Howto add MQTT Thing

Thanks, but i think as long as mosquitto_sub do not work, oH wont work too.

What about checking if mosquitto publishes anything by using

mosquitto_sub -h IP-of_the_broker -v -t "#"

In both cases i get an result, but it does not show the device informations.

Could you please post the results, so we can see what is coming back.
It is really hard to give support if we just receive yes or no answers.

@TasteIT I will post my configs later this evening, so you can compare with yours.
What I can already tell, I have
zigbee2mqtt running on a Pi Zero W with some Zigbee window contacts
mosquito on a NUC also running my old openHAB 3 installation
openHAB 4 on another NUC with mqtt binding reading the information from my contacts.
That’s 3 different machines in the game and all is playing together nicely.

Perhaps I can also post examples where I use only two machines, one for zgbee2mqtt and one for openHAB and mosquito…

Did you do (or do you need to do) step 1a of the following post?

OK, here we go with my sample configs:

/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf [this is mosquitto 3.1 on my openHAB 3 machine]

# Place your local configuration in /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/
# A full description of the configuration file is at
# /usr/share/doc/mosquitto/examples/mosquitto.conf.example

pid_file /var/run/

persistence true
persistence_location /var/lib/mosquitto/

log_dest file /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log

include_dir /etc/mosquitto/conf.d

configuration.yaml for zigbee2mqtt on seperate Pi Zero

homeassistant: false
permit_join: true
  base_topic: zigbee2mqtt
  server: mqtt://192.168.x.x [IP of the machine running mosquitto]
  port: /dev/ttyACM0
  log_level: debug
frontend: true
    friendly_name: WindowContactOffice

Thing MQTT Broker

UID: mqtt:broker:mosquitto
label: Mosquitto MQTT Broker
thingTypeUID: mqtt:broker
  lwtQos: 0
  publickeypin: true
  clientid: ***autogenerated***
  keepAlive: 60
  hostnameValidated: true
  birthRetain: true
  secure: false
  certificatepin: true
  shutdownRetain: true
  protocol: TCP
  qos: 0
  reconnectTime: 60000
  mqttVersion: V3
  host: 192.168.x.x [IP of my openHAB3 machine running mosquitto 3.1]
  lwtRetain: true
  enableDiscovery: true

Thing WindowContactOffice

UID: mqtt:topic:mosquitto:windowContactOffice
label: Fensterkontakt Arbeitszimmer
thingTypeUID: mqtt:topic
configuration: {}
bridgeUID: mqtt:broker:mosquitto
location: Office
  - id: state
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:contact
    label: Kontaktstatus
    description: null
      stateTopic: zigbee2mqtt/WindowContactOffice
      transformationPattern: JSONPATH:$.contact
      off: "true"
      on: "false"
  - id: lowBattery
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Niedrige Batterieladung
    description: null
      stateTopic: zigbee2mqtt/WindowContactOffice
      transformationPattern: JSONPATH:$.battery_low
      off: "false"
      on: "true"

Hope this helps…

Yes my mosquitto.conf has the allow_anonymous = true in it.

# Place your local configuration in /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/
# A full description of the configuration file is at
# /usr/share/doc/mosquitto/examples/mosquitto.conf.example

pid_file /run/mosquitto/
listener 1883
allow_anonymous true
persistence true
persistence_location /var/lib/mosquitto/

log_dest file /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log

Is your set up like this:
Mosquitto and Openhab on the same server?
Zigbee2mqtt server on a different server?

yes its setup like this

My setup
Host1 = Mosquitto and Zigbee2MQTT | Host2 = openHAB

# cat /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf 
pid_file /run/mosquitto/
persistence true
persistence_location /var/lib/mosquitto/
log_dest file /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log
include_dir /etc/mosquitto/conf.d
#password_file /etc/mosquitto/passwd
allow_anonymous true
listener 1883
# cat /opt/zigbee2mqtt/data/configuration.yaml 
homeassistant: false
frontend: true
  base_topic: zigbee2mqtt
  server: mqtt://localhost
#  user: User
#  password: 'nothing'
  port: /dev/ttyUSB0
    - 249
    - 79
    - 174
    - 176
    - 179
    - 213
    - 199
    - 251
    - 219
    - 85
    - 179
    - 210
    - 72
    - 164
    - 122
    - 229
  pan_id: 56003
    - 108
    - 149
    - 206
    - 63
    - 171
    - 253
    - 61
    - 226
  homeassistant_legacy_entity_attributes: false
  legacy_api: false
  legacy_availability_payload: false
  log_level: debug
  legacy: false
    friendly_name: DoorWindow

