How to view only yesterday rrd4j graph?

I need to view only yesterday, till 0:00, is it possible?

Not with rrd4j. It only supports the last day, 3 days, etc. But you can provide a start and stop period to define the time period of the chart. However, I can see no way to dynamically move the window of time.

The following parameters are only available in v1.5 and over the HTTP(S) request:
begin / end sets the begin / end of the time axis of
the chart. Valid values are in this format: yyyyMMddHHmm (yyyy := year,
MM := month, dd := day, HH := hour (0-23), mm := minutes).

So, in short, I don’t think it can be done, though would love to be proven wrong.

Thank you for fast answer.
Can you please show example?

According to the wiki page it would be something like

Chart item=gSignal icon="network" service="rrd4j" begin=201608290000 end=201608300000 refresh=30000

As you can see though, the problem is that there is no way to update the begin and end times when tomorrow comes.

Looks disappointing.
Is custom mysql requests possible from openhab for charting?

Not within OH itself. You could write something external to OH to generate the charts and drop them in the webapps folder and put them on your sitemap using the Image element. Or have some server that generates the apps and use the webview. That is about it.

@martiniman rrd4j is a nice tool to get diagrams quickly. For more detailed graphing I want to highly recommend the usage of InfluxDB + Grafana.
Grafana is extremely flexible and images can be exported to be shown in your openHAB sitemap.

Installation is pretty straight forward. Setup may take you a few minutes.

Has anyone posted a tutorial on how to do this anywhere (wiki, forum posting I’ve missed, blog, anything) I can point people to? If I had a nickle for every time I’ve waved my hands and said “use something else, InfluxDB looks cool…” I could quit my job and actually spend some time on the OH 2 docs (life has sucked the past couple of months).

Hey @rlkoshak,
having a tutorial to point to was exactly what I was missing too when composing this answer. I have a working installation on my side and now that you mention it, yes I’ll write a tutorial soon. The time is right, as I will integrate InfluxDB+Grafana into openHABian as an optional component in the next few weeks. @martiniman if you are interested, let me know for a quick unpolished guide :wink:

@rlkoshak Longer answer, off topic:
I decided on three goals for myself: 1. push the OH2 docs forward (I am now one of the repo maintainers), 2. make starting off with openHAB as easy as possible (openHABian is receiving a good amount of attention) and 3. provide users with more guidance and inspiration.
I talked to Kai the other day and we agreed, that the “Tutorials & Examples” category should be made more relevant. I am now the unofficial moderator of this category and will soon start by creating a pinned article, giving some recommendations and a style guide on how to post tutorials or examples. openHAB heavily depends on other tools, on binding specific settings, on device specific items and on use-case specific rules. For everyone, not only new users, I think it will be incredibly helpful to find dozens of tutorials, examples and snippets to build upon. I agree, that it would be great to at some point have a big set of articles we can point to in threads like this.

On a side note, “life has sucked the past couple of months”, I hope you are doing okay and wish you all the best!

I would gladly test and unpolished docs you have for installs. for OH1 or OH2

I LOVE the openHABian idea. What can be easier than writing an SD image for a Pi and you are ready to go. I know there is already a Docker image as well (official?) and I’d be shocked if there were not VMs of various flavors. All of which I think are good ideas for getting up and running quickly (when the time comes I’m going to migrate to a Docker instance).

I could also see an installation ISO that installs a minimal OS with openHAB.

Sigh, so many ideas, so little time.

I like the idea of standardized format as well. I’ve been trying to follow the same format for my Rules DSL Design Patterns see:

(see the bottom of the thread for my most recent patterns). Of course these are a more limited use case (just rules, no external stuff) but they might provide a starting point for a comprehensive format and style guide.

Do you think these will live here on the Forum or become incorporated into the HTML Docs?

The sticky should also include links to some of the older repositories for tutorials like the wiki, at least until we can rework them into the new format.

Thanks. It is nothing major, just a bunch of little things hit all at once which combine to major stress. After the 23rd things should calm down and I can spend some time on the docs again.

Yes i interested, but i use mysql (mariadb). Is Grafana works with mysql?

So, you’re saying there is an ARM version of InfluxDB+Grafana now? I’d love to have that into openHABian!!!

I used to run this combo for my “Historical data”-persistence needs before I moved to an ARM platform (Raspberry then ODROID and now back to Raspberry again). When I switched, I was looking for InfluxDB and Grafana but one or the other (I don’t remember which) was not available for ARM at that point.

Hey @KjetilA,
I have the combo running on another more powerful server of mine and am actually not sure about wether or not it’s possible. It was on my personal agenda to figure this out. Sorry for maybe spoiling your hopes… - not directly but seems like you could use Prometheus as a catalyzer.

I am glad to hear that you are thinking about this at least. Crossing my fingers!

No worries! I am sure it will eventually be supported.


Apparently something have indeed happened with InfluxDB since I last looked:

And there seems to be some unofficial builds of Grafana here:

I have not tried any of this, but it seems there is hope at least…

Just made the same findings. Yay! :blush: I’ll try getting it integrated in openHABian as soon as possible.

@martiniman @rlkoshak I got an unfinished version ready, including installing, configuring and connecting everything. What’s still missing are a few recommendations on how to best configure diagrams and how to get them back into your sitemap. I hope it’s useful.

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I don’t use my sitemap except for debugging but I’m still going to do this. Thanks!