I’m running OpenHAB 4.1.2 on Linux and recently noticed the behavior for some of my existing rules has changed for Hue lights.
I have some Hue Play lightbars which I’ve been controlling using the Color channel. Using Rules DSL commands like the following would bring the lights from off to a specific colour and brightness.
Living_Room_Play_Lamp_1_Dimmer.send(new HSBType(new DecimalType(41), new PercentType(54), new PercentType(90)))
Living_Room_Play_Lamp_2_Dimmer.send(new HSBType(new DecimalType(41), new PercentType(54), new PercentType(90)))
the items themselves are defined as follows:
Color Living_Room_Play_Lamp_1_Dimmer {channel="hue:0210:001788a0e258:8:color"}
Color Living_Room_Play_Lamp_2_Dimmer {channel="hue:0210:001788a0e258:7:color"}
Recently I’ve found the rules commands no longer turn ON the light and in addition to this, I need to send a ON
My bridge is using firmware version 1965111030
which appears capable of CLIPv2 but the Things appear to still be using v1.
What is best practice in this case? Did the behaviour of Hue change intentionally in a release notes that I missed?