HowTo: Listen & Talk to your Home

That’s right! It works exactly the same on any architecture while the addon got a lot smaller. :slight_smile:

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this thread has started to show up on

It also has 6k views on twitter :stuck_out_tongue:

We need to improve the content on the first post… what about making it a Wiki?

done, thanx @rlkoshak !

Anyone can modify now the top post and add more complex examples of this base implementation.

you should…

btw: I just tried with my mobile phone and the Samsung browser as well as Chrome and both work ok with web audio on HABPanel url (even when they were in the background and even when phone was locked with screen off :slight_smile:)

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Hi @Dim, it is possible to execute a defined routine in Google Home from openhab?

doubt it
in general, these integrations receive info from the remote applications, not the other way around (you cannot control Google Home/Assistant from openHAB… you can control openHAB from Google Home/Assistant).

maybe? some crazy IFTTT link could trigger your Google Home/Assistant Routines…
…but… why would you want to do this?

You can manage all your stuff with openHAB using rules. Setup scenes and much more complex functionalities than GH provides.

edit: no you can’t use IFTTT to trigger a Google Home Routine:

Yes, maybe I’m thinking wrong. My idea is do the next:

When I arrive home, the door sensor sends to OH that someone enter at home, and OH with the Network Binding detect that its me and switch on the light. Then, send to Google Home the command “I have arrive” that it’s a routine to read me the reminders, for example. But its an idea…

The first part can be done with rules within openHAB
The second part cannot be done since (according to my understanding) Google Assistant does not have (yet?) the ability to receive external inputs that can triggers its Routines.

Thats really nice… I hope that would prevent the need of having a Google Home device right next to the table, only to receive TTS messages.

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Ok no problem, I can do without it, it was a simple test. Thank you again :wink:

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Dont know how to modify… Anyone…
If this only works for openHab 2.4 I think its worth mentioned at the top, specially since 2.4 havn´t been released in stable yet. Perhaps an bullet for requirements.

I think? that this tutorial works also on 2.3.0 Stable (with the exception of rPis)
I will test it and if it doesn’t I will add a note on top
did you try it on 2.3 and it didn’t work?

edit: I have a note for Raspberry Pis on top:

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No I was about to. Went as far as credentials on Google GCP, when I suddenly remember that a few messages back, someone mentioned it doesnt work on 2.3 stable.

Nice write up. How about the part “Use Voice Commands on your Phone”?
P.S. Might be worth adding “Google Home App / Google Assistant” keyword to the title or head-line to avoid confusion.

Not sure if everyone already knew this, but if you have the chromecast binding installed you can use your Google home as your speaker for this. Works great!

Maybe it`s a little off topic but can anyone tell me how to make google voice read rss feeds, news and weather forecast.

Hey, I’m using OpenHab 3.1 and can’t figure out where to insert the google API credentials (secret and clientId). I saw that in OH3, PaperUI no longer exists. Is there an alternative to inserting the credentials?


The docs say it’s under Settings → Other Services.

Yes, it was indeed there BUT only after I was able to successfully verify my credentials over the web. Entering this URL:{clientID}&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&scope=
and replacing {clientID} with your clientId was crucial for the process to work. Also, while defining google APIs credentials, I re-created it and made sure my scope was set to and my users to the user I’m about to log-in and verify the account from.