openHab Broker

UID: mqtt:broker:62700f885a
label: MQTT Broker
thingTypeUID: mqtt:broker
  lwtQos: 0
  publickeypin: true
  clientid: 705a46XXX84b920c
  keepAlive: 60
  hostnameValidated: true
  birthRetain: true
  secure: false
  certificatepin: true
  shutdownRetain: true
  protocol: TCP
  qos: 0
  reconnectTime: 60000
  port: 1883
  mqttVersion: V3
  host: servername
  lwtRetain: true
  enableDiscovery: true

Thing Channel

UID: mqtt:topic:62700f885a:84c2c6df90
label: Lini-Fenster MQTT
thingTypeUID: mqtt:topic
configuration: {}
bridgeUID: mqtt:broker:62700f885a
location: Room
  - id: DoorWindow-State
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:contact
    label: Open/Closed
    description: ""
      stateTopic: zigbee2mqtt/DoorWindow
      transformationPattern: REGEX:(.*contact.*)∩JSONPATH:$.contact
      off: "true"
      on: "false"

Should be the IP address of host1 in the zigbee2mqtt.yaml

Should be the IP address of host1 in the OH broker.

1 Like

Using a tool like MqttAnalyzer on iPhone and subscribing to „#“ should show something like this

I got no iPhone, but i tested with an app under android, result is the same as in mosquitto_sub.

Can you please show what you get on your phone (screenshot)

Did you make the IP changes in the files and restart mosquitto and OH?

I guess not, so we are still trying to solve an issue not openHAB related :frowning:

Yes multiple Times with service restart and also server restart.

Its like it is in all application i tested inclusiv mosquitto_sub, no differences:

