Is it that the regex isn’t working in combination with the HTTP binding, or that your regex expression is incorrect? You might want to try an online regex tester like this one to help perfect your regex expression.
I tested it already there. Normally Java has a little bit different Regex syntax, so you have to make some changes.
But this version of the Regex doesnt work too.
In the regex you tested, you did not capture the match using ‘(’ and ‘)’. Try that regex with the part of the pattern that matches the temperature value enclosed in parens, like this:
(?s)(?<=Temperatur Au.en.{290})([0-9,-]+)(?=.C)
I would be uncomfortable with the counting of exactly 290 characters following the occurrence of “Temperatur Außen”, but if it works, who am I to question that?
Actually none of the suggested solutions work
I know that counting the characters isn’t the best solution, but when you have got a better regex/solution I would be really pleased
In the implementation of the REGEX mapper, ^ and $ are prepended and appended respectively to your regex, so I think we all forgot to provide matching for the remainder of the HTML.
The following matches your entire example text and should capture the current temperature value: