.
curl "http://{openHAB_IP}:8080/rest/events?topics=smarthome/channels/{channelUID}/triggered"
I can’t find an example for an item and statechange, but from what I would expect from the two examples above, it should be equal to the syntax I have been using with openhab 2.x. Still I can’t get it to work…