~# mosquitto_sub -v -t "zigbee2mqtt/#" -h -p 1883
zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state {
    "state": "online"
zigbee2mqtt/bridge/info {
    "commit": "f224ef7",
    "config": {
        "advanced": {
            "adapter_concurrent": null,
            "adapter_delay": null,
            "availability_blacklist": [],
            "availability_blocklist": [],
            "availability_passlist": [],
            "availability_whitelist": [],
            "cache_state": true,
            "cache_state_persistent": true,
            "cache_state_send_on_startup": true,
            "channel": 11,
            "elapsed": false,
            "ext_pan_id": [
            "homeassistant_legacy_entity_attributes": false,
            "last_seen": "disable",
            "legacy_api": false,
            "legacy_availability_payload": false,
            "log_directory": "/opt/zigbee2mqtt/data/log/%TIMESTAMP%",
            "log_file": "log.txt",
            "log_level": "debug",
            "log_output": [
            "log_rotation": true,
            "log_symlink_current": false,
            "log_syslog": {},
            "output": "json",
            "pan_id": 56003,
            "report": false,
            "soft_reset_timeout": 0,
            "timestamp_format": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
        "blocklist": [],
        "device_options": {
            "legacy": false
        "devices": {
            "0x00124b002a50e60c": {
                "friendly_name": "DoorWindow"
        "external_converters": [],
        "frontend": {
            "host": "",
            "port": 8080
        "groups": {},
        "homeassistant": false,
        "map_options": {
            "graphviz": {
                "colors": {
                    "fill": {
                        "coordinator": "#e04e5d",
                        "enddevice": "#fff8ce",
                        "router": "#4ea3e0"
                    "font": {
                        "coordinator": "#ffffff",
                        "enddevice": "#000000",
                        "router": "#ffffff"
                    "line": {
                        "active": "#009900",
                        "inactive": "#994444"
        "mqtt": {
            "base_topic": "zigbee2mqtt",
            "force_disable_retain": false,
            "include_device_information": false,
            "keepalive": 60,
            "reject_unauthorized": true,
            "server": "mqtt://",
            "version": 4
        "ota": {
            "disable_automatic_update_check": false,
            "update_check_interval": 1440
        "passlist": [],
        "permit_join": false,
        "serial": {
            "disable_led": false,
            "port": "/dev/ttyUSB0"
    "config_schema": {
        "definitions": {
            "device": {
                "properties": {
                    "debounce": {
                        "description": "Debounces messages of this device",
                        "title": "Debounce",
                        "type": "number"
                    "debounce_ignore": {
                        "description": "Protects unique payload values of specified payload properties from overriding within debounce time",
                        "examples": [
                        "items": {
                            "type": "string"
                        "title": "Ignore debounce",
                        "type": "array"
                    "disabled": {
                        "description": "Disables the device (excludes device from network scans, availability and group state updates)",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Disabled",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "filtered_attributes": {
                        "description": "Filter attributes with regex from published payload.",
                        "examples": [
                        "items": {
                            "type": "string"
                        "title": "Filtered publish attributes",
                        "type": "array"
                    "filtered_cache": {
                        "description": "Filter attributes with regex from being added to the cache, this prevents the attribute from being in the published payload when the value didn't change.",
                        "examples": [
                        "items": {
                            "type": "string"
                        "title": "Filtered attributes from cache",
                        "type": "array"
                    "filtered_optimistic": {
                        "description": "Filter attributes with regex from optimistic publish payload when calling /set. (This has no effect if optimistic is set to false).",
                        "examples": [
                        "items": {
                            "type": "string"
                        "title": "Filtered optimistic attributes",
                        "type": "array"
                    "friendly_name": {
                        "description": "Used in the MQTT topic of a device. By default this is the device ID",
                        "readOnly": true,
                        "title": "Friendly name",
                        "type": "string"
                    "homeassistant": {
                        "properties": {
                            "name": {
                                "description": "Name of the device in Home Assistant",
                                "title": "Home Assistant name",
                                "type": "string"
                        "title": "Home Assistant",
                        "type": [
                    "icon": {
                        "description": "The user-defined device icon for the frontend. It can be a full URL link to an image (e.g. https://SOME.SITE/MODEL123.jpg) (you cannot use a path to a local file) or base64 encoded data URL (e.g. image/svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB3aW....R0aD)",
                        "title": "Icon",
                        "type": "string"
                    "optimistic": {
                        "default": true,
                        "description": "Publish optimistic state after set",
                        "title": "Optimistic",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "qos": {
                        "description": "QoS level for MQTT messages of this device",
                        "title": "QoS",
                        "type": "number"
                    "retain": {
                        "description": "Retain MQTT messages of this device",
                        "title": "Retain",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "retention": {
                        "description": "Sets the MQTT Message Expiry in seconds, Make sure to set mqtt.version to 5",
                        "title": "Retention",
                        "type": "number"
                "required": [
                "type": "object"
            "group": {
                "properties": {
                    "devices": {
                        "items": {
                            "type": "string"
                        "type": "array"
                    "filtered_attributes": {
                        "items": {
                            "type": "string"
                        "type": "array"
