So i’ve read the announcement about supporting Hue groups, and several others about being able to adjust lights as a group - which is obviously useful. My question is actually the opposite.
In my setup, i have 2 0210 Extended Color bulbs (A & B) which Hue has kind of forced me to add into a group (“Living Room”). Within the app, i can obviously adjust them as a group, or use them separately as individuals. And that’s great.
However, in my OpenHAB setup, despite all of them appearing, only the group has channels for switch, brightness etc. The bulbs only have color and color temperature, rather than the full list the group has. I want to be able to use those for individual bulbs. Currently i can switch them all on at once, and then modify individual colours. The docs say 0210 supports power/switch, but not brightness. The thing is, it’s available to the group, and both are possible in the Hue app.
I need an on/off switch item for them, as well as a brightness item - which i already have for the group.
Am i missing a configuration trick? I’ve looked through all the UIs and docs and can only see the switch is meant to be there (but can’t link it to the Thing).