HSB Color in Blockly rule

Hello all,
i am using a HUE light with the available channels Color, Color_Temperature, Color_Temperature_abs, Alert and Effect.
No ON/OFF switch or brithness channel is available.
Now i want to check if my light is ON or OFF in a Blockly rule. But i am not able to do that.
In the state i am getting the HSB values. Can i somehow check the brithness (last value)? Or is there a better way?

2023-06-13 12:30:49.988 [ERROR] [org.openhab.rule.47c6897712         ] - ?
2023-06-13 12:30:50.004 [ERROR] [org.openhab.rule.47c6897712         ] - Pendellampe_unten_Farbe (Type=ColorItem, State=46,49,0, Label=Pendellampe unten , Category=ColorLight, Tags=[Control, Light], Groups=[Pendellampe_unten])

Thank you

I had the same problem and solved it by asking if the last value of hsb is 0. maybe this helps:

Thank you! That very complicated to check if a light is on or off but it works :slight_smile:
PS: i was searching 10 minutes for “create text with …” :smiley:

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You should be able link switch and dimmer items to the color channel for on/off and brightness.

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Thank you, thats a great solution!