                    "friendly_name": {
                        "type": "string"
                    "off_state": {
                        "default": "auto",
                        "description": "Control when to publish state OFF for a group. 'all_members_off': only publish state OFF when all group memebers are in state OFF, 'last_member_state': publish state OFF whenever one of its members changes to OFF",
                        "enum": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Group off state",
                        "type": [
                    "optimistic": {
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "qos": {
                        "type": "number"
                    "retain": {
                        "type": "boolean"
                "required": [
                "type": "object"
        "properties": {
            "advanced": {
                "properties": {
                    "adapter_concurrent": {
                        "description": "Adapter concurrency (e.g. 2 for CC2531 or 16 for CC26X2R1) (default: null, uses recommended value)",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Adapter concurrency",
                        "type": [
                    "adapter_delay": {
                        "description": "Adapter delay",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Adapter delay",
                        "type": [
                    "cache_state": {
                        "default": true,
                        "description": "MQTT message payload will contain all attributes, not only changed ones. Has to be true when integrating via Home Assistant",
                        "title": "Cache state",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "cache_state_persistent": {
                        "default": true,
                        "description": "Persist cached state, only used when cache_state: true",
                        "title": "Persist cache state",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "cache_state_send_on_startup": {
                        "default": true,
                        "description": "Send cached state on startup, only used when cache_state: true",
                        "title": "Send cached state on startup",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "channel": {
                        "default": 11,
                        "description": "Zigbee channel, changing requires repairing all devices! (Note: use a ZLL channel: 11, 15, 20, or 25 to avoid Problems)",
                        "examples": [
                        "maximum": 26,
                        "minimum": 11,
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "ZigBee channel",
                        "type": "number"
                    "elapsed": {
                        "default": false,
                        "description": "Add an elapsed attribute to MQTT messages, contains milliseconds since the previous msg",
                        "title": "Elapsed",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "ext_pan_id": {
                        "description": "Zigbee extended pan ID, changing requires repairing all devices!",
                        "oneOf": [
                                "title": "Extended pan ID (string)",
                                "type": "string"
                                "items": {
                                    "type": "number"
                                "title": "Extended pan ID (array)",
                                "type": "array"
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Ext Pan ID"
                    "last_seen": {
                        "default": "disable",
                        "description": "Add a last_seen attribute to MQTT messages, contains date/time of last Zigbee message",
                        "enum": [
                        "title": "Last seen",
                        "type": "string"
                    "legacy_api": {
                        "default": true,
                        "description": "Disables the legacy api (false = disable)",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Legacy API",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "legacy_availability_payload": {
                        "default": true,
                        "description": "Payload to be used for device availabilty and bridge/state topics. true = text, false = JSON",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Legacy availability payload",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "log_directory": {
                        "description": "Location of log directory",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Log directory",
                        "type": "string"
                    "log_file": {
                        "default": "log.txt",
                        "description": "Log file name, can also contain timestamp",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Log file",
                        "type": "string"
                    "log_level": {
                        "default": "info",
                        "description": "Logging level",
                        "enum": [
                        "title": "Log level",
                        "type": "string"
                    "log_output": {
                        "description": "Output location of the log, leave empty to suppress logging",
                        "items": {
                            "enum": [
                            "type": "string"
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Log output",
                        "type": "array"
                    "log_rotation": {
                        "default": true,
                        "description": "Log rotation",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Log rotation",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "log_symlink_current": {
                        "default": false,
                        "description": "Create symlink to current logs in the log directory",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Log symlink current",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "log_syslog": {
                        "properties": {
                            "app_name": {
                                "default": "Zigbee2MQTT",
                                "description": "The name of the application (Default: Zigbee2MQTT).",
                                "title": "Localhost",
                                "type": "string"
                            "eol": {
                                "default": "/n",
                                "description": "The end of line character to be added to the end of the message (Default: Message without modifications).",
                                "title": "eol",
                                "type": "string"
                            "host": {
                                "default": "localhost",
                                "description": "The host running syslogd, defaults to localhost.",
                                "title": "Host",
                                "type": "string"
                            "localhost": {
                                "default": "localhost",
                                "description": "Host to indicate that log messages are coming from (Default: localhost).",
