HUSBZB Zigbee setup

This is likely because there aren’t any.

As I said above, you can’t upgrade the firmware before you have a working communications link. You also can’t find out what version of the firmware you have, or any other attributes, until you have a working communications link as the binding is unable to get this information until it can communicate with the device.

what bundle is “s.zigbee.dongle.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler”? Maybe we didnt install that?

That is in com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.dongle.ember. This is installed along with the Zigbee binding when installed through PaperUI. You’ll see it if you run list |grep -i zig in Karaf.

Well, I feel totally defeated. Raspberry Pi arrived today, so I went through everything and got it set up and running OpenHABian, and plugged the HUSBZB-1 stick in. Got Zwave up and running no problem. Went and tried to add Zigbee, and am still getting the same error I was on Windows with the status staying as Unknown. The only thing I can think of now is that this stick is bad and I need to return it. Any other ideas or thoughts?

Right there with you… same thing on my end. If you read the topic I started 5iver gave a suggestion on udev rules… I may try that this weekend… need to figure out exactly how to create the rule… but will get to it soon

I just put this into /etc/udev/rules.d/99-server.rules (the location for your syste may be different)…

KERNEL==“ttyUSB[0-9]", ATTRS{interface}==“HubZ Z-Wave Com Port”, SYMLINK+=“ttyUSB-5”, GROUP=“dialout”, MODE="0666"
KERNEL=="ttyUSB[0-9]”, ATTRS{interface}==“HubZ ZigBee Com Port”, SYMLINK+=“ttyUSB-55”, GROUP=“dialout”, MODE=“0666”

Did you add the openhab account to the dialout and tty groups? Are your logs any different?

A couple days ago, I deleted the zigbee jars in my addons folder and installed through PaperUI, in order to get the latest. I’ve been having trouble losing control of my devices. The latest version in Cloudbees is actually a couple versions behind, so I downloaded the latest and my issues are gone. If your still having no luck, you could try them out, or maybe @chris could update what is on Cloudbees (1.0.11 vs 1.0.13).

I tried to add openhab to those groups and it reported that it was already a member of both groups.
I installed the Zigbee add-on through PaperUI, since I hadn’t installed HABmin yet, so I’m assuming I have the latest.

I noticed on the doc you linked that it recommends allowing the java environment access to connected peripherals on linux systems. Does this apply to OpenHABian as well? If so, for future use, is there anyway to edit system files remotely, instead of going and pulling the SD card out and editing on another system?

There are some Samba shares that openHABian sets up. You can also ssh in and access whatever you’d like. The openHABian docs go over this.

That’s the thing… you have the latest that is in the distro, but there is a more recent version, and it definitely works better for me. Don’t know if it will resolve your issue though. You’d need to uninstall Zigbee, restart OH, and then drop the files into the addons directory. You can download the OH files (org.openhab.binding.zigbee.jar and org.openhab.binding.zigbee.ember.jar) from Cloudbees, but the Zsmartsystems files are here. You’ll need com.zsmartsystems.zigbee and com.zsmartsystems.dongle.ember. The JFrog site is not easy to navigate, so let me know if you have trouble finding them.

Looked right past the Samba section - got that all squared away now, thanks.

I think I found the correct files, 4 in total, and put them in the addons directory after uninstalling the previous zigbee bindings, and restarting openHAB. A new binding showed up so I believe I did it properly, however the same end result came about, with status staying at Unknown.

This is looking like they’ve updated the firmware and it is currently incompatible, or more likely, a hardware issue. :frowning_face:

Unfortunately I’m thinking the same. I would think since it’s been discontinued by Nortek that an updated firmware wouldn’t be the issue, but multiple people are having issues so I wouldn’t rule it out. I’ll be contacting the seller I bought it from on Amazon tomorrow to try and get a replacement, in case it’s a hardware fault.

As I said earlier, I think this is very unlikely. The firmware used is the standard Silabs firmware (Silabs manufacture the Ember chipsets) and I have tested with versions from 5.2 to the current version which is 6.3 - the binding works with them all. When a new version comes out, I test it, but the protocol is very stable so really I don’t expect issues.

The only thing to be mindful of is there are two “subversions” - one that uses software flow control and runs at 57k6, and the other that uses hardware flow control and runs at 115k2. I think I mentioned this earlier already, but it’s worth trying if you haven’t already.

I think it’s extremely unlikely that Nortel would have created their own firmware that is not compatible with the basic communications protocols used by Silabs.

Sorry - I missed this post…

This confirms my earlier suspicion that the device is not responding - or at least that it’s not sending anything back to the binding.

One possible issue that comes to mind is if there’s some sort of serial port latency issue and the driver sends data before the port is really open. I don’t really see how that can happen since I would assume that the open port command only returns when the port is open and after that we’re free to send, but if the dongle misses the reset command, then it will stall if the dongle doesn’t respond.

I might look to see if I can add a retry mechanism at this stage to overcome this possibility and see if that helps.

I gave up and ordered a Telegesis stick. @chris recommended this and i missed it :frowning:

So, the story gets a little more complicated.

I got a new stick from a different online retailer, created a new install on my Raspberry Pi, and went through everything to set it up. Same results - status stayed at unknown. Super frustrated at this point, I had one last idea, and fired up an old Windows 7 computer I had in the closet. Plugged the stick in, installed the Windows 7 drivers for the stick, and created a new OpenHAB install. Add the Zigbee binding, create the thing, and after about 15 seconds it comes up as Online.

I’m completely confused, and have no idea why it worked. Now, how do I go about figuring out why it won’t work on the Pi?

Very odd, indeed! Are you installing OH yourself on the Pi or using openHabian (sorry if you already mentioned this)?

My only suggestion is that there’s a timing issue. I have added a retry mechanism to the initialisation of the Ember, so this may help, but at the moment it’s not included in the binding and I probably won’t get it added for another couple of weeks as Kai is on holiday.

I could build a driver and you could try installing it manually if you are happy to do this?

@5iver I installed using openHabian.

@chris I’d be happy to give it a try.

Also worth noting I suppose, is that I was able to get it working in Windows 10 as well now. So there was definitely something weird/faulty with the old stick.