Here is a short HowTo about creating Annotations in Grafana via Rules in openHAB.
What are Annotations?
Annotations are “markers” that can be displayed inside your Grafana graphs to provide more information about your data.
How to create Annotations via openHAB
Annotations can be created via the HTTP-API.
So it is possible to create them via the HTTP Actions.
To create a single Annotation at this moment you simply need to execute this commands via a rule.
sendHttpPostRequest("http://admin:mySecretPassword@myGrafanaServer:3000/api/annotations", "application/json", '{"tags":["tag1"],"text":"your description"}')
For better readability you can use some variables:
var String url = "http://admin:mySecretPassword@myGrafanaServer:3000/api/annotations"
var String json = '{
"text":"your description"
sendHttpPostRequest(url, "application/json", json)
You can find more information about the API here:
Display Annotations in your Dashboard
To display Annotations you did not created by hand in the Grafana Webinterface you need to go to Settings
of your Dashboard (gears symbol in the right top) and select Annotations
on the left menu.
Then you click New
to create a new Query.
Define a name and select Tags
as the filter.
Delete the last Annotation an create a new one with region
In this example I will create a normal annotation when an event happens (Test == ON
Once Test
goes back to OFF
the previous Annotation will be deleted and a new Annotation will created that will range from the time the item changed to ON
to the current time is changed to OFF
var long last_Test_On = now.millis
var long last_Test_Off = now.millis
var long last_AnnotationId_On = 0
rule "Test"
Item Test changed
logInfo("Test", "Test")
var String json
var String url = "http://admin:mySecretPassword@myGrafanaServer:3000/api/annotations"
if ( Test.state == ON) {
last_Test_On = now.millis
json = '{
"time":' + Long::toString(last_Test_On) + ',
logInfo("Test", "url: " + url)
logInfo("Test", "json: " + json)
var output = sendHttpPostRequest(url, "application/json", json)
logInfo("Test", "output: " + output)
// Save Annotation-ID to use it later
last_AnnotationId_On = Long.parseLong(transform("JSONPATH","$.id", output))
logInfo("Test", "last_AnnotationId_On: " + last_AnnotationId_On)
} else {
last_Test_Off = now.millis
json = '{
"time":' + Long::toString(last_Test_On) + ',
"timeEnd":' + Long::toString(last_Test_Off) + ',
"text":"start to stop"
logInfo("Test", "url: " + url)
logInfo("Test", "json: " + json)
var output = sendHttpPostRequest(url, "application/json", json)
logInfo("Test", "output: " + output)
// Delete old Annotation
var String delete_url = url + "/" + last_AnnotationId_On
var delete_output = sendHttpDeleteRequest(delete_url)
logInfo("Test", "delete_url: " + delete_url)
logInfo("Test", "delete_output: " + delete_output)
(You might want to delete some of the LogInfo
I am not sure, but it might be possible and more secure to create an API key
in Grafana instead of using the admin
user with the clrear text password.
But I don’t know how to pass the key via sendHttpPostRequest
This method saves the Annotations in Grafana.
It is possible to do that in InfluxDB.
But I don’t know if that is better and how to do so.