                                "title": "Localhost",
                                "type": "string"
                            "path": {
                                "default": "/dev/log",
                                "description": "The path to the syslog dgram socket (i.e. /dev/log or /var/run/syslog for OS X).",
                                "examples": [
                                "title": "Path",
                                "type": "string"
                            "pid": {
                                "default": "",
                                "description": "PID of the process that log messages are coming from (Default",
                                "title": "PID",
                                "type": "string"
                            "port": {
                                "default": 514,
                                "description": "The port on the host that syslog is running on, defaults to syslogd's default port.",
                                "title": "Port",
                                "type": "number"
                            "protocol": {
                                "default": "udp4",
                                "description": "The network protocol to log over (e.g. tcp4, udp4, tls4, unix, unix-connect, etc).",
                                "examples": [
                                "title": "Protocol",
                                "type": "string"
                            "type": {
                                "default": "5424",
                                "description": "The type of the syslog protocol to use (Default: BSD, also valid: 5424).",
                                "title": "Type",
                                "type": "string"
                        "title": "syslog",
                        "type": "object"
                    "network_key": {
                        "description": "Network encryption key, changing requires repairing all devices!",
                        "oneOf": [
                                "title": "Network key(string)",
                                "type": "string"
                                "items": {
                                    "type": "number"
                                "title": "Network key(array)",
                                "type": "array"
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Network key"
                    "output": {
                        "description": "Examples when 'state' of a device is published json: topic: 'zigbee2mqtt/my_bulb' payload '{\"state\": \"ON\"}' attribute: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/my_bulb/state' payload 'ON' attribute_and_json: both json and attribute (see above)",
                        "enum": [
                        "title": "MQTT output type",
                        "type": "string"
                    "pan_id": {
                        "description": "ZigBee pan ID, changing requires repairing all devices!",
                        "oneOf": [
                                "title": "Pan ID (string)",
                                "type": "string"
                                "title": "Pan ID (number)",
                                "type": "number"
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Pan ID"
                    "timestamp_format": {
                        "description": "Log timestamp format",
                        "examples": [
                            "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Timestamp format",
                        "type": "string"
                    "transmit_power": {
                        "description": "Transmit power of adapter, only available for Z-Stack (CC253*/CC2652/CC1352) adapters, CC2652 = 5dbm, CC1352 max is = 20dbm (5dbm default)",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Transmit power",
                        "type": [
                "title": "Advanced",
                "type": "object"
            "availability": {
                "description": "Checks whether devices are online/offline",
                "oneOf": [
                        "title": "Availability (simple)",
                        "type": "boolean"
                        "properties": {
                            "active": {
                                "description": "Options for active devices (routers/mains powered)",
                                "properties": {
                                    "timeout": {
                                        "default": 10,
                                        "description": "Time after which an active device will be marked as offline in minutes",
                                        "requiresRestart": true,
                                        "title": "Timeout",
                                        "type": "number"
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "Active",
                                "type": "object"
                            "passive": {
                                "description": "Options for passive devices (mostly battery powered)",
                                "properties": {
                                    "timeout": {
                                        "default": 1500,
                                        "description": "Time after which an passive device will be marked as offline in minutes",
                                        "requiresRestart": true,
                                        "title": "Timeout",
                                        "type": "number"
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "Passive",
                                "type": "object"
                        "title": "Availability (advanced)",
                        "type": "object"
                "requiresRestart": true,
                "title": "Availability"
            "ban": {
                "items": {
                    "type": "string"
                "readOnly": true,
                "requiresRestart": true,
                "title": "Ban (deprecated, use blocklist)",
                "type": "array"
            "blocklist": {
                "description": "Block devices from the network (by ieeeAddr)",
                "items": {
                    "type": "string"
                "requiresRestart": true,
                "title": "Blocklist",
                "type": "array"
            "device_options": {
                "title": "Options that are applied to all devices",
                "type": "object"
            "devices": {
                "patternProperties": {
                    "^.*$": {
                        "$ref": "#/definitions/device"
                "propertyNames": {
                    "pattern": "^0x[\\d\\w]{16}$"
                "type": "object"
            "external_converters": {
                "description": "You can define external converters to e.g. add support for a DiY device",
                "examples": [
                "items": {
                    "type": "string"
                "requiresRestart": true,
                "title": "External converters",
                "type": "array"
            "frontend": {
                "oneOf": [
                        "title": "Frontend (simple)",
                        "type": "boolean"
