HPEx - HabPanel Extension

im remaking the folder structure so it’s easier. give me 5 minutes

Get new zip. Unzip to conf / html… so that the habpanelex folder is preserved. OR unzip to a temporary folder, copy habpanelex folder to conf / html. Should work

This one is golden! Now I just need to figure out how to assign screen savers to devices.

Thank you so much!

Best, Jay

Awesome. Let me know how it works. And thanks for the suggestion. It is indeed a helpful feature to have different configuration per device/browser.

The item string name is saved to the browser’s local storage. So if you clear your browser’s local storage, you lose that. BUT the config is still actually in OH since it’s a string Item. I may need to add a way to load a pre-existing config id.

I’m seeing what your talking about with ID’s. I wasn’t planning to go to each device and set this up; ideally I would like to put the string ITEM as a object on the Habpanel itself so habpanelEx knows which habpanelEx config it should use/rotate through.

Here’s the ITEMs I created; tell me if this makes sense?

Switch	Theater_Mode_Switch				"Basement Theater Mode [MAP(On_Off.map):%s]"						(HomeState)		[ "Switchable" ]
String	habpanelExConfig_V				"[%s]"																(HomeState)

Switch	Bedtime_Mode_Switch				"Up Stairs Bedtime Mode [MAP(On_Off.map):%s]"						(HomeState)		[ "Switchable" ]
String	habpanelExConfig_H				"[%s]"																(HomeState)

I created 2 string items ( _H & _V ) which then I would create the config in your habpanelex interface for it to store and persist that info in those string items within OH.

_H meaning my horizontal panels would get this string widget
_V meaning my vertical panels would get this string widget

Is my thinking valid how to scale this?

Best, Jay

Yes you are correct. Your logic seems fine to me and HPEx will work that way. I would just make it “more generic” as far as item names…

V Device:
habpanelExConfig_V - contains the config
Theater_Mode_Switch_V - Switch to turn theater mode on/off

H Device
habpanelExConfig_H - contains the config
Theater_Mode_Switch_H - Switch to turn theater mode on/off

Hey Lucky,

What is the best way to insert the habpanelEx config into a panel?

I was thinking template widget and using code like this but it didn’t work as expected.


Would need it to pull the value of the item and be invisible on the screen.

Any advise . . .

Best, Jay

You mean have it displayed?

Just wanted to post a quick follow up.

I have tested with Opera on a Kindle Fire and all is good. Same with Firefox on Ubuntu.

I tried it on the HABPanelviewer on Android and it does not time out and return to home screen.

I’m not sure how habpanelviewer work. If it’s just a webview container, I don’t see why it shouldn’t. Also, the screensaver is part of the web app, it will not trigger Androids system (home screen) as you mentioned

Sorry, I was calling the screen that HPEx returns to “the home screen”, not Android’s home screen.

For example, I have “Home” defined as the panel to return to after 30 seconds in HPEx.

And the HAPPanelViewer never returns to Home.

HABPanelViewer is an app from the F-droid app store, I don’t know how it works either…

Not displayed; but hidden in the page itself so your habpanelex can reference it to know which screen saver config to use based on the page the tablet is sitting on.

I have 3 different habpanel configs save to 3 different virtual items now; just need to add those items to the specific panels so your habpanelex can reference them. Each panel will have 1 config tied to it.

Here’s the event log entries when I created them below:

2019-01-31 06:25:18.239 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'habpanelEx_Bedroom_V' received command {"config_item":"habpanelExConfig","initComplete":true,"isShowInDrawer":true,"screensaver":{"isEnabled":true,"timeoutSeconds":300,"dashboardList":"Weather-Vertical,MainFloor-Vertical,KidsRooms-Vertical,Garage-Vertical","durationSeconds":120,"isFullScreen":true},"theaterMode":{"isEnabled":true,"isOn":false,"color":"rgba(0,0,0,0.90)","triggeringItem":"Bedroom_Mode_Switch"},"panelConfigItem":"habpanelEx_Bedroom_V"}
2019-01-31 06:29:05.530 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'habpanelEx_Basement_V' received command {"config_item":"habpanelExConfig","initComplete":true,"isShowInDrawer":true,"screensaver":{"isEnabled":true,"timeoutSeconds":300,"dashboardList":"Basement-Vertical,Cameras-Vertical","durationSeconds":120,"isFullScreen":true},"theaterMode":{"isEnabled":true,"isOn":false,"color":"rgba(0,0,0,0.90)","triggeringItem":"Theater_Mode_Switch"},"panelConfigItem":"habpanelEx_Basement_V"}
2019-01-31 06:30:29.740 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'habpanelEx_Livingroom_H' received command {"config_item":"habpanelExConfig","initComplete":true,"isShowInDrawer":true,"screensaver":{"isEnabled":true,"timeoutSeconds":300,"dashboardList":"Our House,Cameras,Up Stairs,Kids Room,Basement","durationSeconds":120,"isFullScreen":true},"theaterMode":{"isEnabled":true,"isOn":false,"color":"rgba(0,0,0,0.90)","triggeringItem":"LivingRoom_Mode_Switch"},"panelConfigItem":"habpanelEx_Livingroom_H"}

Make sense?

