HUSBZB Zigbee setup

What have you tried already? Have you put the OH account into the tty and dialout groups? You may need the EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS set too (mine didn’t).

Well, the saga continues. I had some free time tonight so I downloaded a new openHABian file and re-flashed with Etcher, and set everything up with the stick, and lo and behold Zigbee and Zwave are both working on the Raspberry Pi now as well. Now I guess I just have to get all my devices added. It is able to find and add my Zigbee devices fine, but the status gets stuck at Offline: Node has not completed discovery, and doesn’t move any further. The devices are the Lowes Iris door contact sensors and Lowes Iris motions sensors.
I haven’t had any luck adding my Zwave devices yet. It won’t even find any of them, but I’m worried that’s because they’re still paired to me dead Vera controller.

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So I have one Zwave switch that’s giving me grief. It’s an Evolve LRM-AS. I was able to add it to the HUSBZB stick that didn’t fully work, but now I can’t add it to my new stick that works. I think it might still be attached to the old stick (which I’ve already sent back). What can I do to reset the switch and add it to my new network?

Set your controller (any controller will work, so not an issue that old controller is gone) into Exclusion mode and then do the same for the device (typically the same process as inclusion). Habmin> Configuration> Things> select controller> Tools> Advanced settings> Excluded devices.

Thanks for all the help so far… Here is where I am at - OH account is in dialout and tty groups. I have added


and created this udev rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/99-server.rules

KERNEL=="ttyAMA0", ATTRS{interface}=="HubZ ZigBee Com Port", SYMLINK+="ttyAMA0", GROUP='dialout', MODE="0666"

here is my

dmesg -T|grep tty
[Tue Jul  3 16:18:05 2018] console [tty1] enabled
[Tue Jul  3 16:18:05 2018] 3f201000.serial: ttyAMA0 at MMIO 0x3f201000 (irq = 87, base_baud = 0) is a PL011 rev2
[Tue Jul  3 16:18:08 2018] usb 1-1.1.3: cp210x converter now attached to ttyUSB0
[Tue Jul  3 16:18:08 2018] usb 1-1.1.3: cp210x converter now attached to ttyUSB1

openhab will only let me choose AMA0 for the zigbee controller… cant select usb1 - only usb0 and AMA0 are availale.

I’m not sure why you are trying to use /dev/ttyAMA0, when they are on /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1. I didn’t realize this is a dropdown and not a text field… kind of sounds like a bug, but there was recent work on autodetecting USB devices. On mine, I can see all of the ports. Did you install the Zigbee binding through PaperUI, which version of OH, and is it a recent openHABian? A recent snapshot build may work better for you. The Zigbee binding will definitely be better, and you’d be able to update it to get future fixes without waiting for a release. Have you restarted the entire device?

Once the port is sorted, you’ll also need to configure the coordinator baud and flow control like this…

This should work for you…

If you use standard naming for the ports in the udev rule, you shouldn’t need any EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS set. If not, add both ports in case you want to get Zwave going too.

When you installed and set up openHABian, did you change anything using openhab-config? When I was messing around with stuff, there was an option that ended up changing my devices from USB0 and USB1 to AMA0 and USB0 - which wouldn’t let the HUSBZB work properly.

How can I get debug logs. Something I done wrong.

Enter the command in the Karaf console…

The zigbee binding does a LOT of logging, so make sure to set it back to WARN when you are done troublehooting. Also, you will need the log the libraries…

log:set DEBUG com.zsmartsystems.zigbee
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Hello, I have had the Same Issues as Described in this thread, I’ve just tried to implement the zigbee controller In OpenHab, I am running windows 10 and I have downloaded the Drivers as in this post and others, and I can’t get it to go Past “Status: Unknown” I was thinking maybe a firmware issue, but as stated already, that seems Quite unlikely. there a couple things that reading though this post and trying to work though this for the better part of day.

I am wondering if the Driver form, are the issue, the Driver was updated in May, looking at the driver properties it is dated 5-23-2018 Driver version: so this Post was started in june, then on top of that, when Jered6323 Installed on windows 7? that seemed to work, Probably a slightly different driver for win7. I don’t have a good reason as to why it didn’t work in Linux or the RaspberryPi (I have not yet tired either of those options)

Anyway, I’m wondering if someone has an older version of the Silabs Driver we could try and see if that helps with these issues.

I will try to boot up a windows 7 PC to see if mine will work in that environment or not. but if anyone has an older driver to try. I’m hoping that might help.

This thread is quite long with lots of reports - can you be specific about what your problem is please?

Also, what version of the binding are you using?

The initial Issue that was Posted, OpenHab Doesn’t Talk to the controller, the status of the controller is always “Unknown” how ever the Zwave portion works fine. I have tried Many different Com Port setting.

I started trying with OpenHab2.2 Downloaded with PaperUI, I don’t know if there is a More Specific Version number for the Zigbee Binding… i have also tried 2.3 and i am not running on the most current build of 2.4 Build 1409. I have also tried on a couple PCs, but all are running windows 10.

I Will try on a windows 7 PC today, I also wonder if Maybe windows 10 had an update that changed something…

here are my debug logs and Event logs:

2018-11-04 07:38:05.444 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zigbee.ember    ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.openhab.binding.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeCoordinatorHandler}={, service.bundleid=227, service.scope=singleton} - org.openhab.binding.zigbee.ember
2018-11-04 07:38:05.444 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.zigbee.ember    ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.binding.firmware.FirmwareUpdateHandler}={, service.bundleid=227, service.scope=singleton} - org.openhab.binding.zigbee.ember
2018-11-04 07:38:05.475 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.ember.handler.EmberHandler] - Initializing ZigBee Ember serial bridge handler.
2018-11-04 07:38:05.475 [DEBUG] [bee.handler.ZigBeeCoordinatorHandler] - Initializing ZigBee network [zigbee:coordinator_ember:78d7c7f7].
2018-11-04 07:38:05.475 [DEBUG] [bee.handler.ZigBeeCoordinatorHandler] - Channel 11
2018-11-04 07:38:05.475 [DEBUG] [bee.handler.ZigBeeCoordinatorHandler] - PANID XXXXXx
2018-11-04 07:38:05.475 [DEBUG] [bee.handler.ZigBeeCoordinatorHandler] - EPANID XXXXXX
2018-11-04 07:38:05.475 [DEBUG] [bee.handler.ZigBeeCoordinatorHandler] - Network Key XXXXXX
2018-11-04 07:38:05.475 [DEBUG] [bee.handler.ZigBeeCoordinatorHandler] - Link Key XXXXX
2018-11-04 07:38:05.475 [DEBUG] [bee.handler.ZigBeeCoordinatorHandler] - Network Key String XXXXXX
2018-11-04 07:38:05.475 [DEBUG] [bee.handler.ZigBeeCoordinatorHandler] - Network key final array XXXXXXX
2018-11-04 07:38:05.475 [DEBUG] [bee.handler.ZigBeeCoordinatorHandler] - Link Key String XXXXXXXX
2018-11-04 07:38:05.475 [DEBUG] [bee.handler.ZigBeeCoordinatorHandler] - Link key final array XXXXXXXX
2018-11-04 07:38:05.506 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.ember.handler.EmberHandler] - ZigBee Ember Coordinator opening Port:'COM3' PAN:56be, EPAN:XXXXXx, Channel:11
2018-11-04 07:38:05.506 [DEBUG] [bee.handler.ZigBeeCoordinatorHandler] - Scheduling ZigBee start
2018-11-04 07:38:06.514 [DEBUG] [bee.handler.ZigBeeCoordinatorHandler] - ZigBee network starting
2018-11-04 07:38:06.514 [DEBUG] [bee.handler.ZigBeeCoordinatorHandler] - Initialising ZigBee coordinator
2018-11-04 07:38:06.514 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - Adding supported cluster 1280
2018-11-04 07:38:06.514 [DEBUG] [com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNode ] - ClusterMatcher starting
2018-11-04 07:38:06.545 [DEBUG] [com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNode ] - ClusterMatcher adding cluster IAS_ZONE
2018-11-04 07:38:06.545 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - Adding supported cluster 25
2018-11-04 07:38:06.545 [DEBUG] [com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNode ] - ClusterMatcher adding cluster OTA_UPGRADE
2018-11-04 07:38:06.545 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - EZSP dongle initialize with protocol ASH2.
2018-11-04 07:38:06.545 [DEBUG] [ding.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeSerialPort] - Connecting to serial port [COM3] at 57600 baud, flow control FLOWCONTROL_OUT_XONOFF.
2018-11-04 07:38:07.782 [DEBUG] [com.zsmartsystems.zigbee            ] - BundleEvent STARTING - com.zsmartsystems.zigbee
2018-11-04 07:38:07.798 [DEBUG] [com.zsmartsystems.zigbee            ] - BundleEvent STARTED - com.zsmartsystems.zigbee
2018-11-04 07:38:07.798 [DEBUG] [m.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongle.cc2531] - BundleEvent STARTING - com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongle.cc2531
2018-11-04 07:38:07.798 [DEBUG] [m.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongle.cc2531] - BundleEvent STARTED - com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongle.cc2531
2018-11-04 07:38:07.814 [DEBUG] [om.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongle.ember] - BundleEvent STARTING - com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongle.ember
2018-11-04 07:38:07.814 [DEBUG] [om.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongle.ember] - BundleEvent STARTED - com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongle.ember
2018-11-04 07:38:07.814 [DEBUG] [smartsystems.zigbee.dongle.telegesis] - BundleEvent STARTING - com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongle.telegesis
2018-11-04 07:38:07.814 [DEBUG] [smartsystems.zigbee.dongle.telegesis] - BundleEvent STARTED - com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongle.telegesis
2018-11-04 07:38:07.814 [DEBUG] [com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongle.xbee] - BundleEvent STARTING - com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongle.xbee
2018-11-04 07:38:07.814 [DEBUG] [com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongle.xbee] - BundleEvent STARTED - com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongle.xbee
2018-11-04 07:38:08.627 [DEBUG] [ding.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeSerialPort] - Serial port [COM3] is initialized.
2018-11-04 07:38:08.643 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - AshFrameHandler thread started
2018-11-04 07:38:08.643 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameRst []
2018-11-04 07:38:08.705 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - ASH: TX EZSP queue: 1
2018-11-04 07:38:10.305 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameRst []
2018-11-04 07:38:12.145 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameRst []
2018-11-04 07:38:13.784 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameRst []
-----   Continues to Repete this line every couple Seconds. -------
2018-11-04 07:39:31.551 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameRst []

Events log:

2018-11-04 07:38:05.490 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'zigbee:coordinator_ember:78d7c7f7' changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING
2018-11-04 07:38:05.506 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'zigbee:coordinator_ember:78d7c7f7' changed from INITIALIZING to UNKNOWN
2018-11-04 07:38:10.301 [nt.FirmwareStatusInfoEvent] - Firmware status of thing zigbee:coordinator_ember:78d7c7f7 changed to UNKNOWN.

I have Setup a windows 7 PC, and Transfers over My OpenHab, and after Re-adding the Ember Controller, it Came Online with no Issues.

Then I put back into My windows 10 Laptop, and Re-added the Ember controller, and now that came online with no issues on windows10.

I don’t know if there is some sort of Initialing issue with windows 10 and the new Silabs Driver?? but the Windows 7/Driver Combo must do something.

Note: I did enable “Reset Controller” when I added it to openhab on the windows 7 PC. under “Show More” but I did that many times with windows 10 too…

I have not put this back on My Production windows10 Box yet, I’ll do that shortly and try to connect some Zigbee Devices and let you know how it goes.

So, I have Added it to My Main OpenHab Controller, I did have to reset some Serial port settings and re-add the Ember Controller, but I’m pretty sure that is because I Was going crazy trying to get things to work earlier. I had issues trying to Connect the bulbs, but that was a Range issue, once I moved the Lights closer to the controller they seem to work fine. now I just need to find some Good repeaters for the Zigbee network to extend the range. thanks for all the input in this thread, ultimately, I don’t think I would have dug out a Windows 7 PC to test…

I’m using an installation of OpenHAB 2.4.0 that has just come out, with com.zsmartsystems.zigbee version 1.1.6 and the ZigBee bindings at version 2.4.0. I’m adding a HUSBSB stick as this thread is about, and I’ve made the changes to EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS on this system (Fedora 29) in /etc/default/openhab. I’ve tried to add the stick using both 57600 with software flow control and 115200 with hardware flow control - neither way is working. The interface in both PaperUI and HABmin say “OFFLINE - COMMUNICATION_ERROR”. Here’s the log of these attempts - which includes a restart of the relevant bindings via karaf. Is there something I’m overlooking?
openhab.log (173.7 KB)

I have the HUSBZB Zigbee working in my system with hardware flow control at 57600. Maybe you could try that?

This is what you’ll need. We’re using Fedora 28 (with HUSBZB-1) and needed to compile nrjavaserial with liblockdev to get it working. My wife did a blog for this. If you check journalctl, you will likely see errors about lock files. Although, it’s possible this has been corrected in recent builds.

I can’t believe with all of my searching I didn’t stumble upon her blog. That’s good stuff; however, I’m not sure that I’m experiencing the same thing for two reasons:

  1. There’s nothing in journalctl (or any of the logs) regarding a lock file issue
  2. I have a Z-Wave Stick (Aeon Labs) working fine with the z-wave binding on /dev/ttyACM0
    It appears that the openhab-2.4.0 RPM provides /usr/share/openhab2/runtime/system/com/neuronrobotics/nrjavaserial/3.14.0/nrjavaserial-3.14.0.jar, which is the artifact that blog helps produce.

Any other ideas, or anything else anyone could suggest I look into? For what it’s worth, I think by adding my openhab user to the “dialout” group, it’s not using lockdev but bypassing it entirely.
(P.S. @5iver - your wife’s blog is a fantastic read - please pass along my appreciation and compliments!)

:smile: There are a few good ones in there. She’s much more adept at Linux than I am… and documentation sounds too much like work for me!

If your zstick is working (why not use the HUSBZB for zwave too?), then this does not look to be your problem, so I’ll definitely need to test again. I should have looked at your log first… there looks to be serial communications with the stick, and the binding actually gets the stack info…

RX EZSP: EzspVersionResponse [protocolVersion=4, stackType=2, stackVersion=5410]

… so you have the right port and all, but after this…

2018-12-19 15:18:32.052 [DEBUG] [com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongle.ember.EmberNcp    ] - Error during retrieval of security parameters: EzspGetCurrentSecurityStateResponse [status=EMBER_NOT_JOINED, state=EmberCurrentSecurityState [bitmask=[], trustCenterLongAddress=0001000000030000]]

… it seems to shutdown. Hopefully @chris can take a look!

Try initialising the network - there is an option in the configuration to initialise the network and it doesn’t look like the network has initialised (at least not in this log).