                        "properties": {
                            "auth_token": {
                                "description": "Enables authentication, disabled by default",
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "Auth token",
                                "type": [
                            "host": {
                                "default": "",
                                "description": "Frontend binding host. Binds to a unix socket when an absolute path is given instead.",
                                "examples": [
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "Bind host",
                                "type": "string"
                            "port": {
                                "default": 8080,
                                "description": "Frontend binding port. Ignored when using a unix domain socket",
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "Port",
                                "type": "number"
                            "ssl_cert": {
                                "description": "SSL Certificate file path for exposing HTTPS. The sibling property 'ssl_key' must be set for HTTPS to be activated.",
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "Certificate file path",
                                "type": [
                            "ssl_key": {
                                "description": "SSL key file path for exposing HTTPS. The sibling property 'ssl_cert' must be set for HTTPS to be activated.",
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "key file path",
                                "type": [
                            "url": {
                                "description": "URL on which the frontend can be reached, currently only used for the Home Assistant device configuration page",
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "URL",
                                "type": [
                        "title": "Frontend (advanced)",
                        "type": "object"
                "requiresRestart": true,
                "title": "Frontend"
            "groups": {
                "patternProperties": {
                    "^.*$": {
                        "$ref": "#/definitions/group"
                "propertyNames": {
                    "pattern": "^[\\w].*$"
                "type": "object"
            "homeassistant": {
                "default": false,
                "description": "Home Assistant integration (MQTT discovery)",
                "oneOf": [
                        "title": "Home Assistant (simple)",
                        "type": "boolean"
                        "properties": {
                            "discovery_topic": {
                                "description": "Home Assistant discovery topic",
                                "examples": [
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "Homeassistant discovery topic",
                                "type": "string"
                            "legacy_entity_attributes": {
                                "default": true,
                                "description": "Home Assistant legacy entity attributes, when enabled Zigbee2MQTT will add state attributes to each entity, additional to the separate entities and devices it already creates",
                                "title": "Home Assistant legacy entity attributes",
                                "type": "boolean"
                            "legacy_triggers": {
                                "default": true,
                                "description": "Home Assistant legacy triggers, when enabled Zigbee2mqt will send an empty 'action' or 'click' after one has been send. A 'sensor_action' and 'sensor_click' will be discoverd",
                                "title": "Home Assistant legacy triggers",
                                "type": "boolean"
                            "status_topic": {
                                "description": "Home Assistant status topic",
                                "examples": [
                                "requiresRestart": true,
                                "title": "Home Assistant status topic",
                                "type": "string"
                        "title": "Home Assistant (advanced)",
                        "type": "object"
                "requiresRestart": true,
                "title": "Home Assistant integration"
            "map_options": {
                "properties": {
                    "graphviz": {
                        "properties": {
                            "colors": {
                                "properties": {
                                    "fill": {
                                        "properties": {
                                            "coordinator": {
                                                "type": "string"
                                            "enddevice": {
                                                "type": "string"
                                            "router": {
                                                "type": "string"
                                        "type": "object"
                                    "font": {
                                        "properties": {
                                            "coordinator": {
                                                "type": "string"
                                            "enddevice": {
                                                "type": "string"
                                            "router": {
                                                "type": "string"
                                        "type": "object"
                                    "line": {
                                        "properties": {
                                            "active": {
                                                "type": "string"
                                            "inactive": {
                                                "type": "string"
                                        "type": "object"
                                "type": "object"
                        "type": "object"
                "title": "Networkmap",
                "type": "object"
            "mqtt": {
                "properties": {
                    "base_topic": {
                        "default": "zigbee2mqtt",
                        "description": "MQTT base topic for Zigbee2MQTT MQTT messages",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Base topic",
                        "type": "string"
                    "ca": {
                        "description": "Absolute path to SSL/TLS certificate of CA used to sign server and client certificates",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Certificate authority",
                        "type": "string"
                    "cert": {
                        "description": "Absolute path to SSL/TLS certificate for client-authentication",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "SSL/TLS certificate",
                        "type": "string"
                    "client_id": {
                        "description": "MQTT client ID",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Client ID",
                        "type": "string"
                    "force_disable_retain": {