Best, Jay

Ahh I see. You mean load a specific config item that’s already created. I will add that…

Get latest. I added ability to load existing configuration item.

1 Like


You are the MAN! I believe this functionality / feature set should be part of the OH HabPanel standard build.

This allows you to control 3 different tablets using HabPanel with 3 different screen saver / theater mode settings all with rules now.

Great job!

Best, Jay

Here’s my working config:


// Vertical Tablets
Switch	Bedroom_Mode_Switch				"Upstairs Bedroom Mode [MAP(On_Off.map):%s]"						(HomeState)		[ "Switchable" ]
String	habpanelEx_Bedroom_V			"[%s]"																(HomeState)

Switch	Theater_Mode_Switch				"Basement Theater Mode [MAP(On_Off.map):%s]"						(HomeState)		[ "Switchable" ]
String	habpanelEx_Basement_V			"[%s]"																(HomeState)

// Horizontal Tablet
Switch	LivingRoom_Mode_Switch			"Livingroom Mode [MAP(On_Off.map):%s]"								(HomeState)		[ "Switchable" ]
String	habpanelEx_Livingroom_H			"[%s]"																(HomeState)


	Frame label="Tablet Displays" {
    	Switch item=Theater_Mode_Switch				icon="cinemascreen"		label="Basement Theater Mode"
    	Switch item=Bedroom_Mode_Switch				icon="bedroom"			label="Up Stairs Bedtime Mode"
    	Switch item=LivingRoom_Mode_Switch			icon="office"			label="Living Room Mode"


rule "Tablet in Bedroom Set Screen Saver Mode ON at 8 PM"
        Time cron "0 00 20 ? * * *"		// 8 PM Daily
		Bedroom_Mode_Switch.postUpdate(ON)		// Turn Tablet Screen Saver ON

rule "Tablet in Bedroom Set Screen Saver Mode OFF at 8 AM"
        Time cron "0 00 8 ? * * *"		// 8 AM Daily
		Bedroom_Mode_Switch.postUpdate(OFF)		// Turn Tablet Screen Saver OFF

rule "Enjoy the show in the Basement"
    	Item Switch_Basement_Light changed to OFF

		Thread::sleep(5000)  // 5 second wait

    	if (Basement_TV_Power.state != OFF && Basement_Power.state != OFF && Onkyo_Basement_Power.state != OFF) {			// ONKYO and SELF Defined & TV

			// Turn Tablet Screen Saver Black
				Thread::sleep(1000)  // 1 second wait

			if (Alexa_Status.state == 'ONLINE') {

				logInfo("Echo", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------")
				logInfo("Echo", "** Echo Speaking on Basement")
				logInfo("Echo", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------")
				if (Echo_Basement_textToSpeechVolume.state != '70' ) { Echo_Basement_textToSpeechVolume.sendCommand('70') }
					Thread::sleep(2000)  // 2 second wait
       			Echo_Basement_TTS.sendCommand("  Excuse me, Please enjoy the show and don't forget your buttered popcorn.")
					Thread::sleep(2000)  // 2 second wait

				logInfo("Echo", "Echo speaks - Excuse me, Please enjoy the show and don't forget your buttered popcorn.")

			if (currMonth !== null)		{currMonth = now.getMonthOfYear}					// update the current month
			if (currMonth != 12){

				var DecimalType hue = new DecimalType(39)		// 0-360; 0=red, 120=green, 240=blue, 360=red	// Dark Tangerine
				var PercentType sat = new PercentType(87)		// 0-100
				var PercentType bright = new PercentType(100)	// 0-100
				var HSBType 	light = new HSBType(hue,sat,bright)

				BarLedge_Dimmer.sendCommand(new PercentType(100))
					Thread::sleep(2000)  // 2 second wait
					Thread::sleep(2000)  // 2 second wait

			} else if (currMonth == 12){

				var DecimalType hue = new DecimalType(7)		// 0-360; 0=red, 120=green, 240=blue, 360=red   // Scarlet Red
				var PercentType sat = new PercentType(100)		// 0-100
				var PercentType bright = new PercentType(98)	// 0-100
				var HSBType 	light = new HSBType(hue,sat,bright)

