I edit addons.cfg in services ; it changes but it does not effect on openhab server

package = expert

binding = amazonechocontrol,samsungtv,weather1,openweathermap,panasonictv1,knx,zwave,lgwebos,modbus,network,ntp,plclogo,fatekplc1,serial1,siemensrds,snmp,tcp1,zigbee,icloud,icalendar,cbus,chromecast

ui = basic,paper,habpanel

persistence = jpa , mysql , jdbc-mysql,rrd4j,mapdb

when i edit these lines , for example when i change
ui = basic,paper,habpanel,habmin
ui = basic,paper,habpanel
habmin did not remove in my ui panel.
and i have this problem with bindings and i cant remove or install a new one… what should i do?

IMHO this file is used only when starting openHAB.

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what should i do know? clean addons.cfg and install bindings in paper ui?

Installing and deinstalling other bindings ( not set in addons.cfg) should have been possible ( at least such works for me).
What do the logs say when you try to install a different addon?

i dont know how to see logs…
when i try to install a binding from paper ui , it did not install

The logs on MY system are to be found in folder /var/log/openhab2/, but that might not be the same on your system. You’d better read Here

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2020-12-07 17:01:42.757 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing ‘openhab-binding-mqtt’: Error:

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