                        "default": false,
                        "description": "Disable retain for all send messages. ONLY enable if you MQTT broker doesn't support retained message (e.g. AWS IoT core, Azure IoT Hub, Google Cloud IoT core, IBM Watson IoT Platform). Enabling will break the Home Assistant integration",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Force disable retain",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "include_device_information": {
                        "default": false,
                        "description": "Include device information to mqtt messages",
                        "title": "Include device information",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "keepalive": {
                        "default": 60,
                        "description": "MQTT keepalive in second",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Keepalive",
                        "type": "number"
                    "key": {
                        "description": "Absolute path to SSL/TLS key for client-authentication",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "SSL/TLS key",
                        "type": "string"
                    "password": {
                        "description": "MQTT server authentication password",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Password",
                        "type": "string"
                    "reject_unauthorized": {
                        "default": true,
                        "description": "Disable self-signed SSL certificate",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Reject unauthorized",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "server": {
                        "description": "MQTT server URL (use mqtts:// for SSL/TLS connection)",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "MQTT server",
                        "type": "string"
                    "user": {
                        "description": "MQTT server authentication user",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "User",
                        "type": "string"
                    "version": {
                        "default": 4,
                        "description": "MQTT protocol version",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Version",
                        "type": [
                "required": [
                "title": "MQTT",
                "type": "object"
            "ota": {
                "properties": {
                    "disable_automatic_update_check": {
                        "default": false,
                        "description": "Zigbee devices may request a firmware update, and do so frequently, causing Zigbee2MQTT to reach out to third party servers. If you disable these device initiated checks, you can still initiate a firmware update check manually.",
                        "title": "Disable automatic update check",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "ikea_ota_use_test_url": {
                        "default": false,
                        "description": "Use IKEA TRADFRI OTA test server, see OTA updates documentation",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "IKEA TRADFRI OTA use test url",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "update_check_interval": {
                        "default": 1440,
                        "description": "Your device may request a check for a new firmware update. This value determines how frequently third party servers may actually be contacted to look for firmware updates. The value is set in minutes, and the default is 1 day.",
                        "title": "Update check interval",
                        "type": "number"
                    "zigbee_ota_override_index_location": {
                        "description": "Location of override OTA index file",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "OTA index override file name",
                        "type": "string"
                "title": "OTA updates",
                "type": "object"
            "passlist": {
                "description": "Allow only certain devices to join the network (by ieeeAddr). Note that all devices not on the passlist will be removed from the network!",
                "items": {
                    "type": "string"
                "requiresRestart": true,
                "title": "Passlist",
                "type": "array"
            "permit_join": {
                "default": false,
                "description": "Allow new devices to join (re-applied at restart)",
                "title": "Permit join",
                "type": "boolean"
            "serial": {
                "properties": {
                    "adapter": {
                        "default": "auto",
                        "description": "Adapter type, not needed unless you are experiencing problems",
                        "enum": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Adapter",
                        "type": [
                    "baudrate": {
                        "description": "Baud rate speed for serial port, this can be anything firmware support but default is 115200 for Z-Stack and EZSP, 38400 for Deconz, however note that some EZSP firmware need 57600",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Baudrate",
                        "type": "number"
                    "disable_led": {
                        "default": false,
                        "description": "Disable LED of the adapter if supported",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Disable led",
                        "type": "boolean"
                    "port": {
                        "description": "Location of the adapter. To autodetect the port, set null",
                        "examples": [
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "Port",
                        "type": [
                    "rtscts": {
                        "description": "RTS / CTS Hardware Flow Control for serial port",
                        "requiresRestart": true,
                        "title": "RTS / CTS",
                        "type": "boolean"
                "title": "Serial",
                "type": "object"
            "whitelist": {
                "items": {
                    "type": "string"
                "readOnly": true,
                "requiresRestart": true,
                "title": "Whitelist (deprecated, use passlist)",
                "type": "array"
        "required": [
        "type": "object"
    "coordinator": {
        "ieee_address": "0x00124b00257b6437",
        "meta": {
            "maintrel": 1,
            "majorrel": 2,
            "minorrel": 7,
            "product": 1,
            "revision": 20210708,
            "transportrev": 2
        "type": "zStack3x0"
    "log_level": "debug",
    "network": {
        "channel": 11,
        "extended_pan_id": "0x6c95ce3fabfd3de2",
        "pan_id": 56003
    "permit_join": false,
    "restart_required": true,
    "version": "1.33.0"
zigbee2mqtt/bridge/devices [
        "definition": null,
        "disabled": false,
        "endpoints": {
            "1": {
                "bindings": [],
                "clusters": {
                    "input": [],
                    "output": []
                "configured_reportings": [],
                "scenes": []