				BarLedge_Dimmer.sendCommand(new PercentType(100))
					Thread::sleep(2000)  // 2 second wait
					Thread::sleep(2000)  // 2 second wait

				Thread::sleep(2000)  // 2 second wait

			logInfo("WeMo", "Dehumidifier turned OFF in Basement because movie is starting")
			logInfo("Echo", "Basement_Power - Basement Annoucement about Enjoying the Show and Onkyo state is " + Basement_Power.state)
			logInfo("Echo", "Onkyo_Basement_Power - Basement Annoucement about Enjoying the Show and Onkyo state is " + Onkyo_Basement_Power.state)

			if (BasementHumidifierDelay_tAlive === null) {

    			BasementHumidifierDelay_tAlive = createTimer(now.plusHours(3), [ |
					Thread::sleep(2000)  // 2 second wait
				BasementHumidifierDelay_tAlive = null

				// Turn Tablet Screen Saver OFF
					Thread::sleep(1000)  // 1 second wait

				logInfo("WeMo", "Dehumidifier turned back ON in Basement because movie is over")
					Thread::sleep(3000)  // 3 second wait

			} else if (BasementHumidifierDelay_tAlive !== null){

					Thread::sleep(2000)  // 2 second wait
				BasementHumidifierDelay_tAlive = null

What the items look like when you use HabPanelEX to configure them:

2019-01-31 06:25:18.239 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'habpanelEx_Bedroom_V' received command {"config_item":"habpanelExConfig","initComplete":true,"isShowInDrawer":true,"screensaver":{"isEnabled":true,"timeoutSeconds":300,"dashboardList":"Weather-Vertical,MainFloor-Vertical,KidsRooms-Vertical,Garage-Vertical","durationSeconds":120,"isFullScreen":true},"theaterMode":{"isEnabled":true,"isOn":false,"color":"rgba(0,0,0,0.90)","triggeringItem":"Bedroom_Mode_Switch"},"panelConfigItem":"habpanelEx_Bedroom_V"}
2019-01-31 06:29:05.530 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'habpanelEx_Basement_V' received command {"config_item":"habpanelExConfig","initComplete":true,"isShowInDrawer":true,"screensaver":{"isEnabled":true,"timeoutSeconds":300,"dashboardList":"Basement-Vertical,Cameras-Vertical","durationSeconds":120,"isFullScreen":true},"theaterMode":{"isEnabled":true,"isOn":false,"color":"rgba(0,0,0,0.90)","triggeringItem":"Theater_Mode_Switch"},"panelConfigItem":"habpanelEx_Basement_V"}
2019-01-31 06:30:29.740 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'habpanelEx_Livingroom_H' received command {"config_item":"habpanelExConfig","initComplete":true,"isShowInDrawer":true,"screensaver":{"isEnabled":true,"timeoutSeconds":300,"dashboardList":"Our House,Cameras,Up Stairs,Kids Room,Basement","durationSeconds":120,"isFullScreen":true},"theaterMode":{"isEnabled":true,"isOn":false,"color":"rgba(0,0,0,0.90)","triggeringItem":"LivingRoom_Mode_Switch"},"panelConfigItem":"habpanelEx_Livingroom_H"}

Best, Jay


One happy customer :slight_smile:

1 Like

I discovered an issue with the item re-loading after clearing the cache/tmp directories on OH 2.3.

I have persistence set on the virtual items to store the screen saver settings but after clearing the cache/tmp directories; the item values I had set dis-appeared.

Any recommendations?

Best, Jay

As I mentioned before, the browser remembers the item string through localStorage. So if you clear your browser, you would need to select it again.

Here’s how I resolved it . . . I set the item values in the startup rule.

		// Setting Screen Saver Item Values

		habpanelEx_Livingroom_H.postUpdate('{"config_item":"habpanelExConfig","initComplete":true,"isShowInDrawer":true,"screensaver":{"isEnabled":true,"timeoutSeconds":300,"dashboardList":"Our House,Cameras,Up Stairs,Kids Room,Basement","durationSeconds":120,"isFullScreen":true},"theaterMode":{"isEnabled":true,"isOn":false,"color":"rgba(0,0,0,0.90)","triggeringItem":"LivingRoom_Mode_Switch"},"panelConfigItem":"habpanelEx_Livingroom_H"}')

		logInfo("Startup Script", "Startup Script Done with - Setting Screen Saver Item Values")
		logInfo("Startup Script", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------")

This issue doesn’t have anything to do with the browsers at the tablet level; it has to do with clearing items that are virtual on a cache/tmp directory cleanup on the OH server.

Looks like the virtual items are NOT persistent even though I have asked them to be.

We’re all good now . . .

Best, Jay