Hue Binding Presence Thing property sensitivity

Script language : JYTHON
Binding : hue binding
thing: hue sensor
The hue sensor has three sensors: temperature,light and movement sensor.
The movement sensor has a property : sensitivity.
I can retrieve the property, but not set it. Anyone an idea?
What I have so far:
#log the sensitivity property
logAction.logInfo(“myscript”,“config property sensitivity {}”.format(config.get(“sensitivity”)))
#I tried this too
config.put(“sensitivity”,1) #at this moment, in paperui, I see the 1 appear, but no in the hue app
#so I tried the next statement after it.
presence_Thing.setConfiguration(config) #this doens’t work.

If I change the property in the paperUI, I see it in the logging, AND in the Hue app
So, I need to “update” the property, but I don’t knoww how.

Why are you creating another post with same question?

the other question was about finding parameters of the hue presence sensor thing. I found it myself. The rest of the thread is about deCONZ and how to access the parameters using ssh and …
This question is about programming in JYTHON and how to change the parameter “sensitivity” of the HUE presence sensor.