            "10": {
                "bindings": [],
                "clusters": {
                    "input": [],
                    "output": []
                "configured_reportings": [],
                "scenes": []
            "11": {
                "bindings": [],
                "clusters": {
                    "input": [
                    "output": [
                "configured_reportings": [],
                "scenes": []
            "110": {
                "bindings": [],
                "clusters": {
                    "input": [],
                    "output": []
                "configured_reportings": [],
                "scenes": []
            "12": {
                "bindings": [],
                "clusters": {
                    "input": [],
                    "output": []
                "configured_reportings": [],
                "scenes": []
            "13": {
                "bindings": [],
                "clusters": {
                    "input": [
                    "output": []
                "configured_reportings": [],
                "scenes": []
            "2": {
                "bindings": [],
                "clusters": {
                    "input": [],
                    "output": []
                "configured_reportings": [],
                "scenes": []
            "242": {
                "bindings": [],
                "clusters": {
                    "input": [],
                    "output": []
                "configured_reportings": [],
                "scenes": []
            "3": {
                "bindings": [],
                "clusters": {
                    "input": [],
                    "output": []
                "configured_reportings": [],
                "scenes": []
            "4": {
                "bindings": [],
                "clusters": {
                    "input": [],
                    "output": []
                "configured_reportings": [],
                "scenes": []
            "47": {
                "bindings": [],
                "clusters": {
                    "input": [],
                    "output": []
                "configured_reportings": [],
                "scenes": []
            "5": {
                "bindings": [],
                "clusters": {
                    "input": [],
                    "output": []
                "configured_reportings": [],
                "scenes": []
            "6": {
                "bindings": [],
                "clusters": {
                    "input": [],
                    "output": []
                "configured_reportings": [],
                "scenes": []
            "8": {
                "bindings": [],
                "clusters": {
                    "input": [],
                    "output": []
                "configured_reportings": [],
                "scenes": []
        "friendly_name": "Coordinator",
        "ieee_address": "0x00124b00257b6437",
        "interview_completed": true,
        "interviewing": false,
        "network_address": 0,
        "supported": false,
        "type": "Coordinator"
        "date_code": "20211103",
        "definition": {
            "description": "Contact sensor",
            "exposes": [
                    "access": 1,
                    "description": "Indicates if the contact is closed (= true) or open (= false)",
                    "label": "Contact",
                    "name": "contact",
                    "property": "contact",
                    "type": "binary",
                    "value_off": true,
                    "value_on": false
                    "access": 1,
                    "description": "Indicates if the battery of this device is almost empty",
                    "label": "Battery low",
                    "name": "battery_low",
                    "property": "battery_low",
                    "type": "binary",
                    "value_off": false,
                    "value_on": true
                    "access": 1,
                    "description": "Remaining battery in %, can take up to 24 hours before reported.",
                    "label": "Battery",
                    "name": "battery",
                    "property": "battery",
                    "type": "numeric",
                    "unit": "%",
                    "value_max": 100,
                    "value_min": 0
                    "access": 1,
                    "description": "Voltage of the battery in millivolts",
                    "label": "Voltage",
                    "name": "voltage",
                    "property": "voltage",
                    "type": "numeric",
                    "unit": "mV"
                    "access": 1,
                    "description": "Link quality (signal strength)",
                    "label": "Linkquality",
                    "name": "linkquality",
                    "property": "linkquality",
                    "type": "numeric",
                    "unit": "lqi",
                    "value_max": 255,
                    "value_min": 0
            "model": "SNZB-04",
            "options": [],
            "supports_ota": false,
            "vendor": "SONOFF"
        "disabled": false,
        "endpoints": {
            "1": {
                "bindings": [
                        "cluster": "genPowerCfg",
                        "target": {
                            "endpoint": 1,
                            "ieee_address": "0x00124b00257b6437",
                            "type": "endpoint"
                "clusters": {
                    "input": [
                    "output": [
                "configured_reportings": [
                        "attribute": "batteryVoltage",
                        "cluster": "genPowerCfg",
                        "maximum_report_interval": 7200,
                        "minimum_report_interval": 3600,
                        "reportable_change": 0
                        "attribute": "batteryPercentageRemaining",
                        "cluster": "genPowerCfg",
                        "maximum_report_interval": 7200,
                        "minimum_report_interval": 3600,
                        "reportable_change": 0
                "scenes": []
        "friendly_name": "DoorWindow",
        "ieee_address": "0x00124b002a50e60c",
        "interview_completed": true,
        "interviewing": false,
        "manufacturer": "eWeLink",
        "model_id": "DS01",
        "network_address": 46037,
        "power_source": "Battery",
        "supported": true,
        "type": "EndDevice"
zigbee2mqtt/bridge/groups []
zigbee2mqtt/bridge/extensions []

Yes i think too. I think its a problem in mosquitto, maybe or in zigbee2mqtt itself. As long as i got no result in mosquitto_sub, there are nor results in any other app.

It shows your device, so zigbee2mqtt is connected to your broker:

        "friendly_name": "DoorWindow",
        "ieee_address": "0x00124b002a50e60c",
        "interview_completed": true,
        "interviewing": false,
        "manufacturer": "eWeLink",
        "model_id": "DS01",
        "network_address": 46037,
        "power_source": "Battery",
        "supported": true,
        "type": "EndDevice"

Stupid question, did you change the contact state while whatching the mqtt messages ?
Those devices report/publish only when the contact changes.