I mean seriously, this community is one of the best I’ve seen.
Yes there are people which are pain in the ass (like me), but whomever wants some help, usually it’s given.
OH is great piece of software and I’m very glad to be here.
Yes, it’s not that easy as HA, but as well it’s by far more flexible than HA ever will be (and speaking as someone who tried both).
OH is no.1
You and me both. There is room for improvement in ease of use and, especially, ease of upgrading to minimize breakage.
OpenHAB has existed longer than Home Assistant. (10 years vs 6 years)
We even have a very dedicated space engineer developing our Zigbee and Z-Wave bindings!
HA is 6 years old and still is a 0.x version?
Yeah. V1 to them is when its installation is simplified for a beginner so that out of the box they can get it going.
It really does not matter how old is something. One piece of sotfware can be super usefull even first year. It’s not about that.
Firstly HA is more like apple, it just do some hings flawlessly (and please be realistic, it does) but you have to play by HA rules all the time otherwise it’s not that friendly.
OH is more like linux, yes way more complicated, but when you learn basics and you can use google a bit, you can achieve WAY WAY WAY more.
You must admit they are a whole lot closer to that than OH. I recently took another look.
I use Steinberg Cubase, DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)… It´s latest version is 10.5. It started 30 years ago I have been using it from the start when I used Atari computers.
Openhab have to step up, otherweise it end up beeing version 9.xx after 30 years
Depends what’s you’re after, if you mean for discovered items and getting a system going yes. THey’re changing really quickly…but they tend to have a breaking change each release and they rearchitect things.
But short of moving to an external rule engine they have (called appdaemon - which is python), I find their automations to less intuitive than OH…even though it’s plain language for most of it. But that’s me as a coder so that’s my IMO.

but they tend to have a breaking change each release and they rearchitect things.
Just like OpenHAB HA sometimes releases a patch the same day though.

Openhab have to step up, otherweise it end up beeing version 9.xx after 30 years
Version is just a number PuTTY, one of my most useful tools, is great at version 0.73 after 21 years.
I use putty too and have been using it for something that feels like a lifetime.
It´s actually quite amazing there are tools and software beeing able to stay active and beeing developed this long. Even 10 years for openhab is quite amazing.

I use Steinberg Cubase, DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)… It´s latest version is 10.5. It started 30 years ago…
Openhab have to step up, otherweise it end up beeing version 9.xx after 30 years
Yes I have been using Cubase and Logic Audio (now called garage band) just as long due to getting industry copies. Apple purchase Logic and closed it to PC users like me… The things we don’t have to worry about since this is Opensource software, no need to release another version to get upgrade profits to pay wages with and no concern a company will get sold and closed down.

The things we don’t have to worry about since this is Opensource software, no need to release another version to get upgrade profits to pay wages with and no concern a company will get sold and closed down.
Agree. But people could loose interest due to many reasons. Opensource need people with interest.

Agree. But people could loose interest due to many reasons
Sometimes when that happens the project gets forked by another group of interested people. That happened to SleepyHead CPAP software that is now OSCAR.
I have bought software in the past only to find it discontinued due to commercial decisions despite there still being a large interest. With open source things continue to develop as long as there is enough interest.
Also with open source software like openHAB I find I can have more direct input in the development direction in return for me doing some testing. That’s nice but it also has a big downside if the developer looses interest and my and others time spent testing is potentially wasted; as seems to have happened with my most important binding here.
I have a nagging and probably crazy thought… Has it ever happened before that commercial companies ‘interfered’ with a developer and the work they do here. I mean, if a openHAB binding has a direct impact on a companies operations and aspirations then they might be tempted to do something about it!

Has it ever happened before that commercial companies ‘interfered’ with a developer and the work they do here.
Yes and vice versa. I was at BCX20 (Bosch Hackathon) and talked to the team behind Bosch-SmartHome who wanted to work with openHAB in the start (like 3 years ago) but Bosch did not like it and made it proprietary.
And now at BCX20 they wanted feedback / improvement to their REST-API which they “open-sourced” 3 weeks ago.
A real bummer for openHAB and the developers behind Bosch-SmartHome since I truly believe both partys would have benefited from that work.

I use putty too and have been using it for something that feels like a lifetime.
since windows does have ubuntu, there is really no need of having putty that much. It’s way more convenient to have linux shell near by

since windows does have ubuntu, there is really no need of having putty that much. It’s way more convenient to have linux shell near by
WSL is actually something good on Windows, but using it only for SSH it’s basically a workaround for their bad CMD/Powershell
But yes I would recommend any openHAB Windows user to install WSL since you can use it as a full CMD/Powershell alternative.
Even the git bash for Windows has it’s own problems which can be negated with WSL.
Also the integration with VS-CODE is really good.

since windows does have ubuntu
I find it abit easier to just use Putty, even though I could do the same from the shell (command promt).
As for getting a ubuntu onto Windows (or visa versa)… I dont think thats the way I would be going… Simply too much hassle for this