Hue Colorpicker not working

I have problems with the color picker of a hue item:
The buttons and the dimming function is working fine, but the lightbulb doesn’t change the color.

In the log there is is no error as well:
2018-01-01 01:42:15.168 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - LivingMediaCOL changed from 107,66,100 to 214,82,100


0200 LampeWohnzimmerTV_RGB "Lampe TV (RGB)" @ "Wohnzimmer" [ lightId="5" ]


Color LivingMediaCOL "Lampe TV (RGB)" { channel="hue:0200:0017887484bc:LampeWohnzimmerTV_RGB:color" }


Colorpicker item=LivingMediaCOL

I also tried changing the color via rule with the same result, the brightness value works, but not the color:

var DecimalType hueINT = new DecimalType(240)
var PercentType saturationINT = new PercentType(100) 
var PercentType brightnessINT = new PercentType(100)
var HSBType lightOBJ = new HSBType(hueINT, saturationINT, brightnessINT)
sendCommand(LivingMediaCOL, lightOBJ)        

Is this Bulb from Ikea?

Yes, is that a problem?
If I control it via a REST call (Hue API) it works fine as well…

I think that is the Problem … because the IKEA RGB Bulb is a 220 and not a 200 Bulb …

I don’t know where is the Bug … Binding, Phillips HUE Gateway or at least the Ikea Firmware.

That good to know … because I have the same Bulb :wink:

Where is the difference? I tried 220 but then it is not working at all…

No change by yourself won’t work. I think the Ikea Firmware do something wrong and announce the Bulb as 200 instead of 220.

The Difference is that 200 is only a RGB Bulb and 220 is a RGB Bulb and Temperatures Bulb in one Device.

But why is a direct REST call working?
Doesn’t OpenHAB use the REST API of Hue as well?

Hi. May i ask why you use the Hue binding (Philips) with the Ikea bulb in the first place? I just curious because i just bought me a Philips Hue starter kit and it would be great if i could expand the Philips Hue system with cheaper Ikea bulbs if possible.

I don’t know.

I have checked the HUE API Call … the Color won’t change , only the brightness work for me.

Because the IKEA Gateway is buggy and crashes … HUE Bulbs are to Expensive for the Benefit

Ok. Thanks for the tip.

Hi. May i ask why you use the Hue binding (Philips) with the Ikea bulb in the first place?

At first I tried the Tradfri binding but it didn’t work at all, then I bought a Hue bridge and it has so much more functionality. It has a RESTS API, the App is much better and so on…

And the biggest fail of Tradfri: You can’t add more than one Remote per lightbulb/group…
in sum: Tradfri isn’t a smarthome system. It’s a system to control some items in your home via remote, but there is nothing “smart” in this system.

Have you sent a PUT request? It doesn’t work via GET…
I used PHP to send the request and it worked fine.

The Command is send … but the Color don’t change

According to the Norwegian Ikea cite this bulb is supposed to support colour temperature and white color temperature. I suspect this bulb should be identified as a category 0210 Zigbe device (Extended Colour Light). Take a look at page 24 in the ZigBee Light Link User Guide
If this is the case it would be a firmware problem with the bulb itself wouldn’t it?


Hmmmm… you didn’t set the color mode, maybe this is the problem of the OpenHAB binding as well…

The Hue bulbs have two color modes: XY and CIE (Hue, Saturation, and brightness). I used the XY values in my PHP framework…
If the color mode is set to XY the bulb doesn’t accept CIE values and vice versa (if I remember correctly)

I guess OpenHAB sends CIE values but if the bulb is set to XY it probably doesn’t work… to work correctly you have to set the color mode first

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It is working. I guess the binding does not support the color mode XY.

You’re right… But I guess it’s a problem of hue and/or Tradfri. I tried the HS (CIE) mode and it’s seem to be not working. Only XY mode… And I guess openHAB is using HS, and that’s why it is not working with Tradfri lamps…

But well, just a theory…

Do you use Philipps lightbulbs or Tradfri also?

Only Tradfri.

I order a innr RGB for Testing with Hue Bridge.

I think the Tradfri Bulbs only support XY not hs…
The Phillips Bulbs support both.
The Binding only hs.

Hi all,

would you be so kind to file an issue in That would be very much appreciated. Maybe someone starts working on it. If I remember correctly there are some special ways in the binding to deal with Osram Lightify bulbs connected to the Hue Bridge. I’m pretty sure this approach can be adopted to handle Tradfri functionality.