Hyperion binding - looking for testers

Hello together,

i have installed a Hyperion server on another PI4, Hyperion Binding 2.5 on Openhab 2.5.

I can control Hyperion, but I have a problem that the clear-channel does not work. I tried “50” and “ALL” both commands don’t work


Thing hyperion:serverV1:nextcloudpi "Hyperion Server" @ "Wohnzimmer"[ host="myip-adress", port=19444, priority=50, poll_frequency=15 ]


String	whz_hyperion_clear			"Prio löschen"										(gHyper)		{channel="hyperion:serverV1:nextcloudpi:clear"}

I get no error in Log
If I adjust the color change, the brightness … everything works

Easy installation is possible by using pre-compiled packages from github like this:

wget https://github.com/hyperion-project/hyperion.ng/releases/download/2.0.0-alpha.5/Hyperion-2.0.0-alpha.5-Linux-armv7hf-rpi.deb
dpkg -i ./Hyperion-2.0.0-alpha.5-Linux-armv7hf-rpi.deb

Hi, thanks for the info.

Last week I found this post on the Hyperion forum. I installed Hyperion NG a couple of days ago and it’s working fine on my PI, with LibreElec.

I did not tried NG with the Hyperion binding, I think it can be controlled with simple http calls also?

I just saw the binding also supports kodichecker, but I don’t find this option in the Webgui of Hyperion NG

so in case somebody is still looking for a list of the default effects:

    Selection item=Hyperion_Effect mappings=[
      'Cinema brighten lights'='Cinema brighten lights',
      'Cinema dim lights'='Cinema dim lights',
      'Knight rider'='Knight rider',
      'Blue mood blobs'='Blue mood blobs',
      'Cold mood blobs'='Cold mood blobs',
      'Full color mood blobs'='Full color mood blobs',
      'Green mood blobs'='Green mood blobs',
      'Red mood blobs'='Red mood blobs',
      'Warm mood blobs'='Warm mood blobs',
      'Police Lights Single'='Police Lights Single',
      'Police Lights Solid'='Police Lights Solid',
      'Rainbow mood'='Rainbow mood',
      'Rainbow swirl fast'='Rainbow swirl fast',
      'Rainbow swirl'='Rainbow swirl',
      'Running dots'='Running dots',
      'System Shutdown'='System Shutdown',
      'Sparks Color'='Sparks Color',
      'Strobe blue'='Strobe blue',
      'Strobe Raspbmc'='Strobe Raspbmc',
      'Strobe white'='Strobe white',
      'Color traces'='Color traces',

I also created a PR to add it to the readme: https://github.com/openhab/openhab-addons/pull/8135


In Hyperion NG you can define multiple instances. Is it possible to add this to the binding? So I can start/stop an extra instance?


I am struggling a little bit with hyperion (ng)

I am using it as a USB Grabber for my TV. But I also want to use some effects when TV is off.

So my default priority is USB Grabber with prio code 100.
When I now change the effect in openhab there is one other entry in hyperion ng with prio 240 for the effect. But this effect is not selected as a source in hyperion ng. It stays at the source of my grabber.

Is there a possibility to say: When HyperionEffect changes select this priority directly as a source or is there the possibility to say: change effect and then a rule when effect is changed that i can say: priority 240 is now my source for the leds?

In Hyperion a lower number means a higher priority, so if you set your effect to e.g. prio 50 it should overrule the USB grabber and your effect should be showing up.

But there is no channel where I can specify which priority my effect has or am I wrong?

Yes you can. You define the priority of all openhab requests in the thing definition, e.g. example from above

Thing hyperion:serverV1:nextcloudpi “Hyperion Server” @ “Wohnzimmer”[ host=“myip-adress”, port=19444, priority=50, poll_frequency=15 ]