HTTP-binding only works until restarting OH3

I am currently migrating from OH2 to OH3 and have major problems with the HTTP binding.

This is a working item-configuration from OH2:
Switch vu_ok { http=">[ON:POST:]" }

I migrated it to this things-file:

Thing http:url:vu "vu" [ baseURL="", commandMethod="POST" ] 
	Type switch : ok "OK" [ commandExtension="remotecontrol?command=352", mode="WRITEONLY", onValue="ON" ]

… and this item-file:
Switch vu_ok "OK" (grpVu) [ "Point" ] { channel="http:url:vu:ok" }

It does not matter whether I configure this with files or with the UI, the behaviour is the same!

After finishing the configuration mentioned above, the thing is listed as online. When triggering the switch vu_ok in the UI the http-POST is done and working. So far so good.

But when restarting OpenHAB, the thing is hanging in state UNINITIALIZED with the message " HANDLER_CONFIGURATION_PENDING".

Deleting and recreating everyhing leads to a working thing until the next reboot.

I cannot find anything in the logs, even in log level TRACE.

What could I have done wrong?

Best regards,

I guess you didn’t configure a required parameter: HTTP - Bindings | openHAB

Jan, you’re right!

When adding offValue="OFF" the thing initializes correctly. But I don’t know why that is not relevant when creating the thing initially.

I explicitly left out “offValue”, because I want to perform the POST-request only once (when the switch is switched on and not again when switched off).

Best regards,

Is it possible to ignore the OFF-events of the switch?

In OH2 I just configured the ON-Event:
Switch vu_ok { http=">[ON:POST:]" }

This seems not to be possible anymore…

When configuring the channel with an invalid offValue, like
Type switch : ok "OK" [ commandExtension="%2$s", mode="WRITEONLY", onValue="remotecontrol?command=352", offValue="-" ]

…it actually works. But this leads to invalid requests done in OFF-state and lots of logging-entries for those (Requesting … failed: 404 Not Found). Not really nice.

Is there maybe a better solution I don’t see right now?