i’m using openhab 4.3 and try to control my lamps, that are connected via hue bridge. The lamps are not original hue lamps. They support color and white (dimming only) mode. I can control the lamps via hue-app without any issue.
I followed the binding description to read the devices from the bridge (there are more, but i removed it for readability):
I use BasicUI without extra configuration. The only working channel seems to be the color one. The other channels do nothing. If i click on the on/off (switch channel), the switch toggles to on the goes immediately back to off. Same with dimmer channel.
The color channel switches the lamp to color mode. But for all-day use, i need the white mode with dimming functionality.
So my questions are:
How can i use white mode?
How can i control both modes via BasicUI and MainUI?
Check in the UI in the Thing’s channels if the “switch” and the “brightness” channels are actually available for your liht Thing. It might be that only the “on-of-only” (switch item) and “dimming-only” (dimmer item) channels are available, so you may have linked Items to non-existent channels. Another option is to link the switch and dimmer both to the “color” channel (works in v2 just like in v1).
White only mode you can achieve by setting a color-temperature.
When I change the color temperature, i can see the changes in the hue app. But because the light does not support the color temperature, it has no effect on the light.
But it still does not switch into “ct” (=white) mode. It stays in “xy” (colormode property from local hue api). When i set the light in ct mode with the hue app, it stays there, unless i change the color via color channel. The other channels have no effect in ct mode.
Now the on/off switch works. Also I can change the brightness with the dimmer linked to the color channel. And the dimmer linked to the color-temperature now switches into ct mode.
Not fully solved. I tried the on/off switch and it works in the BasicUI. At least the control is working. If I switch it on via BasicUI and then switch it off via hue app, the status in the BasicUI does not update. It still shows on.