How to update Habpanel only

Hi all,
I’m playing around with HABpanel and it looks great. Now I’m trying to show a Image Item. But in 2.1 stable it’s not possible. I saw that It’s allready integrated in the 2.2 version of the UI.
I have cloned the repositiory and mvn the jar file but I’m not able to update the UI.

Where do i have to place the jar file to get it updated? Or what to do to update a stable version with a snapshot UI?

Thanks / Greetings / Thomas

Uninstall your 2.1 version with Paper UI, download the .jar from here, copy it to your addons folder, done!

Thanks, working great.

It’s ok but how do you know infos about the installed version on paper UI ? habpanel is marked uninstalled and version 2.1

I have some stuff of habpanel in /static
Do I need to change somthing there as well?

I actually did the step above, but the settings tab still looks “old” and I do not see this:

If I don’t run it with /static, it seems to be ok
However, I want to use my custom icons in /static…

Check your bundle version in the Karaf console (the “openhab>” prompt):

openhab> bundle:list org.openhab.ui.habpanel
START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50
 ID | State  | Lvl | Version            | Name
234 | Active |  80 | | HABPanel User Interface

result is:
START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50
ID | State | Lvl | Version | Name
10 | Active | 80 | | HABPanel User Interface

running it with
it looks ok, but not with

do I need to copy some other stuff to html/static manually?

Of course, updating the bundle won’t update anything under /static, that’s where you put your own files and therefore have to update them manually.

got it - thanks.
I just cloned the content from


et voilá…

As the target is not available can you suggest another location to download the 2.2. version?


Unpack the archive to a folder and go to: openhab-addons-2.2.0-SNAPSHOT\repository\org\openhab\ui\org.openhab.ui.habpanel\2.2.0-SNAPSHOT
There you will find the addon.

Greetings / Zennix

I have now upgraded to OH 2.3 stable and would like to skip the procedure above in the future.
Is this possible?
Means: Ist there a way, that I can place my habpanel configuration in another place, so that OH always uses the habpanel installed via PaperUI, but finds my configuration?

Before I mess up my system…
It’s about copying all the stuff from this directory:

which contains:
app, assets, fonts, vendor, index.html ...

